Here are a few tips to make your conscious astral flight a success, and go further.
They’ve built this planet, they’ve taught us everything and they’re still teaching us every night
The path of yourself is a long and winding road. Make sure to go on the right direction.
Have I ever been too harsh on our Star Fathers? Act of contrition.
Whoever leaves has something in their eyes that alerts me: a dead man on probation.
Ivesus is the original model of the Saint Yves of the Bretons. He left us a few songs.
Did Merlin live in the Middle Ages or did he belong to the Bronze Age, like Gandalf?
The Zohar of the Jewish Kabbalah mentions several species of giants -- or devils
Perception is the key to ordinary magic and the key to subtle perception is the assembly point
Fifth humanity, the iron race with the heart of stone, the inhuman race of ours
Ten Blue Tigers is a cover of the tale 'Ten Bulls' which comes from Zen Buddhism.