Are you a warrior? Priest? Craftsman? Trader? Do you belong to the world of finance, production, the military or religion? These are the four horizons that crucify the world. A key feature of the Atlantean social organization came to us in various ways, through cultures with no apparent link: a lesson that promises an exciting investigation.

The sacred organization that manages social life in antediluvian Atlantis was the division into four castes or colleges, so-called functional quadripartition. This organization has long persisted in all lands where the influence of early Atlanteans was powerful:  America including Mesoamerica and the Andes, West and North Africa including Egypt, megalithic Europe, and finally Persia, India and Tibet, following the conquests of Rama.


To learn a little longer, listen to a prominent expert in these matters, the late Jean-Claude Flornoy. “Quadripartition arises in the mists of megalithic time. It is the social division into four nations. Peasants and artisans, merchants and financiers, warriors and aristocrats, and finally, teachers and healers. Each nation, college or caste has its own functioning, its education system and its prince.

The four colleges are for the good of all, to work together. No college can gain power over others, as in this case, it would be a dictatorship.

In Gaul, the Celts and the triads killed quadripartition long before Rome and Christianity. Our current word quartierin French: district is only recollection of that organization, for thousands of years to the dawn of history, settled the lives of all the peoples of the Atlantic coast from Norway to Morocco. “ (Source )Jean-Claude Flornoy, Le pèlerinage du bateleur, ed.

The question that arises is this: how is it that quadripartition characteristic of Atlantis? Or more precisely, can not we see a spontaneous model of social organization, directly inherited from our distant past Cromagnons cave? Flornoy gives us the answer: after long prevailed in all human communities, quadripartition declined in Europe, with the arrival of the Celts and their new Trinitarian model.

Since then, the functional tripartition as described by Georges Dumezil ruled our society, in the form of the famous three levels of the Old Regime: the Clergy, the Nobility and the Third Estate, which, after the disappearance of the clergy and assimilation of the nobility to the bourgeoisie, became our three social classes: the upper class, the middle class and the poor. You may say, three or four levels, three or four castes, who cares? Indeed.



The real problem is not the number: the inner understanding of the sacred college system has now completely disappeared.

Thus, the French Revolution of 1789 has been called bourgeois revolution, and that of Russia in 1917, of proletarian revolution. This is enough to measure the loss. While colleges or castes accounted original social functions – healers, warriors, merchants, craftsmen – the three social classes determine nothing but income levels. This system, which was originally a balancing factor and a guarantee of individual freedom, has insidiously became some oppressive and regressive shackles.

There are no Atlantean text nor any trace which could with certainty be attributed to this civilization, we know some things through their direct heirs, as the Olmec of Mexico or the Tuatha of Ireland. These two peoples, specifically, had this quadripartition visible in the organization of their cities.

The Tuatha were from the Isle of the Four Masters, which indicates quite the quadripartition. In ancient Ireland, they instituted four provinces, each administered by a king, and the assembly of these kings was presided over by a Grand Druid. This social organization is found identical in India as in Tibet, where the Dalai Lama presides over the meeting of the four great lamas – among which the Karmapa who’s in charge of the college of seers and healers.



It must be said that the mother ship that brings Atlantean gods was itself divided into quarters: the four rivers of Eden/Paradise were channels cutting the circular island in four equal islands, each four Camembert shares occupied precisely by a caste. In the center of the artificial archipelago was a mountain called Mount Olympus. The main gods who lived there were harmonizing relations between castes or islands. 

This division is found in the Andes in the time of the Inca Empire. “The Inca Empire was divided into four regions, hence the name given to it in the Quechua language (Tawantinsuyu) or the Aymara language (Pusinsuyu), which means “the four regions of the sun.” Here we find the quadripartition, which comes from the division into four islands of Atlantis and also from Hyperborea, the planet-ship.

The four regions of the sun are a signature of their hyperborean origin: the planet’s ship shone in the sky even stronger than the sun, then relegated to the background … It is also the reason for which the children of Hyperborea bore the title of Sons of the Sun.

In the Middle Ages, European cities reserved quarters for each corporation, it is still a memory of Paradise where the gods enjoyed a perfect life in a perfect world.

In India, the caste system has deteriorated over the centuries, the four primitive castes have been improperly completed by a fifth, a non-caste, the Untouchables or Dalits.

This loss of meaning is due to the decline characterizing our sad time, the Kali Yuga. It makes all the system obsolete and vicious.

Another slip, even more terrible, added his own decay: today’s castes rely on financial criteria only. Height of abomination, this system was designed to prevent caste take precedence over the other three became the basis for an offensive dictatorship that money. What was once liberating became discriminating. What was once wise became absurd. What was balanced became unbalanced. Dictatorship killed harmony. The financial’s and merchant’s caste took over the other three.



Its engine, money has become the only rule, the sole purpose of the four castes. Once the doctor put his art and talent to heal his fellows. Today he put his art and talent to get rich. Once the warrior put his bravery and his life to serving the poor and the weak. He fought for his king, his country, his moral values. Today he fights for money. Once the farmer was cultivating the land for it bears fine fruit and vegetables, he put his art and his talent to the land.

Today the farmer puts his art and talent to get subsidies from Brussels. The ancient egalitarian pact between different human activities must not break. If broken, invariably a caste takes precedence over the other, and that’s dictatorship.

If the caste of peasants and workers wins, it will be a proletarian dictatorship, as known in the former USSR. If the caste of clerics rules, people will suffer a religious dictatorship. If the caste of warriors dominates, it will be a military dictatorship. 



Last but not least, the dominance of merchants and financial results in a dictatorship of money, such as we are experiencing for far too long.

Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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