Boredom strikes everywhere, without borders, without respite, without distinction of religion, age or sex. It is the most relentless pandemic. Without remedy. No known vaccine. They would not all die, but all were hit. One after another, the devouring boredom spreads to all continents, and even to incontinents.
You get bored. Your job pisses you off. Your unemployment pisses you off. Your lack of money pisses you off. Your bank fucks you. Taxes piss you off. Your recovery pisses you off. Your family pisses you off. Your hobbies piss you off. Surely there is an explanation behind all this poo. I think you are not on your way. The time you spend stepping back crushes your liver and takes away your joy. Suddenly everything pisses you off with a continuous stream.
Everyone who’s upset pisses the rest of the world at the same time. I’m not saying you have to laugh all the time, there is nothing. If we were having fun all the time, whatever we were doing, whatever was going on, we would look like a complete asshole. That is true. But between having fun and getting excited, there is a big difference.
We may be interested. Be moved. Act. Do. Run. Hit. Smile. Shit. Rot. Break. Feel. Switch. Die. Eat. Learn. Dive. Move. Shine. Freeze. Grease. Increase.
There are a thousand other things we can do. A lot of great things happen without the help of the damn mind. Use the world’s brain, much more human than yours. Use the astral brain, much more open than yours. Use the divine brain, it is absolute: aim to maintain.
Think about this pharaonic waste of energy and love. Think about all those bored people looking for nothing but death. They distill the gray fog. They diffuse melancholy. They do not radiate love and joy to be there.
Yes, we are in a relentless trial. How happy to be here? We have an obligation of result. This is the real jihad: self internal war. I’m making sure it doesn’t turn into turf war.
Track my flaws, crack my flaws. In a future version of myself, many bugs will have been fixed. Redacted version. It’s my job at all times. The toil of the impeccable warrior must be impeccable like him. Lions don’t make rats.
Caution. Impeccable does not mean perfect. If by chance a fault occurs, its role is to be played. If a defect resists my vigilance, let us accept its presence, salute its persistence, admire its consistency and try to see clearly.
For something bad luck is good. I do not understand. Looks Latin. I am touched. Hard time is rough. My eye is off. Just a dimefor the rhyme. Start to cough. Sun’s rubbing off.
Stop! All this means nothing to me and begins again daring-daring in the sinister loophole of progressive and constant boredom. You do not understand ? Big deal! No one understands a single bit of that shit. Nobody knows the end of the film, it’s wanted. Anti-spoiler device. Come in the movie, see, you act in it, it’s so funny. And the end? You will get it when you live it.
Who am I to pretend to understand?
Whatever my knowledge, I don’t know anything.
Whatever my experience, I saw nothing.
Whatever my culture, I am naked.
Honestly, I do. At least I try my best. So that the results of my efforts are useful to as many people as possible, I work to make them usable. Affordable. Absorbable. And digestible. I captured the passes so well, it’s up to me to go on. I’m trying to return a clean ball. Keep the ball alive, keep it circulate quick and well.
I have a great strategy. Making people laugh is the sacred mission that I gave myself one Sunday at mass. I held my promise. Making people laugh at other people’s mistakes is a good thing. But it’s easy. Laughing at yourself, making people laugh at your clumsiness, your delirium, your excess, your whims, it’s so much more fulfilling! For the author and for his readers.
With my words and my images, I make you see the sky beyond the sky, a world next to the world, and life after life. With my ramage, with my plumage, I am neither phoenix, nor host of these woods. Hats on, gentlemen, the King drinks!
Behave yourself. We don’t have to say more. Keep quiet. What you say?
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Some nights, you forget who you are. You don’t know the reason of being here…