The Serpent People
Vulture Snake, Feathered Snake, the Beast : many names for the primordial Serpent
Vulture Snake, Feathered Snake, the Beast : many names for the primordial Serpent
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are heirs of Abraham. Before him, what religions could be?
The Aborigines of Australia know it well, this paradise of the origins: they go there in dreams.
Outside our world, this place existed before it and will exist after. Is this the world of the Goddess?
They came from the sky on a planet-sized mothership
Last night I saw Marduk in Babylon. He knows me, he says we’ve met before.
From the union of angels and women were born cruel hybrids with ferocity of beasts, called Nephilim
The Zohar of the Jewish Kabbalah mentions several species of giants — or devils
These superior beings described as reptilian possessed advanced technology
Feathered Serpent in America, Vulture Snake in Sumer, Vulture and Uraeus in Egypt : are they one?
In the Goddess bedroom, Zeus tells the terrible war he made against the Dragons of the Underworld
Archon, you are no man, no beast, no angel, no demon, no archangel, no god.