Ancient Celtic songs praise a forgotten Christ, Rama. These are the Saying of Iahn the Ancestor; the Saying of Lugh, cyclops of the Tuatha De Danaan tribe; the Saying of Marc’h, the king-horse of Breton mythology. Here is the last pagan gospel, the Saying of Myrdinn, or Merlin.
Merlin or Myrdinn is therefore the model from which the authors of the Gospel of Matthew were inspired. Iahn gave Saint John’s, Lugh gave Saint Luke, Marc’h gave Saint Mark’s and Merlin the enchanter is an avatar of the original Myrdinn, whom the canonical gospels is Matthew’s.
Merlin’s character is probably composite. His name comes from a 6th century historical figure, Myrdinn. But it has been taken up and embellished in the Arthurian legend. All this is true. But I would add that the first Myrdinn is much earlier. He lived in the 6th millennium BC. And he would be the author of the excerpts I give below.
Myrdinn, also known as Myrddin Emrys, in Latin Merlinus Caledonensis and Merlin Sylvestris, is a character of several medieval Welsh legends, portrayed as a prophet and a «madman». He is the main source of inspiration for the character of Merlin, in the Arthurian legend.
Probably born around the year 540, Myrddin Wyllt is struck by madness after the battle of Arfderydd in 573, and takes refuge in the Caledonian forests (in Welsh Cylidd) to live there as a hermit, like a similar character, Lailoken. His twin sister is Gwendydd, Gwenddydd or Langoreth. (source)
The origin of the name of the series is the city of Camelot, with a particular spelling and spelling highlighting the initials AA of the author, and the two final T’s forcing homophony with junk.French: camelote (source)
Alexandre Astier is probably inspired by the madness of Myrdinn to compose his succulent version of Merlin the Druid of Kaamelott. Clumsy and endearing, this Merlin is the Gaston Lagaffe of the saga.
Did you know that the French word merdeshit is taken from Myrdinn? It was said marde or Middle Ages, turned merde afterwards. Why this insult? Well, you have to remember that dirty christian habit ridiculing pagan idols to eradicate worship.
Thus megaliths were Christianized from the 9th century on the orders of Charlemagne the Christian emperor. In Le Mans, a magnificent ornate menhir appeared at the entrance of the city. Pilgrims rushed there waiting for miracles. What the bishop didn’t appreciate.
He had it moved to seal it near the portal of the cathedral. A menhir is a terrestrial acupuncture needle. Placed in the exact place, it can radiate cosmo-telluric energy. Seeing and sensitive shamans have precisely defined the location of megaliths. To move it means banning any power. Did the bishops know that? If so, they didn’t care. Their goal was first and foremost to break the pagan cult. It can still be admired at the main door of the cathedral. However no energy emanates anymore from the sacred stone of the ancients.
Here are the few verses I have been able to collect so far. In purple, I added my comments.
Gap: chapters 1 to 7 missing.
8.1 O Rama, thou mighty mage, thou that readest destinies in the stars and in the wind, help me.
8.2 You have given little of your great wisdom to your son Myrdinn; I need more.
It seems that the magical powers of Merlin came from Rama. Merlin said to himself his son, probably the spiritual son. Of course Rama had many children, but the crowd of his worshipers is much larger.
8.3 Behold the galley wherein I am wandering, behold the misery that encloses me.
What kind of trouble is this? Is it the ship that allowed Merlin to cross the great river that flowed into the English Channel Valley?
8.4 Missing Verse
8.5 You have conquered the world, you have conquered heaven, you have reigned in your golden chariot, as you have reigned here below.
The Golden Chariot could be one of the many names given to Hyperborea, the great motionless vessel in the northern sky. It could also be the original constellation of rama and former gods, the Great Bear which is also called the Chariot. Note that merlin speaks of the conquest of the world: Rama did it. He also speaks of the conquest of heaven, something I did not know. Did Rama become the god of the gods? The almighty master of Alcor and the Great Bear?
8.6 You have deprived us of Your great wisdom, Your kingdom, and Your power.
8.7 You have bequeathed to us sorrow and regret.
The men have been orphaned since Rama left. The great light-ship has gone back to the distant stars and humans have only their eyes to cry. It is difficult to get used to the misery of the primitives when one has known the technological abundance.
9.1 Out of the depths of the earth I cry out to You, Rama. Why have you forsaken me?
We recognize the words of the De profundis, a Christian prayer probably borrowed from the Saying of Myrdinn.
« De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine;
Domine, exaudi vocem meam.
Fiant aures tuae intendentes
in vocem deprecationis meae.
Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine,
Domine, quis sustinebit ?
Quia apud te propitiatio est,
ut timeamus te.
Sustinui te, Domine,
sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius;
speravit anima mea in Domino
magis quam custodes auroram.
Magis quam custodes auroram
speret Israel in Domino,
quia apud Dominum misericordia,
et copiosa apud eum redemptio.
Et ipse redimet Israel
ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius. » (translation)
9.2 There is nothing like nothing here. I am alone and I am cold without You, without Your voice, without news of the Golden Chariot.
Here no ambiguity. The Golden Chariot designates Hyperborea.
9.3 What crime has been committed to make you forget us?
9.4 See my short life, see my short sight, see my useless vows.
The word vows can mean two things: the wishes or the commitment taken by the monks in pronouncing their vows.
10.1 A distant murmur is heard, but it is not Your voice.
There were no doubt other verses in this chapter. For the moment, this is all I have kept in mind.
Gap: chapters 11-13 missing.
14.1 Be thanked a thousand times, Great Rama, who makes the day, the light and the joy!
Broken tone. The tearful cries of abandonment have disappeared. Is Rama back? Or would he have just given news?
14.2 There are a thousand mouths of the forest, and the song of thanksgiving.
14.3 You have given us life, and sight, and voice.
14.4 Your love warms our hearts, our bodies and our minds.
14.5 We are no longer alone, we will never be alone in the dark and the cold.
It seems that Rama the Great is back on Terra. The supreme god has returned among the humans
14.6 Your golden light floods the northern sky again.
Yes, that’s right, doubt is no longer allowed. The great golden vessel is back in the northern sky. His beneficent light drove out darkness and fear.
14.7 Deficiency
14.8 You are back, may your kingdom last forever!
15.1 I know that one day soon we will be reunited, O Rama!
I have called this chapter apotheosis because that is how I interpret it. The meeting with Rama does not mean his return, but something that will come, as an outpouring, a perfect union with Rama’s mind, heart and body.
15.2 And nothing will ever separate us.
Yes, it is a apotheosis. We see the enthusiasm that drives Merlin here. Enthusiasm comes from the Greek in-theos, and literally means being delighted in god.
15.3 I know that with you we will become one to celebrate together the greatness of the Goddess
The Great Goddess, the Mother Goddess of all humans and the Creator of Rama, is the object of an even greater adoration than that of Rama.
15.4 And the golden chariot shall shine with such brightness that the night shall end on Terra for ever.
This last verse is contradictory. It seems to return to the material reality of the great solar vessel. The hypothesis of the fusion bestowal with Rama God takes a blow in the wing. Interpretation is a delicate art that belongs to everyone. Thus I leave it to each reader.
Do not confuse ally and spiritual protector. These two notions are opposite.
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