Croquelien, Brittany



Here is a photo essay on the legendary site Croquelien in Côtes d’Armor, a magical hill frequented by the Little People and Margot fairy elective mound. Croquelien is located near Le Gouray, south of Lamballe. Margot is the only fairy species found in Ar Goat, ie the land of forests in center Britanny. Margot is usually small in size, her luminous glow does not exceed a few centimeters high.

But when you look with your heart, you may have the chance to see a nude Margot bathing in one of the numerous pools carved into the granite rocks of Mount Croquelien. It is a chance turning to misfortune if the fairy sees the observer, who better run for his life to escape her mortal fury.

Do not be surprised if the fury of a little fairy can be dangerous, the strength of these little beings knows no bounds, since they are said to have built the megalithic site of Croquelien with bare hands. It happened 600 million years ago, geologists say. But their explanation for the formation of this rocky chaossee below the sign is more than naive. Ignoring the existence of fairies and their great power, isn’t it the sign of a hopeless naivety?


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The man of the future is the one who will have the longest memory.
Friedrich Nietzsche