On the paths of high solitude / Go the warrior with uncertainty / Screaming at night
Merlin’s name comes from a 6th century prophet, Myrdinn, embellished in the Arthurian legend.
The flying arch was the place of Osiris. This god of the gods belongs to the dawn of humanity.
Pleiadians, Vegans, Centaurians, Greys, Anunna, Elohim, all they are here ...
Ancient Celtic texts sing the praises of Rama. Here is the Dit de Marc'h, the king-horse.
This opposition is not limited to the field of cathedrals' architecture : it concerns subtle energy
Lugh was the guide of the People of the Goddess, the Tuatha de Danaann, the giant cyclops.
Yoga means path, its root is yoke, which constrains, enslaves. This yoga doesn't.
Four songs of gestures praise Rama, written by four prominent heroes of Pre-Celtism.
The quantum world is totally different. We can change all, including the past.