Table of Contents
- The Author
- Guidelines
Visions, Myths & Legends
- Akashic Records
- Akasha, quintessence, ether
- Timeline
- The Authors Of The Big Bang
- Magical Mythologies
- The Origin Of Myths
- Mythical or Logical
- Talk To Trees
- Stones Memory
- Stone Giants
- Gods' Legacy
- An Everlasting Springtime
- The Lost Paradise
- Angels of Desire
- The Seven Daughters Of Eve
- The Amazons
- Zeus the Father
- Archons In the Gnosis
- Edenic Dragons
- Balor's Fire
- Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl
- Music Of The Spheres
- Water of Youth
- Flat Earth
- The Last Element
- The Origin of the Cross
- Jonah And The Whale
- Immortal Phoenix
- Excalibur
- What Scientific Progress?
- Pandora's Box
- Unknown Egypt
- Romulus and Remus
- The Descent Into Hell
- The Caduceus of Hermes
- Avalon Magic Island
- Fairy Tales
- The Inner Guardian
- Mother Goose
- The Language Of The Birds
- Wonderful City of Ys
- The Little People
- Merlin the Magician
- The End Of Time
- The Other History
- Sleeping Beauty
Dawn Of Time
- The Origin of Human
- Angels
- Giants
- Creation For Sumer
- Creation For The Hebrews
- Creation For Greece
- Creation For Eden Saga
Our Reptilian Masters
- The Religion of Adam
- The Serpent God
- The Pre-Existing
- Mythical Serpent Kings
- Baal Marduk
- Nephilim
- Zohar Devils
- Flying Serpents Anunnaki
- The Snake and the Vulture
- Dragons of Hades
- Archon Ways
- Head Eaters
- The Archons By John Lash
- Predatory Archons
- Win Together
- Archons in Questions
- Reptilian Brain
- The Seven Archons
- Archon Yaldabaoth
- Happy the Archon ...
- Serve God and Mammon
- Wars on Marduk
- Central Earth and Back
- Infinity Limits
- Dinosaurs Are Back
- The Serpent People
The Matriarchs
- Ana and the Wolf
- Fountain Whity
- Golden Love
- Our Lady of Alcor
- Her Highness Ana
- Our Lady Anne
- Matriarchs
- The Zeus Case
- A Love of Ama
- The Great Goddess
- Maat Mater
- The Mysteries Of Isis
- The Queens Of The World
- Lilith and Little Adam
- Danae Who Are You?
- Vampires And Succubi
- The Warrior Was A Woman
- The Gift Of Isis
- Astarte, Aesir Of Tartessos
- The Bull God
- The Goddess And The Horned
- Our Mother Hathor
Time Of Gods
- Neanderthal
- Wilderness
- The Former Gods
- Stars Watchers
- Per Aspera Ad Astra
- The Technofathers
- So Old Are The Gods!
- Terraforming The Earth
- Modified Planets
- The Terminators
- The Matrix Mould
- The Terraformers And Us
- Mammoth Cemetery
- The Big Freezer
- Arkaim, Urals
- Mesopotamia
- Çatal Hüyük
- Göbekli Tepe
- Plea For The Former Gods
- Terra Formatters
- The Aesir Gods
- Three Divine Emissaries
- Universal Trinity
- They Came From The Sky
Flying Island Atlantis
- The Ecliptic Plane
- Atlantis For Edgar Cayce
- Atlantis Near Bermuda
- Atlantis For Eden Saga
- Futuristic Atlantis
- Prince Osiris Of Atlantis
- Atlas' Mistake?
- Last Days In Atlantis
- Atlas' Achievement
- The End of Atlantis
- Atlantis Heritage
- Remember Atlantis
- The Seven Daughters Of Atlas
- Turtle Island
- The Land of Punt
- Lemuria
- Mu For Churchward
- Is Yonaguni the Ancient Mu?
- From Atlantis To Sumer
- Longer Boats
- Atlantis For Plato
- Geology v Plato
- Mothership Hyperborea
- Africa Saga
- The Civilization of Pyramids
- Egypt of the Lion
- Sons of the Sun
Tales Of Eternity
- The Reptilian Island
- The Giants Island
- Enoch And The Goddess
- Enoch Son Of Himself
- The Opera Of Alcor
- Near Hathor
- A Love Song To Death
- The Ephebe Amnesias
- Idriss And The Old Man
- Isis In Her Garden
- Mountain Of Light
- Crucified Prometheus
- The Folds Of Time
- My Goddess' Booty
- In The Maze of Time
- Enoch and Me
- Youth Terror
- Thousand Gates
- Sun Of Ice
- Among The Solar People
- The Hollow Earth
- 100.000 Years Under Earth
- Memories Of The Earth Core
- America of the Serpent
Ancient Technology
- High Tech Prehistory
- Ancient Energy
- Perpetual Lamps
- The Meaning Of Tao
- Vimana, ancient UFO?
