The Silver Age


In the Greek tradition, Hesiod described the four ages of man, those humanities which decline from the Golden Age to the Iron Age. The Shaivite tradition of ancient India uses the same sequence of four ages or yugas, but on a much larger scale.

Megaliths of Treta Yuga

The Silver Age Shaivite also called Treta Yuga civilization spans a period of 16,000 years. Suffice to say that it is lost in the mists of time! It dates from before the main flood, the planetary giga-wave, the global tsunami.

Where did it come from, the absolute wave that drank everything? Here is a possible scenario. Following a meteorite collision or other spatial phenomenon of the same ilk, the terrestrial globe would have tipped over on itself. Under the violence of the shock, frightful earthquakes ravaged the continents, raising huge waves. (source) All the legends and also Velikowski’s book: Worlds in Collision




Despite the water damage, earthquakes and centuries, some traces of the silver race still remain, vestiges of a planetary humanity called the Civilization of the Pyramids.

If Andrew Collins is to be believed, here are a few: the pyramids of Giza and the temple of Denderah in Egypt; the pyramids of Yucatán and those around Vera Cruz in Mexico; the Cities of the Peaks of Bolivia and Peru; the megaliths of Carnac, Roche aux Fées, Kercado, Jardin aux Moines, West Kennet, Avebury, the site of Stonehenge …

Let us add the Cyclopean walls of the five continents; the ruins of Mycenae and Crete; the statues of Easter Island, the stone balls of Costa Rica and the giant heads of the Olmecs; the sunken remains of Mu in Yonaguni, Japan; the ruins of Lemuria in the Maldives, those of the Rama empire in the Indus valley, and so many other sites that remain to be discovered. Among these unnamed peoples, some perhaps date from this golden age which began sixty millennia ago, according to Daniélou.


Fallen from the last rain

Howls of archaeologists! For most of them, no ruin can be older than the 5th millennium BC. And for some of them, it’s already two thousand years too early!

For a century, they have strived to build a wall of shame, a wall of oblivion, around the 2nd millennium BC. They have dispersed the evidence, obscured the past, drowned the fish. For them, there was no flood, the prehistoric people are savages, and we all fell with the latter rain.

Can we deny all the peoples of before, in defiance of vestiges and legends, can we ignore these ancestors of dizzying antiquity, unparalleled science, almost divine spiritual power?

Their top priority was mind, not matter. All the civilizations that preceded the Great Flood cultivated the powers of the spirit. It seemed that was the only thing that mattered to them. Buddhism or yoga are pale vestiges of their fabulous powers.




The powers of the gods

Despite the water damage, earthquakes and centuries, some traces of the silver race still remain, vestiges of a planetary humanity called the Civilization of the Pyramids.

If Andrew Collins is to be believed, here are a few: the pyramids of Giza and the temple of Denderah in Egypt; the pyramids of Yucatán and those around Vera Cruz in Mexico; the Cities of the Peaks of Bolivia and Peru; the megaliths of Carnac, Roche aux Fées, Kercado, Jardin aux Moines, West Kennet, Avebury, the site of Stonehenge …

Let us add the Cyclopean walls of the five continents; the ruins of Mycenae and Crete; the statues of Easter Island, the stone balls of Costa Rica and the giant heads of the Olmecs;

the sunken remains of Mu in Yonaguni, Japan; the ruins of Lemuria in the Maldives, those of the Rama empire in the Indus valley, and so many other sites that remain to be discovered. Among these unnamed peoples, some perhaps date from this golden age which began sixty millennia ago, according to Daniélou.

Undoubtedly, the civilizing gods of the golden age had bequeathed to them a good part of their impressive knowledge and their terrifying mastery of spirit, and therefore of matter.

Their heirs, the demigods or devas of the silver race, are portrayed as giants in multiple traditions. However, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata insist that they could also be our size. When they took on their giant form, they had dozens if not hundreds of arms.

Their glorious heads were lost in the clouds, while the powerful muscles of their gigantic bodies enabled them to accomplish feats beyond comprehension.

Impossible to see unfounded tales there, since hundreds of traditions tell us exactly the same thing. Impossible to take all our ancestors for leftovers or mythomaniacs.

In Greek mythology, Zeus himself, god of the Silver Age, liked to take on animal forms to overthrow women and nymphets. His innumerable illegitimate descendants would have been enough to repopulate the earth after the fiery furnace which ravaged its entire face.

Access to gigantism or animal forms is not only a divine privilege, it also applies to heroes, devas or demigods: Krishna like Arjuna, Herakles like Achilles could also change their appearance and stature to will.

Those of the silver race practiced effortlessly thought transmission, teleportation, ubiquity, transformism, and all psychic faculties. Some of these powers are still available to us.

At least for those of us who are ready to step through the Lightning Gate. Because lightning, a cherished element of the silver race, is first and foremost an instrument of awakening, which the demigods are not deprived of …



Other scenarios are possible, if not probable. My favorite is that of the piloting error of a gigantic spacecraft whose fall in the Atlantic Ocean would have lifted a huge tsunami. (Note of April 12, 2017)


There’s another world inside of this one, the borderline is inner and time stops here.
Stef Kervor