Big Bang and Black Holes
I see humans watching the Big Bang. They made it. They look like brothers to us.
I see humans watching the Big Bang. They made it. They look like brothers to us.
That passenger is not human. He belongs to the invisible category. But I saw him.
What do I know? Little. What do I expect? Everything else. What do I get? Love. So much love!
Can the astral become a new battlefield? Probably it is already, unknowingly …
The events that interrupted the 4th cycle of the Flying Astral Squadron
“Scalar waves in formation! Call on all transmitters! Get ready to emit unconditional love!”
Tonight, about twenty Flying Wolves will fly away for a fortnight initiatory journey
Several experienced people will help me. Four former Astral Volants will be Wolf Lieutenants.
The big return of the Flying Wolves is scheduled for the beginning of 2023. Get started!
Once again, the Flying Astral squadron has gone on a mission.
Astral Volants, 4th cycle: the squadron will take off in formation
From the black moon to the full moon – March 13 to March 28, 2021.