- Vimanas And Antigravity
- A Prehistoric UFO
- Secret History Of Ancient Aircrafts
- The Tower Of Babel
- The Spaceship Of Babel
- Baalbek Spaceport
- The Giants of Lachish
- Ancient Robots
- Triskell And Handspinner
- The Antikythera Computer
- What Lack Of Evidence?
- Sacred Hydrology
- The Flood
- Gods of Thunder
- The Olympian Dynasty
- The Argonauts
Gods' Arsenal
- The Fear Of Gods
- The Reign Of Terror
- The Myth Of God's Goodness
- Ancient Super Weaponry
- The Nuke Bomb Of Shiva
- The Nuke Bomb of Yahweh
- The Missiles of Rama
- The Zeus Thunderbolt
- The Crown Of Osiris
- Odious Odin, Frightening Freya
- The Vajra of Indra
- Vajrapani, a vajra bearer
- Thor And Mjöllnir
- Mjöllnir And Vajra
- Four Golden Helmets
- Fucking War
- The Fire Of Gehenna
- Ancient Awakening
- Europe of the Bull
The World of Rama
- Ram and the Druidesses
- Rama Airlines
- Ramage
- Ram The Aries
- The Odyssey of Rama
- TheTeaching Of Lama
- Aeneas' Odysseus
- The Peoples Of The Sea
- Rama the Conqueror
- Cernunnos
- Ramayana And Odyssey
- Eskwander, The Wandering People
- The Thrace of Rama
- Abracadabra
- Amon Rama
- The Empire Of Rama
- Hanuman The Monkey God
- The Rama Bridge
- The Wisdom Of Lama
- The Hundred Names of Venus
- The Hundred Faces Of Rama
- The Emperor of the World
- The Origin of Harem
- Sons of Ram
- Ramifications
- King Naram Sin
- May Thy Name Be No More!
- Pano-Rama
- Druid Ramos
- Ama, Rama ...and I
Time Of Humans
- African Wisdom
- Four Pillars of Eden
- The Patriarchate
The Third Testament
- Abraham Denies Ram
- Under The Sign Of Tetramorph
- Inside The Tetramorph
- A Solomon Love
- The Seven Deadly Sins
- The Pharaoh of Exodus
- Moses At Sinai
- Decalogue Lessons
- Moses and the Lost Ark
- General Yahweh's Ark
- The Seal Of Solomon
- The Glory of Shekinah
- Deadly Ark
- The Giants Of Palestine
- The Star of David
- David and Yahweh
- The Yahweh Method
- Yahweh Zeus
- Solomon The Just
- The Temple of Jerusalem
- Solomon's Magic Bath
- The Thrones Of Solomon
- The Labyrinth Of Solomon
- Queen Of Sheba
- Abram Son Of Ram
- King Menelik Of Ethiopia
Celtic Wisdom
- The Druidesses
- Tuatha De Danaan
- The Sidhe Of The Tuatha De Danann
- Cyclops Lugh
- Our Celtic Origin
- The Roaring Sword of Lugh
- Pericles, Lug and Buddha
- The Magic Weapon of Cuchùlann
- Cuchùlann Killed His Son
- From Cuchùlann To Kukulkan
- Manannan Mac Lir
- Celtic Drugs
- The Druidic Baptism
- The Druids
- Magic? Illusion?
- The Fades
- The Gaulish Gods
- The Seven Initiations
- Carnac and Karnak
- Vercingetorix And Boudica
- Velleda In A Tower
- Ancient Potions
- Brittany Fairies
- Morrigan And Korrigan
- Arthur And Merlin
- Merlin's Laugh
- Viviane And Merlin
- Percival Of Wales
- May God Forgive The Dead!
- An Anaon, Our Dead
- Gwenwed The White World
- The Old Religion Of Druids
Asian Wisdom
- Heaven Decides
- Manu's Ark
- Mount Meru
- The Seven Rishis
- Shiva and Shakti
- Shiva Paradise
- The Wedding Of Shiva
- The Nine Unknown Men
- Hindouism By Danielou
- Lamaism v Buddhism
- Pippala, the Buddha Tree
- Tantra: Enlightenment Through Sex
- True Fake Yoga
- Kamasutra
- Believe Without Believing
- What faith?
