The Flying Wolves 2023


The big return of the Flying Wolves occured at the beginning January. Sharpen your subtle senses, tweak your double view, strengthen your intent, and register now! The start will be given in early January but registration is already open, jump on it, the number of participants will be limited.


Since 2017 I have been pursuing a scalar action program with a goal: to send waves of unconditional love to this planet in suffering. In 2020 came the astral encounters. Three separate projects have been developed, which continue to flourish. It seemed to me that more could be done. Even better.


Group Flight

Now I propose scalar encounters of a new type: astral flight in group. Group flights allow people with no experience of astral travel to discover the unique sensations and memories it brings. Yes, Wolf Pack sleepers fly in astral. The Flying Wolves of the first hour will be eager to come back.

Every night between 3:00 and 5:00, we’re going to share a dream. Nothing to do but sleep — and the next day, remember the dreams of the night. By scalar waves, I will lend you the energy to achieve this. The first clustered astral flight experience took place in 2020 and 2021. You will find it under the heading Astrals Volants. Rich of its teachings, I initiated a second series in 2022. The Flying Wolves. This new night pack represents a maturity in astral practice. Newcomers will be mentored by old, lone wolves who have come together.

Get more information here :
Astral EncountersScalar PracticeFlying AstralAstral Travel: Users ManualLonely Wolves 




Next Session

The next grouped astral flight session will begin on the night of Wednesday, January 4, 2023. It will last twenty nights, and the session will land on 25 January.

As you can see, you still have to wait, but if you are interested in the experience, it is prudent to register now.  I do not wish to lead a group too many, so seats are counted. Our first astral exploits pleased their passengers so much, I bet more than one former Flying Wolf was part of the adventure. This will make it harder for new entrants. First come, first served. If you’ve never flown with me before, hurry up.



First: Apply using the contact form. Specify “Flying Wolves registration” and please indicate your age and your astral practice if any.

Second: As soon as I have acknowledged your application by e-mail, you will know that a place is reserved for you. You will send me a picture of you taken the same day.

Third: Please pay the sum of €20 — or £20 or $20 or much more as you wish — by the donation form that appears on each page of the site.
Do not pay until I acknowledge receipt. Wait for the acknowledgement to make sure you have a place in the flying pack.

That’s it. With my thanks, you’ll get your boarding pass.
Enjoy your flights!



Jesus said, I am not your master because you have drunk. You have drunk at the bubbling spring where I have drunk with moderation.
Gospel of Thomas