Two trees were growing in Paradise that are found nowhere else. The gods jealously watch over these precious trees among all. The first tree gives the knowledge of good and evil. Munching the fruit of this tree, poor Eve got kicked out of Paradise. What has not disgusted her to bite the apple. It is a tree of enlightenment, consideriong its name. We imagine a hallucinogenic drug.

The second unique tree is called the tree of life. I always thought that this precious tree gave a fruit giving the soma, famous drink of immortality. Soma is the Hindi name. The Greeks called ambrosia. The Celts got mead, another drink of the gods. It seems that this tree of life not only gave longevity, but also intense hallucinations and visions. Once more !! Certainly, from the origin of women, it is only a question of getting high.


Very ancient Egypt

In Egypt grows a tree that is not unique, but that was sacred in antiquity. Egypt is built on an incredibly ancient civilization. Egyptian chronicles recount its history, without interruption, since the melting of large glaciers 12,000 years ago until the last pharaohs of Greek origin, Ptolemy, including the famous Cleopatra.

Egyptian society had an elite of very spiritual internalized beings, with a complex system of beliefs and a representation of reality higher and more effective than ours, a representation of reality that our materialistic science would call magic.

Spirituality played a dominant role in the lives of the Egyptian elite, as seen in the murals or papyrus fragments that have survived. These images often show the tree of life. Some researchers wanted to recognize the Acacia nilotica. This hallucinogenic plant grows in abundance along the Nile: its psychic powers were honored by Egyptian priests.


Egypt and the acacia

The Nile acacia is a must in Egyptian mythology. Under its antlers were born the first gods of Egypt. Osiris too was born of an Acacia nilotica.

Legend has it that the god Osiris lives in the spirit of all acacias. Amazon shamans who take ayahuasca speak of “the spirit of the mother” that guides them in their trip. The mother is Pachamama is White Buffalo Woman is Hathor is Gaia. The ancient Egyptians used the Nile acacia for enlightenment and talking to the gods. Their spiritual guide was not Hathor or Isis, but Osiris. He got his function of psychopompe, as god of the underworld and rebirth. Osiris with his consort Isis presides enlightenment, which is the true rebirth of the spirit, more important than the birth of the flesh.

Acacia nilotica contains an active ingredient alkaloid, the Dimethyltryptamine, or DMT. This molecule is known of dreams’ fishermen; DMT trips are said to be intense spiritual experiences. This is the alkaloid of Ayahuasca, used in shamanic rituals in the Amazon and elsewhere.

I can imagine easily a crowd of young morons -and old nuts- rushing on this new paradise-for-all. Warning: these powerful alkaloids are dangerous; the merchants of dreams often provide nightmare instead. 

If you love life, avoid this crap.



The way of ecstasy

My point was just to show how present the sacred acacia was in Genesis. Like the Egyptians, the Hebreuw priests seemed to enjoy this ecstasy. The case of Moses on Mount Sinai gains an increased reality. I told the story elsewhere already, so I summed up in two words. An Israeli professor, Ben Shannon, thinks Moses was stoned when Yahweh gave him the Tablets of the Law. Don’t laugh, prof Shannon is probably not far from the truth. All ancient civilizations had only one concern: enlightenment. They were all looking for the clear inner light that is said to be the abode of the gods.

In the Bible, the burning bush before Moses was an Acacia nilotica. This is not surprising because we still find this acacia in the Jordan Valley and the Sinai desert, with three different subspecies, containing all of the DMT. In Judaism, Acacia is sacred. It has been used as a construction material in all the temples at all times. The ark of the covenant was made of Acacia nilotica covered with solid gold plates.

Like all our current religions, Judaism was influenced by the DMT and its connection to the “spirit world.” In Mecca before Islam, the goddess was also identified in Acacia nilotica. Her old religion was entirely consistent with the Egyptian beliefs, Celtic and Hebrew.


Jacques Cœur Palace

At Bourges in his magnificent palace, Jacques Cœur had taken care to have several trees represented by the sculptor. Some of these trees, like the date palm or flax, made direct reference to the commercial activities of the major importer.

Some other trees talk about something else. Jacques Coeur was not only a brilliant trader, more powerful than many of the kings of Europe, he was also initiated. This, incidentally, explains that. Fulcanelli spent several eloquent pages to the palace and what it expresses. According to him, Jacques Cœur was an alchemist, he devoted his life to the search for the philosopher’s stone. In its architecture and sculptures his palace reflected the steps of the great work.

This is probably why could be find our old favorite tree high on, the Nile acacia with its ball flowers. Undoubtedly, Jacques Cœur knew very well how to use it. 

Today was a bit lost sight of the hallucinogenic properties of acacia. In Freemasonry yet its worship survived in a purely symbolic way, keep calm, don’t try to imagine these venerable people in leather aprons rolling acacia joints. Though?

In any case, the facetious Professor Ben Shannon was damn right: on top of Sinai, Moses was stoned. Far out. As Shannon did assume, smashes in question was not unconnected with ayahuasca. Shannon knows what he’s talking about, he tried ayahuasca himself. 


Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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