- Celestial Cathay
- The Moral Of Confucius
- Confucius And Vital Spirit
- Tao Of Lao Tzu
- Mortal Remorse
- Yin Yang
- The Chinese Paradise
- The Four Yuga
- Chen, Awakening Lightning
- Ancient Greece
- Roman Empire
The Jesus Case
- Another Side of Jesus
- Jesus of Avignon
- Jesus Missing
- Unlikely Jesus
- Jesus And His Models
- Enoch And Jesus
- Osiris And Jesus
- Aesus Christus
- Orpheus Christ
- Lucifer Christ
- Another Side of Virgin Mary
- Christianism and Mithraism
- Chrism Unveiled
- What Middle Ages?
- Seven Fake Centuries
- Dionysus Son Of God
- Double Dionysus
- Beneath The Holy Grail
- The Apocalypse Of Zacchaeus
- The Hidden Agenda Of Zacchaeus
- Simon The Magician
- Damn Magicians
- Two Christianisms
Templars and Cathedrals
- The Curse of the Templar
- The Spring of Cathedrals
- The Right To Kill
- Sacred Building
- Gothic And Romanesque Art
- Pagan Cathedrals
- The Labyrinth Of Tintagel
- The Jacques or Cagots
- Tables Of Chartres
- The Templars' Treasure
- Libera Me
- Cathedrals On Strike
- The Passant du Devoir
- The Templars
- The Stars of Compostela
- Gothic Art
The Tarot Of Marseilles
- Key Of The Initiatory Tarot
- Tarot, Arcana I to VII
- Tarot, arcana VIII to XV
- Tarot, Arcanum XIII
- Tarot, The Tower
- Tarot, Arcana XVII to XVIIII
- Tarot, Arcana XX, XXI, The Fool
- The Puzzling Tarot Dodal
- Dodal's Secret Code
- The Tarot Of The Human Species
- The Tarot Of Plato
- The Seven Degrees Of Awakening
- The Tarots Of Flornoy
- Granny The High-Priestess
- The Queen Mother
- Dad Imperator
- My Popes
- First Romance
- The Pride Chariot
- Justice Hesitation
- The Decisive Hermit
- Spinning Wheel
- Grinding Wheel
- Weak Strength
- The Hanged-Man On A Rooftop
- The Nameless Arcane
- Temperance And Moderation
- The Devil And His Stone
- God In The Tower
- The Star On Earth
- The Moon And The Crawfish
- Twins Under The Sun
- A Stop On The Path
- Here Comes The Magician
- Forever Poets
- America Is Back
European Thinking
- The Way of Action
- Oronce Finé
- Jung And Synchronicity
- Pleasure and Freud
- Rene Descartes
- The Continuing Creation
- Volontary Servitude
- Courtly Love
- Brain and Thought
- Baruch Spinoza
- Free Will
- Pascal's Wager
- Immanuel Kant
- Kant and Pure Reason
- Hegel And Nothingness
- Divine Mathematics
- Science, Ego, Magic
- Magical Thinking And Daily Magic
- Karl Marx and God
- Karl Marx and his Double
- Reflection And Action
- Prophet Nietzsche
- Matrix And Memory
- Anarchist Nietzsche
- Superhuman Nietzsche
- The Will To Power
- Dance in chains
- Henri Bergson: Time And Duration
- Vitalism of Bergson
- Miguel de Unamuno
- Jung vs Freud
- Atypical Einstein
- Albert Slosman
- Progress, Suicide Or 5G?
