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Tentacle and Allies


I remember The Grey Man on His Horse, one of the MidWest American tales from Carl Sandburg’s Rootabaga Stories — these rutabaga stories that I translated in the 1970s. Could I have guessed that another grey man — or the same one — would play such a role so far in my future?


To the Val With No Return

A role of high magic, certainly. This entity more or less archontic was going to become my psychic ally after being one of those of Flornoy, my benefactor, the childhood friend who knew how to restore in me the magical powers of awakening.


The Grey Man of Dark Forest is not really grey and not a man at all. “I met him with Flornoy in 1992. It was in the Valley without return, where sorcerers, before dying, get rid of their allies. Thus they subscribe to a tradition that would go back to the fairy Morgana. But this is another story…

The Vale of No Return is a gate to the underworld. Lower astral entities accumulate there on the full moon. Its surroundings are as airtight to them as the bars of a prison. Thus the allies —also called geniuses, ectoplasms or djinns— are confined in the depths of the Valley with no possibility of spreading on this plane, sowing terror and poisoning the existence of humans unable to protect themselves.” (source)



Brocéliande, also called Brocéliande forest or Dark Forest, is a mythical and enchanted forest mentioned in several texts, mostly related to the Arthurian legend. These texts, dating from the Middle Ages for the oldest ones, depict Merlin, the fairies Morgane and Viviane, King Arthur, as well as some knights of the round table. According to these accounts, the forest of Brocéliande hosts the Val Sans Retour or Valley with no return, where Morgane traps the infidel men until she is defeated by Lancelot of the lake; and the fountain of Barenton, famous for making it rain. Brocéliande would also be the place of Merlin’s retreat, imprisonment or death.” (French Wikipedia)

No, Wikicaca is wrong again. The sentients and visionaries who have gone to Val Sans Retour can attest to this, we feel the presence of black entities that are nothing human. The fairy Morgana had other worries than to lock up the mischievous husbands. What she did, I said: she imprisons allies and other negative entities so that they can no longer infect and infest this plan. Lancelot intervened to appropriate some of these precious allies. What interest would he have had in freeing the fornicators?

There are so many stupid versions of the great initiatory legends that we can’t blame Wikishitia for getting confused, since it’s so used to this.



Ghost, illusion or ally?

The Grey Man is not really gray, I said. He appears this color on a dark background at night in the undergrowth of Val. But where I find it every time, at the edge of the Jardin aux Moines — Garden to the monks — and by day, it appears whitish, as translucent. His figure is that of a tall man, rather thin, even fragile. Sometimes we see it disarticulate like a puppet and crumble like a dying smoke.

I later understood that this famous Grey Man is one of the allies of Flornoy. Was, should I say, since he has left us. Flornoy possessed several, which he had harnessed himself, according to the detailed prescriptions given by Castaneda. Allies are not comfortable with this plan. that is why the Grey Man remains in the vicinity of the Valley, his gateway into this world, and also its exit door if the need arises. (source)




Do not confuse ally and spiritual protector. “These two notions are opposite. The spiritual protector comes from Christianity. It is first of all the guardian angel, who watches over the believer at every moment of his life. Or the patron saint, who plays the same role but in a more punctual way, at the request of the believer through prayer. And finally it can be the confessor priest, the director of consciousness in the fashion of the past. Such characters are foreign to the Amerindian culture.

On the other hand, the term ally clearly refers to Castaneda. The ally is an entity from another plane of reality, that which esoterists call the infra-world. The nagual Don Juan Matus describes the sorcerer’s encounter with an ally. It is very physical. The ally comes from a world based on electricity, and its sizzling touch is very unpleasant for us, creatures of a world based on water.” (source)


Harnessing the Ally

“In a difficult melee, the sorcerer must submit his opponent, phase that Castaneda calls: harnessing the ally. Once calmed down, the ally transforms into steam and enters whole in a small gourd that the sorcerer has prepared for this purpose before the meeting, and which he will wear all his life to his belt.

My benefactor had one where he kept his ally, the Grey Man, locked up. Strangely, while he rarely left her, his gourd was invisible, and she only appeared when he needed it. The ally in the gourd evokes the Tales of the Thousand and One Nights, with the djinn in Aladin’s oil lamp. It is indeed very close.” (source)



The Quebec Friend

The Grey Man has proven to be a traveling ally. “For a long time I thought it was firmly linked to Brocéliande, more precisely to Tréhorenteuc: Jardin aux Moines or Val sans retour. But since that time, he has appeared at my home on several occasions, appearing at my window the day before a planned trip to Mère Forêt.Brocéliande Even once, while I was making it known to a visitor from Quebec, he became attached to her, Finding it probably negative enough for her taste. He stayed in her room at my house until she left for Quebec.

