Who Am I?
Who are you? How did you get so much relevant information?
Who are you? How did you get so much relevant information?
The trees gave me a green hand, as the company of plants is always a powerful reassurance to me.
At 7 I had wonderful dreams. Future realities have been revealed to me.
Second Run … After the slaughter of the Great War, same players shoot again …
I was a cinephile. As any genuine cinema lover, I used to see several fims a week. A day!
He was and will stay my best friend. Here a few words to remember.
Hateful Valentine’s Day, punishment for the lonely, double punishment for the single
Every february 14th, your birthday, my heart is tightening more than usual.
Just ten years ago on May 24, 2011 my old friend and benefactor, the Nagual JCl Flornoy passed away.
My house is high – so am I. On top of the Cap d’Erquy, Britanny.
I have found more than twenty past lives. Did I really experience them?
After a painful, deadly moult, I discover the glory of the body. Magical, absolute, great.