Rene Guenon
Rene Guenon, a French philosopher who crisscrossed Shivaism and Islam
Rene Guenon, a French philosopher who crisscrossed Shivaism and Islam
The search for knowledge must be approached without a priori or prejudice
This Pyranean tale is also a major part of Sufi Wisdom
The scientist studies for himself, the wise studies for living knowledge, the Sufi say.
Buraq is a magic horse carrying Prophet Muhammad through space … A horse indeed?
“The man must die before dying”. “If you do not die while alive, you will die while dying”.
This Sufi tale is inspired by an old tale by the late Idries Shah
Meetings happen when you are ready to take advantage of them. Not before.
Our body made of earth is the light of heaven. The angels are jealous of our penetration.
The Sufi teaching rejects systems that apply the same exercises to all students
With his faceted jokes, the character of Nasruddin conquered the East, and beyond.
You can not learn and progress without your contradictions. (Diwan-e Shams-e Tabrîzî)