Imagine he followed her on the plane! From time to time, to the great shame of the American, it sounded a long crackle, like a branch that is broken endlessly. And this unpleasant noise was accompanied by a worse smell: that of a filthy fart, very rotten, very disgusting. She told me that he had stayed at her place for a while, regularly leaving him a singular gift in the bed of his guest room: a beautiful fresh turd, very smelly …” (source)


Jokes and Humiliations

Such adventures, in Castaneda, are addressed to negative, suppressive or simply lying people, who attribute themselves merits or powers that they do not have.

There are pages of great humor that content the jokes of the powerful Don Genaro, friend of Juan Matus and sorcerer like him. La Gorda pays the price for her vindictiveness, and the reader laughs in tears. At Rochefort, it was my benefactor who played the role of Genaro. With such a brilliance!

If this friend from Quebec reads me again, she should forgive me and draw the consequences. (source)


Under the Wolf Sign

The Grey Man, according to Flornoy himself, was the ally of our clan, the Wolf clan. There are a number of things that connect me to this clan, of which I am the only one left. I never attached much importance to it until the death of my two dear friends.Devic and Flornoy

Then appeared signs that aroused my interest. It seems that the Wolf is my astral signature, others would say my animal totem. But the time of the scouts is far away, even if we already knew each other, my two childhood friends and I. They were part of the Marsupilami patrol and I was part of the Beaver patrol — there were no wolves at that time, except Tex Avery’s ….

Right now, I see wolves everywhere. And I regret not having been interested in it while my benefactor was alive, who had so much to say on so many unknown subjects. In the astral, when I intervene to fix some crazy, the Wolf is there. He announces my arrival.

It is a large grey wolf with a white collar, a white tip that starts from the lower jaw and descends on the chest. Fur provided, head proudly erect, it stares straight in the eyes. Do not lower your own, otherwise you will lose its esteem and the silent message it sends you.

I don’t know why, maybe because of its color, I think this animal is a personal version of the Grey Man. It has a big advantage over the latter: it is clean … (source)



Witch Wars

In the 90s, for some reason, Flornoy got mixed up with a grumpy old man. A sorcerer like him, but with an evil tendency. A kind of druid who belonged to the Clan du Sanglier while Flornoy was from the Clan du Loup. Big difference!

They got very angry, the witch war started. Jean-Claude received two mini coffins in shoe boxes. He burned them immediately. Furious, he sent one of his allies to terrify the boar.

The ally in question, the dragon man, has simply disappeared. In return, Flornoy received a subtle slap that nearly killed him. He kept the bed for eight days, and the room for more than a month. He took twenty years. His temples blanched in one night. His complexion was greenish-grey. He had scales on the skin of his cheeks.

Well two months later, he was back in shape. At least a start. The shock had been such violence! I couldn’t believe it. “That bastard didn’t miss me, you see. He threw a psychic probe in my face. I got hurt.”


Psychic Missile

– This exocet thing again? I ask him. He has told me about it several times knowingly, but this time I don’t let go.

– Yes, like the good old exocet who sank the Englishman during the Falklands war. The British were hot on the ass, but they ended up winning this end of the world, three piles of rocks covered in guano and sheep droppings. The Argentines left them the archipelago of shit, lost in the deep south Atlantic. So the Falklands became the Falklands. All for an exocet. A deadly missile of French manufacture, cocorico. My boar sent me the psychic version. It does so much damage, you saw that. It is a return to the sender.
– Did you start it?
– You might say that. I sent Dragon Man to him. I don’t know what happened to Dragon Man, he’s not in my gourd anymore.


It’s clearly of Flornoy. He was wearing a gourd on his belt, not the hikers’ container, but the shell of the tropical fruit. In this gourd were sleeping entities from elsewhere, black as a moonless night: the allies of Flornoy. If needed, he would drop one. How? By intention. Where to? The gourd in question had no opening. Normally, his belt was worn empty. The gourd would only materialize in an emergency.

It is better to carry your allies in a gourd, like the jinns in their oil lamp. Otherwise they settle in your body, and it’s much more boring to get rid of them.



I wonder if Flornoy had interpreted the passages where Juan Matus tells him about allies well. I am not sure that they should be put in a gourd, the allies are not jinns, they have nothing to do in Aladin’s lamp. But what is sure and certain, having them in the physical body is a sharp wound that diminishes the subtle powers and can make the warrior sick like a dog-wolf.

Wanting With Your Belly

In the treasures of Nagualism, there is more than one rare pearl. Carlos Castaneda has described subtle mechanisms that were totally ignored before him, or completely disguised. Among these mechanisms, the desire that comes from the belly deserves to be discovered. We all use it without knowing it, it even works without our knowledge and many of us suffer from it.

Castaneda calls it sometimes the will, sometimes the intention. For my part, I choose the term of wanting. Contrary to the conscious will, Wanting does not originate in the brain, but in our subtle body, at the level of the navel. It is a subtle fibre, an invisible tentacle that takes root between the pubis and the umbilicus. This organ is prehensile, tactile, telepathic. Like the silver cord and like the totality of our fibers and subtle tentacles, the tentacle of will is extensible to infinity.