- Marguerite Yourcenar
- Science Without Conscience
- High Time
- Truely Wittgenstein
- The Lying History
- Meister Eckhart
- Amerindian Wisdom
- Sufi Wisdom
- Beware Of Crooks
- Moving Your Assembly Point
- Will And Intention
- The Impeccable Warrior
- Non-Ordinary Reality
- A Separate Reality
- Erase Your Personal Story
- Stop The World
- The Tyrant And You
- Benefactor
- The Rule And The Nagual
- The Nagual's Door
- The Art of Dreaming
- The Art of Seeing
- The Seven Degrees Of Seeing
- The Assemblage Point
- Sense of Timing
- Knowledge And Duty
- Emotional discoveries
- The Four Enemies Of The Warrior
- Warrior With No Importance
- The Warrior's Mask
- The Guardian For Castaneda
- Self Power
- The Second Ring Of Power
- The Path With A Heart
- Sorcerer With A Heart
- The Dressing Of Perceptions
- Human Inventory
- The Do-Not-Do to Write
- Places of consciousness
- Here and Here
- The Cubic Centimeter of Luck
- Little Tyrants
- The Conspiracy Of Good Thinking
- Self-Contemplation
- Ancient Seers
- Your Death For Advisor
- Wizard Options
- The Human Mold
- The After-Life Of Sorcerers
- The Eagle's Gift
- Controlled Madness
- The Place Without Mercy
- The Art Of Stalking
- Carlos Castaneda
- Practising Castaneda
Here And Then
- The Book of the Goddesses
Soul Avatars
- The Higher Self
- The Gnosis and the Arts
- Gratitude For My Pilot
- The Two Wolves
- The Dark Night of the Soul
- The Meaning of Pain
- My Grail
- The Princess On The Tower
- Unconditional Love
- Soul Words
- Mystical Effusion
- The Crack Between The Worlds
- The Narrow Gate
- You, Your Double, Your Death
- Golden Silence
- Body Of Glory
- The Inner Voices
- The Universal Lie
- Those About To Leave
- The Origin Of Racism
- Dig Life
- When Death Comes
- Elsewhere
- Be Passing
- Alchemical Couple
- Initiatory Death
- We Fall Asleep
- Spirals
- Near Death Experience
- Facing Eternity
- Gratitude to the Immense
- Portrait of a Lost World
- Fifteen Chakras
- Twenty-three Chakras
- Being Sensitive
- The Body Knowledge
- A Foreign Heart
- Mindfulness
- Three Persons In You
- Energy Scheme
- The Subtle Body
- Our Bodies and Auras
- Our Seven Envelopes
- The New Auras
- The Aura Cloud
- Seven Chakras
- The Engram
- These Hands of Love
- Energy blockages
- Magnetism
- The Alpha Wave
- The True Story Of Reiki
- Kundalini Reki
- The Neo Reki of Rekinea
- Erquy Reki
- Celtic Reki
- The Nagual Reki
- Wedjat Third Eye
- Subtle Sensors
- Subtle Energy
- The Body Gold
- My places of power
- The Epic of Vieux Patate
- The Ficelle Diary
- They know you Kashtabalda
Astral Saga
- Grey Wolf Sings
- Astral Saga 2025
- The Astral Body
- Curious Atmosphere
- Astral Travel: User's Manual
- Astral Archons
- Astral Contact
- The Astral Choice
- The Hoard Report
- Third Wolf Wake
- Second Wolf Wake
- Wolf Wake
- Astral Wolves
- Flying Wolves Are Back
- Talking Wolves
- The Gateway Dream
- Wisdom of Wolves
- Takeoff Wolf!!
- Wolves Lieutenants
- Flying Pack
- The Flying Wolves 2023
- Conscious Astral Flight
- The Mind Flip
- Lonely Wolves
- Astral Masters
- Beyond Reality
- Two Steps Into The Other World
- Flying Astral Round 4
- Remember yourself
- The Astral Arcane
- Flying Astral 3rd Cycle
- Advice to the Flying Astral
- Astral Workshop, 2nd Cycle
- Astral Scalar
- Flying Astral
- Astral Ireland
- Astral Encounters
- Sayings of the Nagual
- It was India
Warrior Diary
- Who Are You ?
- Cope With Fear
- Brakes On
- Inhibition Of Action
- This Path Of Pain
- Your Awakening In You
- The Warrior's Passport
- Open, attentive, lucid
- What Truth?
- Help Me
- The Dragon Of Ego
- Saturate the Mind
- Humility my shield
- Causeless Sorrow
- Luck or Bad Luck?
- The Quest For Intensity
- Maximum Intensity
- Useless Efforts
- Revolt And Conditioning
- Captives of the Devil
- Now Or Never
- Golden Sleep
- Useless efforts
- The Rite And The Act
- The Guardian For Steiner
- The Twelve Traps
- If You Want You Can
- Warrior vs Politics
- Eyes Yoga
- Scary Movie Happiness
- The Emergence Of Seeing
- You Too
- The Gift
- Cosmic Vision
- The Third Ear
- The Way Of The Middle
- The Irruption Of The Inexplicable
- Patience
- Time Traveller
- The Power Dance
- Always Be You
- Warrior's Last Fight
- Warrior
Wizard Diary
- My Goal
- Beyond Appearance
- Acting Magic
- First Master On Board
- The Earth Chakras
- Giving the Star
- What Frightens Me
- The Inner Child
- The Dawn of Nothingness
- The Irruption of the Irrational
- The Fire From Within
- The Body of Magic
- Ten Keys To Witchcraft
- "Someone" Leads Me
- The Angel And The Deva
- Sense Essence
- My Helpers
- Behind The Scenes
- My Goblins
- The Trap of Evidence
- Body Outings
- Night Flight
- Suspended Time
- Cat's Eyes
- The Joyful Wisdom
- The Great Power
- The Wolf Clan
- Available
- Leave A Trace?
