The conception of the Britons' other world is unique: the dead and the living are not separated.
Listen my sweet friends the epic of the best of the monkeys, the strongest of the gods, Hanuman.
Racism is not a human invention, but a gift from the gods. Quite a poisoned gift ...
Dionysus is a fascinating god. Half-god by birth, but double god by his second birth.
Dionysus was born of a virgin on December 25, he was crucified and resurrected from the dead on March 25.
Introducing a new vision of the Tarot de Marseille as the fifth humanity history
The Earth has a major energy characteristic: it is traversed by a network of energy flows
Whatever I do, wherever I explore, it seems that I come up against the walls of the Jar.
Theorima lived in Greece during the 6th century BCE. I happened to be this woman in another life.