Its powers of action are not limited by time or space. But almost all of us ignore even its existence. In this world that is becoming more virtualized every day, paradoxically, the field of reality is reduced to the material. We know that the virtual is not real. We also know that our dreams have no reality.


The Subtle Tentacle

Castaneda talked about the tentacle in his books, that’s how I realized mine, I remember the scene with Genaro just grabbing with the power of his tentacle.

But if I have read these passages of Castaneda concerning the tentacle, I only mentioned it myself last year, in the article Les Sept Chakras dated 21 October 2024. I felt it earlier, during my practice of reki. And then I forgot. In 2024, he came back strong, I could perceive him in some reki sessions. This year, without further delay, I have included it in my reki.

Everything goes faster and faster, and this acceleration, very sensitive to the subtle plane, forces me to update my pages regularly. The tentacle plays an important role, even major, in the energy scheme that it revolutionizes in depth. This is a good time to address this issue.




The subtle tentacle is rooted in the abdomen, between the navel and pubis when it is of standard size, with a diameter less than 20cm. I was able to observe larger diameters, up to 50cm. In the latter case, the tentacle went above the navel and below the sex, and its flanks overflowed on the first two subtle bodies.

If the root of the tentacle is in the abdomen, its branches are numerous, because it can branch as much as it wants. Its filaments extend to infinity, nothing seems to be able to stop its progression or its ramifications. Contrary to the image below, it is smooth, without suction cups. Apart from that, it has all of a tentacle that holds you so close.

Energy and information flow through it in both directions.



Each of your ramifications is fixed on a certain chakra of a certain person met in the street or in a dream. The tentacle creates between you and her an unbreakable communication link, extensible to infinity, through which the contents circulate at the speed of thought, that is to say they transmit instantly.

Your ventral tentacle is totally independent of your consciousness. As long as you are not awake, he can even act against your will and your interest. It happens that ramifications fold up to fix themselves on a point of your physical body, even on your subtle bodies as I have witnessed.

In order for the tentacle to be permanently removed, it is not enough to be awakened, an ally must be introduced. Yes, it is in the subtle tentacle and not in a real or virtual object, such as Flornoy’s gourd or Aladin’s lamp, that one should harnach his ally. Or his allies, because we will see that it is possible to possess several.



Contact with an ally is dangerous, because the ally is able to stir up the worst side of a man. Learning is long and painful, since everything that is not essential to life must be reduced as much as possible, the only way to resist the impact of such an encounter. When he met his ally for the first time, his benefactor was forced to burn himself, which scared him more than if a cougar had bitten him.

As for him, he had burned his knee and shoulder when an ally pushed him into a wood fire. But when the time came when he became one with the ally, the scars were gone. (Castaneda, Seeing)

All right, but how do you get to be one with the ally? Letting it enter its physical body is to be forbidden, once the ally has made his nest there, it is almost impossible to dislodge. At least that was the case in 1971, when Carlos published Seing. More than half a century has passed since then, an update is required.



Subtle Butterflies

I was giving a reki training to A., an apprentice. By making me a reki, his right hand picked up an entity that is raised up to the elbow. She had not taken the precaution to block the “butterflies” on the surface of her skin.

A butterfly is the term used by many “subtle cleaners” to refer to the small dirt that unpleasantly tinges the practitioner’s hand. He must remove them because they clutter and disrupt a patient’s energy pattern. In my turn I chose this term, more poetic and less debilitating than “small dirt.”

This time, instead of a butterfly, it was an entity that his cleansing had forged. An ally. And he was making his way into A’s body, which began to rot. The ally won her shoulder, her neck, he made a passage between her breasts to approach the belly. A flash revealed to me what he was trying to do: penetrate the tentacle of A.

Only in this tentacle was already an ally, without the knowledge of A. When the tentacle contains an ally, its power is multiplied tenfold. The ally itself is totally subject to the tentacle holder. The deviations of the tentacle’s behaviour disappear, because the ally puts good order in it. And the damage that an ally can cause in the body also disappears, because in the tentacle, the ally is harmless.

He really becomes an ally.



So I pushed the new ally with my left hand so that it can enter the tentacle of A. Nothing is easier, the ally lets do without offering resistance. And under my third bewildered eye, I saw the first ally make room for the new arrival by cramming itself into a half of the tentacle. Immediately the second ally slipped in, to my great satisfaction.

And since then, the two allies share the tentacle along the entire length, each in its half. They will create their own branches but they can also use those that already exist. In fact they coexist well, I think they can even merge completely, kind of marriage.

I don’t know if there is a maximum number of allies in a tentacle — or in an old-fashioned gourd. It turns out that Flornoy had three, he lost one in the Val Sans Retour, the gray man. He lost another in his fight with the druid Boar, it was the Dragon Man. The last seems to have remained a faithful ally until the death of Flornoy, it was the Man Door.

This is a first glimpse of the tentacle and its hosts, the allies. As my practical knowledge grows, I will be happy to tell you more anecdotes to help you understand and control these singular visitors.






Healing Secrets





Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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