- Unexpectedly
- Demons And Wonders
- The Ultimate Victory
- Mage, Enchanter, Wizard
- Global Awakening
- Inside Global Awakening
- Good Will
- Eden Saga in danger
- Moon Shadow
- Channeling
- Soul Library
Healing Secrets
- Test Your Vitality
- Original Fracture
- A Giving Heart
- I Do Not Heal
- The Inner Fortress
- The Inner Quest
- Forbidden Healing
- Passage In A Bottle
- Age Or Not?
- Opening Heart
- To Emotion
- Healer And The Hire Cat
- The Meaning Of Pain
- The Belly Power
- Will and Power
- The Ormus Magic
- The Acting Spirit
- The Power To Fly
- The Stairs Down
- The Inner Source
- Subtle Defenses
- Psi Powers
- Psi Attack
- The Inner Healer
- Exorcisms
- Scalar Adventures
- Future Science
Quiet Metaphysics
- A Short History of Spirit: the Trials
- The Divine Legacy
- Mystical Vision Of Ancient Giants
- This Hidden Death
- Iron Age
- The Machine And The Pilot
- Speech And Writing
- Animals And Humans
- Animal Consciousness
- May Thou Reign Cometh
- This Predatory Universe
- A Crystal's Dream
- Green Gold
- Dialogue Of The Deaf
- Ravenous Boredom
- Marianne Is France
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
- God In You
- Ending This Cycle
- Are we civilized?
- Waiting For New Age
- So Many Ends of the World
- The End Of Certainties
- Holy Orgasm
- Daemon, Diamond, Demon
- Where Is God?
- Change It All
- United States Of Earth
- Soul And Conscience
- Voluntary Simplicity
- The Conspiracy Theory
- The Source And The Gods
- New Paradigm
- Many Religions, One Way Only
- A Short History of Spirit: Prospects
- The Great War
- A Short History of Spirit: the Dawn
- Spirituality and Religion
- Geobiology
- What is Awakening?
- Know Thyself
- Being Born
- Inner Dialogue
- Seven Times Alive
- The Higher Mystery
- Search In You
- Insiders
- The Way To You
- Be Your Own Master
- Newly Awakened
- The Seven Degrees of Awakening
- The Tree of Certainties
- You Are That
- Electric Awakening
- Counter Initiation
- Into The Light
- Be Awake
- The Doors Of Perception
- Limitless
- Our Paradise Nights
- Apperception
- The Real Dream
- Despotic Dystopia
- The alchemical couple
- Words And Awakening
- Born Of Light
- The Compostela Pilgrimage
- Incarnation of the Double
- Pioneers
- Awakening Through Eden Saga
- Envoys
- Don't Go Back To Sleep
- Eden's Nostalgia
- Little Time
- Sonology
- Para-linguistics
- New Archaeology
- Lightning Boltz
- Lightning Ball
- To Bottle Lightning
- The Triple Use Of Lightning
- Gods Lightning
- Thunderstorms Of Golden Age
- Lightning Trap
- Tiahuanaco, A Lightning Trap
- Akapana, Tiahuanaco
- Temples Of Light
- Powerful Avebury
- Avebury: A Lightning Trap
- Silbury Hill, Avebury
- West Kennet, Avebury
- The Lightning Way
- What Is Lightning?
- Lightning In Comics
- Cosmogony
- Ufology
- Croquelien, Brittany
- Magical Croquelien
- Isle Of Brehat, Britanny, France
- Huelgoat My Love
- Huelgoat, High Forest
- Coast Of Legends, Finistere
- Ploudalmezeau, Finistere
- The Pulpit Of The Druids, Britanny
- Saint-Michel Beach, Erquy
- Chassezac, Ardèche
- Paiolive, Ardeche, France
- Mahabalipuram, India
- Hampi, India
- Ploumanach, France
- Total Stacking
- Tomorrow's Dwarves
- Edgar Cayce
- Forever 2030
- The Bug Of Pioneer 10
- Mars Attacks 2048
- A Theatre In 2200
- This Immensity Out There
- Many Ends Of The World
- Future Legends
- Hypertime Pirates
- Killing Machine
- The Threat Of Cumbre Vieja
- Poles' Shift
- The Climate War
- The Antarctic Threat
- An Other World
- The Kapteyn Case
- Welcome Home
- Coming Human
- Numb Numbers
- Antarctica 2026
- Tomorrow Human