
3 years ago

On the paths of high solitude / Go the warrior with uncertainty / Screaming at night

The Saying of Merlin

3 years ago

Merlin’s name comes from a 6th century prophet, Myrdinn, embellished in the Arthurian legend.

Solar Arch

3 years ago

The flying arch was the place of Osiris. This god of the gods belongs to the dawn of humanity.

Aliens Catalog

3 years ago

Pleiadians, Vegans, Centaurians, Greys, Anunna, Elohim, all they are here ...

The Saying of Marc’h

3 years ago

Ancient Celtic texts sing the praises of Rama. Here is the Dit de Marc'h, the king-horse.

Gothic And Romanesque Art

3 years ago

This opposition is not limited to the field of cathedrals' architecture : it concerns subtle energy

The Saying of Lugh

3 years ago

Lugh was the guide of the People of the Goddess, the Tuatha de Danaann, the giant cyclops.

Eyes Yoga

3 years ago

Yoga means path, its root is yoke, which constrains, enslaves. This yoga doesn't.

Ice Age

3 years ago

When a thick ice sheet covered the half of Europe, Asia and North America

The Saying of Iahn

3 years ago

Iahn the Ancestor, the oldest of the four, may have known Rama.

Four Pagan Gospels

3 years ago

Four songs of gestures praise Rama, written by four prominent heroes of Pre-Celtism.

Did you say real?

3 years ago

The quantum world is totally different. We can change all, including the past.