The major mysteries of the initiatory tarot show the person you are. It is always you who is represented on the arcane. So, you are the star. Not in the depths of the sky, but on the earth. Your light does not dazzle, it soothes. It gives to see. It is your guide. One day, after your departure, it will be likely to guide others on the way up to the path.

The tarot Star represents the realization of a work that will mark the time and stand out. This is a sacred work. A writing, a painting, a music, a dance, a sculpture, an architecture, whatever the field in which the work is exercised, is recognized by its effects on those who are in contact with it. This work opens to awakening. She advances. She is pushing up. She draws from everyone the best. It opens hearts as it widens minds and as it blooms hearts.

The arcane shows a naked woman pouring water from two jugs into a stream. Singular way of doing things. Usually, we draw water from the springs, we do not pour water. Unless our water is pure enough to add to the white water. So does this woman who pours her water into the water of the Living.

The woman is naked. The nudity of the tarot expresses inner purity. It is found in all the mysteries that follow the awakening in The TowerMaison-Dieu. The arcane XVI shows a flesh-colored tower. The tower is bare, too. It’s your body, you pulling this card. You are the central character of each arcane.

You are naked, for it is naked that you meet the holy spirit. You are pure, you fly in the white light, you know the awakening that very quickly spits you out. And you go back down to earth with your double. Yet he is dressed like you. You fall on your hands. You’re not quite out of the world, even if you’re still there.

The arcana that follows show nudity in all its facets. Animal nudity, with both dogs and the crayfish of the Moon. Child nudity, with the twins under the Sun. Triple Nudity of the Judgment, which responds to the trio dressed in the Lovers. Nudity of the celestial androgyne of the World, in majesty in his mandorle.

And the Fool? In fact of nudity, he has but one buttock naked … For he has finished his terrestrial cycle. Here he is Buddha. He has nothing to do with this material plan. He is offline, so he does not have a number. Nudity / purity is no longer on the agenda, nor is everything else. An exception though: the buttocks. He still tastes with some pleasure, just like the good food he prepares: see the stick holding his bundle, it’s a big wooden spoon.

My star

Back to The Star. The lucky star, mine, which never failed me. Neither to you, friend reader. Because my star, my great work, the sacred task that occupies me for several decades, here it is, you are reading it. My star is this website, it’s the Saga of Eden.

Instead of a work limited in time, as the well-behaved arcana do, I’ve been staring for a long time, and this work will take me years to come. As long as I live, probably. I can not see myself stopping in such a good way.

My pleasure is to write, I did it all my life. Retirement and the internet have given me the freedom to finally write what sings to me, which enchants you. I belong, should I say it? to the tradition of the enchanters. Yes, just like old Merlin, whom I have sometimes been compared to. I do not know whether I deserve this excess of honor or this indignity.

Why take me for another, so illustrious be him? Like Jacques Brel, I firmly believe that we should not compare ourselves to anyone, except to the one we were yesterday. The realization of the great work is to become oneself, to finally embody the one we are.

To write in front of the immense sea, to dream in front of the constantly renewed clouds, to contemplate the sun streaming in the brightness of the new flowers, to compose images and texts of which I am the first reader, moved to see springing these words that I did not think, coming from I don’t know where, which formulate themselves, enchanting, charming, laughing and hovering, I think that it was worth the hard time I’ve been having. Since at the end, love triumphs.

In the end, my lives transported me. I am a happy man. All smoothly I walk towards my last home, that I wish as far as possible. I’ve got plenty of time. The retirement offers this.

Even a good company has to be left, it is said. Yours, dear readers, loveable friends, is undoubtedly the best company that can dream of. I have no desire to leave it too quickly, or to do without it no matter what.

Your e-mails are warm, fun, exciting, sometimes serious, sometimes light, full of unexpected, irreverence, humor, how they resemble me, how they echo my life and writings! And our meetings! Delicious. Fabulous. Exquisite. I love this way that you and I reach the other side of the mirror. I love putting a face, a body, a lively soul on these words that you address to me.

My garden facing the sea is home to two houses. Mine, a doll’s house perched on the cape d’Erquy, and another below, larger, where I receive you when you do me the honor and pleasure to visit me. We eat together the small dishes that I cook, based on pure love and local products. We wander together on the steep paths, along the cliffs, in the hollow of the woods, facing the big offshore wind.

My Brittany is a land of welcome. Whatever the month of the year, there are four seasons in a single day. Some claim that it rains a lot. Do not worry, the weather is nice many times a day! And then, to listen to the old storyteller that I am, what better place than the fireside? Do not wait, come see me. For pleasure. I look like my site. My life is a saga. You are my Eden.

Xavier Séguin

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