I had serious concerns about the survival of your favorite site. From my first call, several readers paid 100€. But an effort is still needed:


The deadline for Eden Saga is dangerously close to its deadline; so I appeal to all those who can do the same gesture not to postpone it, and to act today.



It is about the survival of this site for which I still have nearly 100 pages drafted and dozens of topics that have not yet been treated. The consistency of your saga is getting stronger month by month. I feel like adding new pieces of a puzzle every week that is made up as all puzzles from the periphery to the center.

In the early years of its existence, Eden Saga was formed in an anarchic way, according to my desires of the moment. An article will be released soon that retraces these beginnings, it is called Astral Saga.

But its release will be subject to your donations, dear readers. Decide, the fate of Eden Saga is in your hands. The spontaneous generosity of the first donors and the five recent donors has given me a balm in my heart and restored my failing confidence.

It would be enough for a few other donors/ donors to make the same gesture of love and trust so that the Saga of Eden starts on a good foot. I want it to be free. The data I share is valuable in saving this world. It is unthinkable for me to make them pay, I like better disappear from your screens.

Help me to help you. If you give 50€ or 100€, you will return the lost financial balance to Eden Saga. My debtors will not have more patience. It will be played out in the coming days.

So, please don’t prolong a worrying suspense, reassure me as soon as possible and satisfy the expectations of less fortunate readers who are counting on the articles to come to understand where they come from, who they are and where they go.

On their behalf and mine, I thank you in advance. You can save Eden Saga and I know you will. Do not deprive those who count on you, I first.


Eden Saga is an independent, non-profit media company with free access.


Your assistance should not be limited to a few items. If it is found, the financial balance must be assured in the long term. Only a monthly donation will achieve this goal.


Eden Saga is good for you. Be good to Eden Saga.



Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin
Tags: eden-saga

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