Hampi, India



In this section, each one can express the colossal theme of giants rock gardens. Around the world, hundreds or even thousands of rocky chaos, made of huge blocks or gigantic polished pebbles, made of fully carved cliffs, made of animal and human forms, constitute what is now known as Giant Playgrounds.

Do not listen to the song of geological sirens shouting at will “natural natural !! !! all this is natural !!!!!!” Just listen to your heart beating stronger in those places. Ifever your path leads to one of those places full of prehistory and mythology, do not forget to send me your photos. A maximum of fifty, highlighting various aspects of chaos, cliffs or remarkable rocks making the subject of your report. The best will be published in this section.

I am pleased to present to you today the photos of Bertrand Maudet, faithful Eden Saga follower, who has played the game and sent a first set of photos devoted to strange rocks in Hampi, India. As often in this mystical country, this rocky chaos has been venerated for ages, if we judge by the ancient temples that dot.


hampi-berMaudet-maousse-688px hampi-bMaudet-site-chaos-688po hampi-maudet-blocs-cheval-688px hampi-maudet-blocs-tranches-688po hampi-maudet-blocs-village-688po hampi-maudet-chaos-maison-688px hampi-maudet-chaos-temple-lac-688px hampi-maudet-cloques--688po hampi-maudet-coulures-688px hampi-maudet-pointilles-688pxhampi-maudet-duo-688po hampi-maudet-empilade-688 hampi-maudet-lac-roc-ile-688po hampi-maudet-maisons-blocs-688po hampi-maudet-pano-carres-688po hampi-maudet-pic-sculpte-688po hampi-maudet-puits-688po hampi-maudet-roche-tremblante-688po hampi-maudet-sculpture-falaise-688px hampi-maudet-trous-pieds-688 hampi-maudet-temple-couronne-688px hampi-maudet-trou-tord-688 hampi-maudet-vert-rocs-688po hampi-maudet-village-688px hampi-maudet-voie-dallee-688px

This beautiful report echoes, disturbingly, the report that we had done in Ploumanach, France. I see further evidence that the giants civilization was global.

Send me your stories, and together we will bring new evidence of the reality of the former giants.

Many thanks to Bertrand Maudet(photo below) for this amazing report. I’m speaking on behalf of all of you my dear followers.


Are you travelling around? Do you take photos ? Do what Bertrand Maudet has done. Become World Photo Reporter for Eden Saga. Contact-me ; just say “World Photo Reporter” and the place you suggest. Thousand of Thanks, be blessed.

Xavier Séguin

You have no enemies other than those you have put yourself in your path.
Lao Surlam