We all make mistakes at times. We are not perfect, otherwise we would not be here. But if to err is human, persistence is evil. To feel remorse for a mistake is to add a second mistake to the first. Let us learn from our failures, and cultivate forgiveness for our faults. We are our own worst enemy. It is time for that to change …

“Remorse is a notion quite unknown to Taoists. This word, meaning ‘to bite again’, implies knowingly holding an open wound. This is a subtle, but no less morbid, form of egocentrism that strengthens the ego rather than causing its erasure.

Remorse, fervent repentance, and sudden evangelical-type conversion are all phenomena where change, which only reaches the layers of emotion, adds neither to wisdom nor to understanding. Any heightened emotion necessarily breaks the natural harmony, as well as the development of wisdom, which requires perseverance and peace of mind.” (source)J.C. Cooper, la Philosophie du Tao, éditions Dangles

The snail paradox

It hurts all the more to hear that it’s true. And we know it. All traditional cultures still teach it, like the Tao. In the snail episode, Castaneda discovers how he adds fault to error with his stupid remorse. We all resemble him on this point, whether we come from Judeo-Islamo-Christianity or any other religion of guilt.

One day, Carlos Castaneda walks with Don Juan Matus. Suddenly the apprentice picks up a snail that was dragging itself in the middle of the path, and he puts it down for shelter. Matus protests: never does a warrior impose his “help” on anyone, even a snail. Who are we to decide the fate of another being? By moving this snail, Castaneda may have robbed him of a victory that would have made him better. “I’ll put it back where I took it,” the sheepish apprentice replied. “No,” said Matus. The stupidity is done, do not add a second. “

By moving this snail, Carlos Castaneda shows compassion. He therefore walks on the path that has a heart, like his model Juan Matus. And yet the latter reprimands him. Compassion is not a good program for a warrior of light. Often it is just a mask that hides superiority. By showing compassion, we send this signal: I am smarter than you. I see you need help, and I see you don’t dare ask for it. I know more, I can help you, see: I already help you. The rule of thumb is never to intervene without a prior, duly detailed request. The request made for another, or the request made lip service is not enough. This recommendation is valid for healings, it also applies to smaller things, like moving a snail. But no logical study can overcome the irrational, the unknown, the superhuman that the nagual is. (source)

Remorse or sin?

Remorse has inspired artistic and literary masterpieces, such as La Conscience by Victor Hugo, Crime et chaâtiment by Fiodor Dostoievski, Le mort seize le vive by Henri Troyat, or Paul Bourget in Our Acts Follow Us. What emerges from these works is precisely what Christianity has exploited with the notion of sin, further aggravated by that of original sin, a fault which falls even on newborns, the absolute height of insanity and the delusion of the clergy.

What is the sin that we are pushed to confess if not the most perverse form of guilt? “If you have sinned, repent and confess your fault” Like other sects, Catholicism cultivates shame which devalues, paralyzes and makes stupid. Why is that ? In order to keep the shepherd’s crook on the sheep for the good of the lord.

Bêêê, bêêê, make the bleating sheep all stupid all happy. We take care of them, we take an interest in them, they matter in the eyes of priests and powerful people. This flatters their egocentricity, this is likely to strengthen their ego rather than make it disappear. The Tao does not know these drifts, and it is fortunate for the Taoists.

Perseverare diabolicum

Errere humanum est sed perseverare diabolicum, known as the Latin phrase. To err is human, but persistence is evil. To add an error to the first is to commit a mistake. From error to error, the researcher progresses. Will he repeat just one? The Living soon put him back on the right path to awakening.

Trial and error is the method recommended by pragmatism. A proven method, quite long and difficult, without intuition or foresight that saves time. You can fail, it happens to the best. But only the worst make the same mistake again.

Take advantage of your mistakes, they make you progress more surely than success. Success only flatter your ego. What do you need besides a good ass kick? Take it here.

Ego return

Those of my most assiduous readers will have noted to what extent I advocate intimate jihad, this perpetual war that the warrior of light leads in search of impeccability. With the help that little tyrants can give, this inner war is the only weapon against the return of ego.

The ego is the cause of the warrior’s first three enemies. The ego is therefore the main danger that awaits the impeccable warrior. The efficient wizard. The miracle worker quickly persuades himself that only his merits are the cause, and by dint of megalomaniac, he drowns in his poo. My benefactor died like this. Whatever the level reached, no one is immune to madness. To rise against all odds of a material age, the warrior of light has had to brave so many storms and rub shoulders with such abysses that madness is his friend. He tames it. Using the intuitive flashes of madness, the warrior dominates it. Such is controlled madness.

I fear madness less than ego. Madness helps me, ego harms me. I lean on madness who lets go, ego leans on me and crushes me. Don’t be afraid of your madness. Tame it. It is your unwavering ally. Rely on madness. One day you will understand its true nature. It is a wisdom that those who have not called madness.

It is a force called weakness by the strong ones who have not, it’s a wisdom called madness by the sages who have not, it’s a light called darkness by the blind ones who have not.

Lanza del Vasto

Fear your dragon

Fear your ego. There remains a wolf under the skin of the lamb. Raise your voracious dragon. It doesn’t want your good, but its own. And you, light warrior, you are not him. Now you sleep in a separate room. You no longer have a common interest. It helped you grow, he fed on your successes, now he is opposing your wishes. You get to skies it ignores. You attend Life Grand Opening while it feels death coming close.

It is your ego, behind your back, which maintains your remorse. It bites you and againFrench remords means bites again it covers you and harps on you. It looks hungry. You get angry. Let it go. Touch and go. Stay a cow. Watch out now. Spell in morse. No remorse.

Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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