Cécile is a caregiver, she works in a hospital environment. I really enjoyed reading his immersion in the scalar group. Cécile and La Crapette have accepted that I publish their testimony, thanks to them. When’s yours? * xs *

Hi, howdy? Crapette and Cécile to the report after 4 passages on the radio-scalar antenna. So here we are Crapette and I in the boarding airlock for another frequency, we empty our pockets it’s an image, the scalar group is free and our heads according to protocol, and we leave in storage our dear carcasses.

Above all, know that I have long wondered what was the part of the real in the unreal, or if you prefer the part of the mind in the actions that can be carried out in energy. That said, the universe has taken care to send me some proofs which led me to continue my practice with the intimate conviction that all that is useful for something … Of which act.

Note that for the Crapette it is the first time that it breaks down like this, well it looks like it has done this all its life, its light is awfully brighter than mine, faster, in short it manages serious her molecules eat her up. The Crapette leaves like a rocket towards the designated place. And I follow it, marveling at its agility. Soft landing.

As for the dressing, description for fun: we were given a succinct, functional decor, and we feel good there. In weightlessness in the middle of what looks like a milky way, there is a kind of small terminal with connection for the inputs and the outputs, at the end of which ramifications of pink color, kind of blood or root system which is lost in the infinite.



Well. We bring our molecules together a bit, we just give back the density we need to act in the decor. The crapette is in autonomy, something tells me that it will do so much better than me, it has facilities: decidedly not crazy the creature. For my part I test the emission side, it goes well with my right hand, as in the usual world. I decide to call the energies of different stones that I used to work with, so I can do that well.

I prepare quantum syringe pumps, the little people of the dwarf-farmersLost in translation: French joke with infirmières (nurses) and nains-fermières.  are with us. Concentration and creation of a first infusion on the theme “anchoring, soothing anxiety and washing the solar plexus“. I apply myself. In the process, second perf with energies of joy and confidence. In these times it will surely serve. I connect all this on the “outputs” side, flow rate set to 24 hours, it will distill continuously. Before sending, I proceed to a cleaning of the system, caution, in astral as in pandemic hygiene is the basis of everything.

With our wings that we do not have, we have taken height and we offer ourselves the contemplation of this good old earth, all veined with pink, we watch the energies pass, ours and others, and then small little by little it lights up, it sparkles everywhere, as if to remind us that all around us other Others are also emitting.

It’s time for supper, let’s get connected to the table of the great cosmic banquet. Left hand test for reception. It passes but the feeling is not pleasant. It’s dense, very dense, it would almost hurt my arm. Do not panic, some stones do that too, we will find a solution.

When it jostles at the gate, enlarge the door. Let it go and let yourself go. As the Chinese say, energy knows where it’s going and it’s good. Suddenly it went directly through the heart chakra, and there it became fluid. Must we believe that despite my good will I did not have enough heart on the left hand?French “having the heart on the hand” means to be generous.

The right place for a heart is not in the hand but in the chest.

Lao Surlam

From the heart to the right hand, I let myself be crossed by what circulates, it starts again in the circuit by making colors and then also golden sparks, lots of small flashes, it is the class in the Dallas of the astral , the great goddess is with us.

After a while, there is always something to tell you to return to your dimension. Often it’s a text message on your phone. OK. Time to close the hut and we break camp. Curtain. Let’s go at the speed of light to recover our cells. Cécile becomes flesh and blood again and the Crapette becomes plastic-not-very-ecological.



And that’s it for the return. Back to reality and feedback. Thank you for building this place Xavier.Thank you for participating Cécile (xs) We will come back. Not always every day and not always at 9 p.m., but we will come back. We’ll do what we can, like everybody does, what else? Espresso?


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