Privilege of old age, I have low vision, I am crazy and deaf, I lose smell and taste, I have pain everywhere, rotten teeth, rare hair, belly, small legs and vaulted back. See Arcana IX the Hermit. It’s all me. Except I’m going to the future. To the tomb? Ranafout! I pass most of the non-temps in astral, where I have the piercing eye, a perfumer’s nose, the refined taste, a baby’s skin, a body of ephebe.
In astral I understand everything, I know everything, I love everything, nothing wears me, everything amuses me and whatever the subject, I excel there to perfection without the slightest notion of the thing in question. Privilege of awakening. When one has the misfortune of having experienced awakening on the late, do you think one regrets his turbulent youth? His pre-adolescent maturity? Lice and nits? Absent loves? Fairies invented? After-sales hope? Tempting follies? The innocent joys? The indecent nights? The singing evenings? The hearts you enchant? The rift and the slope? The size and the slit? Straw and mint? Mesh and rent? Nights in the tent? Life in wait?
Nothing at all! Do you think. I am too busy cherishing the present. Serenity communicative, astral flight pays me with all the trouble. And there, miracle, the Global Dream comes into play. All Wolves live this Global Dream and actively participate in it. A majority don’t remember anything … for now! Some scenes, some adventures, some discoveries are too, really too much. Not all Wolves can be aware of this, it is far beyond what they can take in the immediate future.
But nothing is lost. Nothing is distorted. Everything is transformed. Life informs you. Sooner or later, the moment will come. Memories will emerge. Great will be the emotion, I tell you, as the experience of the Wolves exceeds the limits of the conceivable. Exceeds the acceptable. Everything is delirious. True to my custom, I let the Wolves tell their memories of the Global Dream. Those who don’t remember anything may find it a dormant memory trigger.
Those who have only personal dreams may understand that without the relentless action of the pack, the exploration of their subconscious would not take place. Every night, every Wolf progresses towards the center of himself. Every night he relieves himself of a new burden that he had been carrying for a long time. Finally, finally, isn’t the discovery of your inner greatness better than an adventure, as exciting as it is? There is no greater love than that which one devotes to oneself, without selfishness, without pride, just with infinite gratitude to that or those? that allow us to live this astral and collective awakening…
I read your article this morning January 10 and it is true that even when I do not remember my dreams I feel very well when I wake up too 🙂
And the “Final Fantasy” armor reminds me of my Desert Storm dream, as you called it, with the battle against the giant: I can still see Noémie wearing the same kind of armor that is described in your article this morning! And the clandestine travellers! Almost 100! Is that why you needed 5 lieutenants?
Yes, that’s why. Five dashing auxiliaries. For an old, a hundred wanderers from limbo, it’s like throwing an old unworthy lady paragraph is dedicated to the titles of novel – movie – comic. Have fun discovering them in a heroic charge. I do not want to play the old man and the bitter, but the fantastic riding in Wonderland is hard when you are five times the age of Peter Pan.By the friend Régis Loisel, 6 volumes, editions Vents d’Ouest
We fly over the surface of a relay planet like a flying carpet and look for artifacts left by the Atlanteans. They’re hidden but apparently we found them. These are balls the size of a golf ball — several shades of blue, green, yellow tones — seeds of life to seed this planet… or others? They are used to inseminate life. That is a very clear memory.
“This morning the fleeting vision … of a large spaceship where the group was located below it. Were we in space?”
Yes, my Wolf, a very large ship, the size of the universe. Maybe more. Many thanks to you and to this other Wolf in the testimony that follows, quite fair and very moving.
“What comes back to me at first is the vision of a tree, not of leaves, of branches. Something energetic, or containing information, is electrical…
I don’t know if that’s the object of the scene that’s unfolding, but it sounds important. What is happening is a pure battle! We can say that there is fighting! We are covered, we observe, but we are not all very serene either. An atmosphere of panic, an apocalyptic setting: red sun, acid rain. There are lasers everywhere, it’s really war, an angel passes (it’s not an expression)…too late!. I don’t know if it’s Icarus, but this is a flame lance that burned him…😨😵
We’re gonna move because we’re not gonna be protected for long. A gigantic ship is slowly passing over us, I don’t know, but I have a hunch it’s retreating. Yet the thing is huge. We take the opportunity to find a passage and get on board. Quiet atmosphere, light type blue dimmed led. The group finds some calm, we are silent, underneath it was panic.
I’m trying to connect knowledge with the small group, not obvious. A quick contact with a fellow who wears a helmet or kind of helmet, I think his name is Frank ( is there a Frank among us?). In fact, I feel as though I can only make contact with Noémie. We’re going to discuss this a little separately. Not in a corner a few meters away, but thousands of miles away, for a moment. You give us the info: “We are in the hold of the ship that contains our lives!” Right above us, in this same ship, this is our world, our reality!
What a shit!…😱😰
Already not easy to learn this, but in addition I have this intuition that comes back: the ship is running away! With our realities inside! It may change the situation, what’s next ? 😰🤔🙃
I can finally turn in my bed. I felt myself grimaced several times, during my waking dream, to maintain this very particular state.
The hour after my return was a bit complicated. I have the feeling that I have been detected, with an attempt — I don’t know who or what — to erase my dream. I say to myself “I don’t want to go back to sleep right away. Otherwise, I might have forgotten my dream tomorrow. I will also have forgotten Xavier, the wolves, Noémie. Yes, because I know that the ship is moving and moving away…”
To tell you the truth, as I write these words, I’m crying.”
Contrary to what I thought during the very first flights, these intimate dreams are part of the Global Dream. Without the Wolves collective, you would not have so many facilities to explore yourself in depth, as you almost all do. Aided by the love and powerful energy of the Pack, each of you draws the fuel that allows them to explore in search of awakening.
‘Sometimes I wake up at 3:00 with a lot of energy. Once I got woken up in those hours by a big astral noise: a big bang! Many parts of myself have shown me in my dreams: I get clean! 🙏 Thanks for everything.”
This Dream is Global because it does not concern only us. Everywhere on Earth (and elsewhere?) this Dream is shared, enlarged, deepened by tens (hundreds? thousands? millions?) of explorers of the unknown who snatch from him, night after night, shreds of unprecedented knowledge.
The more this poor world falls into decay and sinks into the great anything, the more the awakened diffuse the clear light of knowledge, beyond knowledge, far beyond.
The Great Hypothesis of Slosman : under various names, Jahveh, Zeus, Ptah, Enki are one…
There are many doors to get to other worlds. Sometimes they are visible.
No matter where you are, when you pray to your god, you’ve always look at…
Some nights, you forget who you are. You don’t know the reason of being here…