Socrates And Us
Socrates used to awaken the minds by refusing all thought systems
Socrates used to awaken the minds by refusing all thought systems
Obscure? Come on! This is the clearest Greek philosopher! Find here the reason why.
Old Plato drove crazy generations of students about a matter he didn’t get
Plato had not understood the myth of the cave, nor did he understand the Logos
Plato was wrong on many subjects, but can we blame him? The truth is so amazing !!
Archimedes invented a lot of weapons… or did he imitate them from an older source?
Philosophy is not born in Greece, neither science, nor civilization.
Hesiod described the four ages of man, declining from the Golden Age to the Iron Age
Become what you are, says Socrates. Be what you become. How many stumble! How many fail!
Pythagoras’ theorem was known thousand years before him
Theorima lived in Greece during the 6th century BCE. I happened to be this woman in another life.