Tarot, Arcana I to VII


Operative images, the arcana of the ancient Tarot of Marseilles appear from an ancient wisdom that was transmitted across the millennia, probably through the Templars.

“The twenty-two major arcana of the Tarot describe in a coded manner the path of life of any human being, from incarnation to liberation.” Each playing card is also “a geographical map that describes the inner route within of a being through the various phases of life.” With such a card in hand, we find all opportunities in the game of life. Their intimate understanding is a major issue for the seeker of truth.
Today many researchers as Flornoy and Jodorowsky have decoded this instruction. One of the biggest specialists in these images and their power, Jean-Claude Flornoy, has dedicated a website to their history, their use and operability. I was lucky enough to receive his initiatory teaching and I have the great responsibility of continuing his research. I carefully collected the spirit of his method which prompted me to get away from it as to the letter but that’s another story. The analysis I deliver here is coming from him at 95%. The art of the master is here.

Beyond the countless nonsense circulating on the Tarot, it is the truth of images. “By examining them one after another in ascending order, everyone can feel the special energy generated by these images.” That is the teaching fellow builders and carvers of the Middle Ages were the ancients. That message emerged from the depths of time to quicken a new tradition, the one of the builders of the cathedrals, under the aegis of the Knights Templar, the masters of secret. “That’s the message they wished to entrust to a game of cards before disappearing forever. So it’s a money game with its rule that has settled into a wildfire in pubs all over Europe “.

The Templars and the Companions image makers have been smart enough not to limit this wisdom to the elites:

“It was a message in a bottle, an acquaintance sent, blind to future generations, for all practical purposes… Because the game was modest, because the game saves money, because it made talking pictures instead of words and for other reasons likely, the message was forwarded to us.” (source)

The main reason being that the message is correct, otherwise the time would have terminated it long ago. Prefering images to convey their message is a stroke of genius. Doing a game of money is another. In short, everything seems to have gone according to the plan of the Templars.

Whereby we have a treasure map that can not disappoint. It describes, step by step, the different energies we represent during a lifetime. These energies are the shaman‘s ladder, they are Jacob’s ladder and they are spirit DNA’s ladder of human species. To read the message, one just needs eyes, a head and a heart. Here are some glimpses of teaching that can be read. Each of us may extract inside sap. Each of us may come in the mystery by passing through the 22 gates of the major arcana.

Here, everything is meaningful: gestures, costumes, scenery, “errors”, colors, nothing is placed at random. Beware of illusion!! Don’t mix images and symbols.  To locate the original version you’ll find excellent tips here. The classic version, the best selling is the Tarot of Marseilles by Paul Marteau. We much prefer the version of Nicolas Conver, Marseille, 1760, which has been beautifully restored by JC Flornoy who offers an inner vision of Tarot returning, after much research, the original colors and the exact line of the very first version.



The order begins naturally by the arcana I – the Magician, and continues through the arcana XXI – the World. At any time of the inner journey, the arcana without number, the Fool, can occur without warning. The Fool became the excuse of the Tarot game ; it is the ultimate goal of inner adventure, the Grail that everyone carries within himself and has to realize in this world. Have a look to this initiation through comics. Remember you are the hero of the adventure. On every arcana, the central character is you.

Arcana I – the Magician is the individual who embodies with the innocence of a public entertainer. He symbolizes the very young kig facing his coming life. Everything is possible for him at this point, because he forgot his past lives. His life in kit is before him, as these items on the table. Like the Magician, like the young one entering life, you will see unfold stages of your life. Remind the tarot is only the skeleton. It is your responsibility to attach on this skeleton various muscles, flesh and skin, using your own memories.



 At some point, if ever reading becomes boring, this means probably that you have not reached this arcana yet. Get back to the last arcana you liked. Here you are!

Arcana II – the High Priestess ; III – the Empress ; IIII – The Emperor and V – the Hierophant, represent the four main teachers encountered in childhood: the grandmother, mother, father and grandfather.

Entering these images we find the steps of our first introduction, that of the physical body. First, the grandmother gives the toddler a seamless tenderness and stress free. This is the ground on which to flourish. Then the mother lavishes her care and love.

In the Middle Ages, the origins of the Tarot, the mother did not care for very young children entrusted to the care of a grandmother as a nanny.

Around the age of 7, the father takes over. When the boy is 14, comes the turn of the grandfather, which transmits secrets of the soul. The child may face his first dream, his first challenge and his first sorrow: the opening of the heart that comes with the arcana VI – The Lovers.

In Arcana VII – the Chariot, we see the young king, wearing the crown, trying to move forward in a strange truck: horses have only two legs, they are pulling each in a different direction, wheels are incomplete and blocking! Note the red molding of the carriage which bisects our former lover: the energies of the bottoms do not irrigate upper chakras.


The first heartache makes you less hard and teaches you life, but the tear of love is only a first test, and quickly pass the easy victory of the Chariot, pretending to be the King of the World. Remember the movie Titanic, when the young Di Caprio is dimmed by his first love.

Like the lover in the Chariot, Leonardo rejoices at the bow of the gigantic ship. The rest of the story showed that this triumph was premature because the Lover, as it should, got a broken heart.


Religion and humour are incompatible.
Milan Kundera