Female King Hatchepsut

9 years ago

A female pharaoh who changed the world history

The Eagle’s Gift

9 years ago

The power that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle

The Nile Acacia

9 years ago

Two unique trees were growing in Paradise. A hallucinogen tree grows in Egypt. Any connexion ?

The Pharaoh of Exodus

9 years ago

What pharaoh lived the exodus of Moses and the Hebrew people? Several can pretend to the role ...

The Smithsonian Case

9 years ago

The Smithsonian Institute would have destroyed giant skeletons

The Principle of Uncertainty

9 years ago

Eden Saga does not want to expose a coherent doctrine

Selling The Sky

9 years ago

How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land?

Our Mother Hathor

9 years ago

Great Goddess Hathor is the Mummy of the World and the super sexy playmate.

Atlas’ Mistake?

9 years ago

Atlas failed to take off a gigantic spaceship : its fall in the Atlantic ocean causes the flood

The Missiles of Rama

9 years ago

Rockets, missiles and bombs, such is the modern and terrifying weaponry of Rama

Sufi Love Song

9 years ago

Our body made of earth is the light of heaven. The angels are jealous of our penetration.

Stone Giants

9 years ago

Giants are carved in rocks and mountains worldwide. Maybe you know a giant rock I don't show here?