Wolves Lieutenants


As you know, I have opened the entries for the pack of Flying Wolves that will take off on January 4, 2023. On your marks, Wolves! And you latecomers, do not fail to register as soon as possible. The flights of the 2023 Pack will be shared in large numbers. There is a need for extra guidance from experienced people. So I chose four former Astral Volants.


Place holding

They feel comfortable in astral, remember their dreams, can find sensations, images and even complete sequences of the trip we made the night before. They will be my lieutenants, because the bigger the group, the more eyes it takes to see everything.

Lieutenant: holding the place. Like now: holding the time with the hand. There are wonders in the secret of common words! Place tenant is a nice find of Noémie. May she be blessed for this as for the rest. Without her constant help and support, I would never have done all this. That would be a shame for many of you. And for me. And for her.

The astral is largely unknown. Terra incognita. Or rather aether incognitus. In this sky, as in the ordinary sky, incidents of theft are unpleasant. We experienced it last year — fortunately without anything serious. I was the only one who drank, I kept several weeks of a very embarrassing torticolis. Today without sequelae, but still. To avoid. This time, we’re taking as many precautions as we can. It’s called experience — both ways. But when you’re undertaking new experiments, where do you find experienced lieutenants?


In the bundled astral flights I’ve organized for the past three years, I’ve been able to spot the four gifted people who will assist me. Three guys, one girl. I could see them at work. Passionate, they registered first. I know them, they know me. As soon as I explained my plan to them, they were pleased to accept the mission.

The five of us have started an astral flight cycle. Encouraging results. Why keep this preparatory phase secret? Rather than send each of the four an extra e-mail, I preferred to post this article so that it would be useful to all. Expeditions like this don’t run high. Their preparations are already adventurous. As many take advantage of them.

These four are gifted — I know there are many more of you. Since from afar you have seen the light of Eden saga shining, since you have come closer to see better, to hear better, to share better the deep joy of this light, in truth I tell you, next year will not pass without bringing you what you want most in the world.

You can get it if you really want — but you must try, try and try! (listen)



The other side

As I have already explained, the four Wolves asked to assist me accepted without hesitation. An auspicious excitement weaves between us five invisible but strong and precise bonds. We use these links to convey the unspeakable — all this informal data from the other side of the world. For more concrete things, or for the memories of our dreams at night or awake, we use e-mails.

You too, Wolf friends, Wolf friends, you can do the same. Already the subtle bonds unite us firmly, I can feel them on my astral body. Right now, if you have any questions, if you don’t know how to prepare for this event that’s going to mark the New Year from the very beginning, feel free to write to me — or if you can (bravo!) communicate through the scalar channel, as I do with my four lieutenants.

Each of them is following a new and exciting path along their own path. I admire the way this has all been put in place. Without effort, without consultation, without constraint, they have occupied their rightful place. I simply accept their decision. It comes from the depths of themselves. They have arranged themselves in perfect flight order without any need for adjustment. Our interactions are already governed by a well-oiled mechanism. Our group flights are already multiplying. The lieutenants are not all aware of it when they wake up, it is the necessary learning of remembrance for them as for you.

I don’t have much more to tell you at the moment. The adventure that begins is yours, each and every one of you. It is up to you to make it a path of awakening. The less I say, the greater your freedom, the richer your opportunities to discover yourself as you are, as you have always been without knowing it completely.

If I chose the dawn to illustrate this article, do not see in it the shadow of the night, but the light of the day which points. A great winter sun will illuminate the pack as it soars, the thing is sure and certain. We see the coming of it. Until then, get your energies flowing. And register quickly, it’s time!



Un grand soleil d’hiver éclaire la colline
Que la nature est belle et que le cœur me fend
La justice viendra sur nos pas triomphants
Ma Mélinée ô mon amour mon orpheline
Et je te dis de vivre et d’avoir un enfant

A great winter sun is lighting up the hill
How beautiful nature is and how my heart breaks
Justice will come on our triumphant steps
My Melanie, my love, my orphan
And I tell you to live and to have a baby

Louis Aragon
set to music by Léo Ferré (listen)
taken over by Leny Escudero (listen)
taken over by Bernard Lavilliers (listen)





Xavier Séguin

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