Secret Meaning Of Breton Diwan

10 years ago

How an ancient sacred language regained its youth

The Thrace of Rama

10 years ago

How can Hram mean Temple in so many languages? Hram, ie Ha Ra Ma.

Female King Hatchepsut

10 years ago

A female pharaoh who changed the world history

The Eagle’s Gift

10 years ago

The power that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle

The Nile Acacia

10 years ago

Two unique trees were growing in Paradise. A hallucinogen tree grows in Egypt. Any connexion ?

The Pharaoh of Exodus

10 years ago

What pharaoh lived the exodus of Moses and the Hebrew people? Several can pretend to the role ...

The Smithsonian Case

10 years ago

The Smithsonian Institute would have destroyed giant skeletons

The Principle of Uncertainty

10 years ago

Eden Saga does not want to expose a coherent doctrine

Selling The Sky

10 years ago

How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land?

Atlas’ Mistake?

10 years ago

Atlas failed to take off a gigantic spaceship : its fall in the Atlantic ocean causes the flood

The Missiles of Rama

10 years ago

Rockets, missiles and bombs, such is the modern and terrifying weaponry of Rama

Sufi Love Song

10 years ago

Our body made of earth is the light of heaven. The angels are jealous of our penetration.