Good Will everyone. I come to ask for heaven generosity. The infernal spiral of debts and bills has become more intense. I’m launching a vital call to the ghost in the online machine. Could be you? Yes please! Make it happen, mayday! I was sinking, now I’m drowning.


Some sections have been advised to charge, but I refuse. The poor need to read me as much as the well-off. As for those who claim money I do not have, I pay them with silence. But it can hardly last.

A life dedicated to digging deeper and deeper into our forgotten past. To compare the mythological sources, to search for new ways of awakening, to travel the world backpacking and joy in the heart. How many meetings, initiations, hours spent with sages, here and there, who made me the friendship of their confidences!

An old man who dies, it is said, is a library that disappears. I am not in a hurry to leave you. Many of you have become my friends. Their loyalty and commitment never contradicted each other. I believe they will be there again this time.

Volunteer researchers like me don’t get any help. They take us for fools. But we do not forget to ransom us as if we were trading our discoveries.

They are free, the result of my research is also, the pdf too, everything is free on Eden Saga. This site is not a merchant and I wish with all my strength that it can continue like this.

Help me to continue this work with the work I can do and that I know useful, your emails assure me. You who write to me often, join the deed with the word.

Thank you for your help, however small it may be, without you I can do nothing.




Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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