High Tech Prehistory
Are we about to recover the expertise of Atlanteans? Did they come from the stars?
Are we about to recover the expertise of Atlanteans? Did they come from the stars?
Lightning conductors, batteries, superconductors, we invented nothing
Puzzling lamps were lighting since antiquity when discovered
The Atlanteans and Hyperboreans used certain properties of metals that our civilization ignores.
Two kinds of Vimana: planes and UFOs from a highly developped civilization
Very ancient civilizations had planes, rockets and even submarines
Highly miniaturized industrial objects dating back at least 20,000 years
From the flying carpets of the Arabian Nights to the ardent wheels of the prophet Ezekiel, our past loves air travel
The tower of Babel signed the end of human telepathy
The famous tower of Babel was a spaceship launch pad
The megalithic fondation of Baal Zeus temple in Baalbek is the remains of ancient spaceport.
An Assyrian relief displays flying giants