Mahabalipuram, India



Bertrand Maudet offers a new photo essay on one of the major sites of ancient India: Mahabalipuram, also known as Mamallapuram, South India. This rocky chaos is marked by multiple traces of modern equipment, traversed and dotted rocks, cuttings with electric diamond saw, net split rocks, and other impossibilities with simple chisels made of copper or bronze, ie the only tools admitted by archeologists at that very ancient time.

It is obvious that a civilization developed technology, has left its traces in this awesome place. The sheer size of some blocks suggests that these giants, skillful to handle heavier loads. Or beings have antigravity …

What have they tried to do in this chaos? Is it a place of training, a workshop, a career? Anyway, precision fault, we can only classify it in the category of giants playgrounds.


maha-2-ecailles-688po maha-amas-dentele-688px maha-arbre-roc-incise-688po maha-arete-pointillee-688po maha-arrondi-crenele-688po mahabalipuram-falaise-gradins-688po maha-bassin-carre-monolith-688po maha-bloc-dentele-saris-688po maha-bloc-equarri-dentele-688po maha-blocs-688px maha-blocs-casses-gens-688pomaha-crenele-688pomaha-decoupe-pointilles-688po mahabalipuram-lignes-carres-pointilles-688po mahabmuraille-ccrenelee-688po maha-cassure-vagues-688po maha-creneaux-verdure-688po maha-crenele-688po maha-dalle-perfos-carrees-688pxmaha-ecailles-688po maha-drill-jour-688po maha-donjon-carre-688px maha-deux-drills-688po maha-elephant-temple-688po maha-escalier-rocs-tailles-ville-688px maha-escaliers-rocs-688po maha-esc-pointll-688po maha-falaise-blocs-688px maha-gde-paroi-striee-688px maha-roche-tremblante-688pomaha-gradins-escali-688po maha-menhir-688px maha-megalith-fendus-688px maha-mega-688px maha-gross-roch-688px maha-paysage-temple-688po maha-perfo-decalee-688px maha-phare-forteresse maha-piscine-carree-688po maha-plan-larg-roc-escalier-688po maha-temple-pagode-688po

Many thanks to Bertrand Maudet for this amazing report. I’m speaking on behalf of all of you my dear followers.

Are you travelling around? Do you take photos ? Do what Bertrand Maudet has done. Become World Photo Reporter for Eden Saga. Contact-me saying “World Photo Reporter” and the place you suggest. Thousand of Thanks!


“As soon as you are parents, you are ghosts of your children’s future.”
Christopher Nolan