Key Of The Initiatory Tarot
Behind the slightest detail are messages of inner elevation.
Behind the slightest detail are messages of inner elevation.
The Major Arcana of the Tarot of Marseilles are the main stages of human life.
From VIII The Justice to XV The Devil
The Sleeping Beauty syndrome is the pleasant nickname of the arcanum XIII of the Tarot of Marseilles
The Arcana XVI of the Tarot de Marseille is a key moment in the light path
These arcana are under the sign of stars. I mean heavenly stars.
The ultimate arcana, The Judgement, The World and The Fool
Little known, the tarot of Jean Dodal is certainly the most initiatory.
First initiatory mysteries of this tarot “made by the angel being” (fait par l’être ange)
Introducing a new vision of the Tarot de Marseille as the fifth humanity history
How Plato’s thought is found in the cards of a bistro game drawn nineteen centuries later.
There are seven degrees of awakening described by seven major arcana of the initiatory Tarot