The Path With A Heart


The path that has heart? The formula comes from Nagual Juan Matus, the benefactor of Castaneda. His philosophy inspired me, I still practice it. Philosophy or wisdom, nagualism is not a cult. He is neither moral, nor altruistic, nor charitable in the Christian sense. Although… Let us remember that Jesus said: “Do not do charity, you would harm your soul.

I quote from memory the apocryphal of Thomas. People have forgotten almost everything, memory is no longer fashionable, as if we could do without it! The near past is old fashioned, and the distant past is believed to be useless. Mistake: it comes. And if everything goes well, we go back. If everything goes wrong, it will be pretty! We can make a cross on this planet with the inscription: Here lies the humanity that has well deserved it.

Grumpy face? Leave your place!


The Impeccable Warrior

In every age, it is fruitful to revise our moral or ideological positions. They are often only conditional reflexes. Family or tribal behaviors acquired by mimicry, without the agreement of the deep being. Blind obedience explains many wars.

When it comes to altruism and charity, there are fashions. Yesterday’s generosity is an insult to today’s eyes. The generosity of tomorrow seems inconceivable to us. Good or bad? These modes do not follow the ideal curve of progress. These days they are regressing. It has not escaped you.

On the other hand, what is charitable for you is intrusion for another. Remember Castaneda and its snail.

Feeling uncomfortable with his christian education, he asks his benefactor the inevitable question of altruism. There is no morality in the Rule, Juan Matus answers.

It’s obvious. A Nagual is not a handout, the path of the warrior is not a church, impeccability has nothing to do with holiness. 




The heart place

In nagualism as in Buddhism, the adept assures his individual salvation without worrying about the fate of others. Once again, Castaneda is fighting back. Don Juan specifies his thought: “On the path of the warrior, the choice belongs to you. I knew a relentless nagual that never gave anyone a gift. It was his impeccable way of being. And I also knew the nagual Elias, very different. He followed the path that had heart. This is the path I have always followed.”

There is nothing in the philosophy of nagual that encourages us to care for others or to listen to our hearts. Everything happens as if Castaneda had added this notion to pass the bitter pill: his philosophy is beyond all sentimentality. Nagualism has no heart. In our time of triumphant sensitivity, such infamy does not forgive. Everywhere, on all your screens, the obscene display of commercial kindness trickles your eyes and stunts change.

The charity business pays a lot. It pays, the heart of butter that melts on the radiator. Mamours, cuddles, repeated kisses, soft ceremonies of the knees among all these little flying hearts that beat who better, stop the overdose! Don’t throw any more! Finished the false smiles, banished the empty kisses, cascades of stiff hugs, torrent of banalities on-friendly, top lousy and stupid to vomiting.

Having a heart is not a display. The right place for the heart is not on the hand, but in the chest. Let your right hand ignore the charity that your left hand does. Do not take credit for it. Don’t think you are superior because you are generous. Is helping by giving generous? Is there heart in money? It is sought in vain.

Money is not an end in itself. It is a means. Money is used to undertake. To build. To live one does not need it, barter is enough.


The Snail

I have often mentioned this snail in my texts, but I will refresh the failing memories. Walking with Juan Matus, Carlos Castaneda picks up a snail from the trail and drops it off under cover. Matus stands up: never a warrior imposes his “help” on anyone, even a snail.

Who are we to decide the fate of another being? By moving this snail, Castaneda may have stolen a victory that would have made him better.  “I will put it back where I took it”, answers the apprentice penaud. “No, says Matus. The stupidity is done, does not add a second.”

By moving this snail, Carlos Castaneda shows compassion. He therefore walks on the path that has heart, like his model Juan Matus. And yet he rebukes him.

Systematic compassion is not a good program for a warrior of light. It is often only a mask that hides superiority. With compassion, we send this signal: I am wiser than you. I see that you need help, and I see that you do not dare to ask for it. I know more than you, I can help you, see: I am already helping you.

The golden rule would be never to intervene without a prior, duly detailed request. This is my rule and I want it. The request made for another, or the request made with the tip of the lips is not enough. This recommendation is valid for healings, it is also valid for smaller things, like moving a snail.

But no logical study can overcome the irrational, the unknown, the superhuman nagual.



Until I drowned

Paradoxically, while here Don Juan respects the free will of a snail, on other occasions he shows a total lack of respect for the free will of his students. Among his tricks, Matus has the stroke of Nagual. This is a light slap on the subject’s brightness, moving the assemblage point.  He never asks permission before intervening in this way, posing a serious act of consequences for the future apprentice.

This is how the sorcerer bags the beings he is interested in. Sometimes they rebel: Juan Matus left his benefactor for ten years, so did I with mine. But the length of the absence does not matter: it only takes time for the disciple to understand the issue.

I am not a wizard of this type, but I know how to be relentless. My benefactor taught me the hard way, I was 42 years old. I was about to experience the deep trance of Arcanum XIII, which consists in rediscovering the lost memory of childhood traumas. In the course of this regression, I have been beating around the bush. That’s when Jean-Claude Flornoy plunged my head underwater until I drowned.

He had the means to make me talk, it worked wonders. without his iron will, I would still be dithering in front of the fleet. Will dive? Will not dive? He has decided for me and I appreciate it.

Of course, I am speaking figuratively. The duck pond was in me. It was in my subconscious that he made me dive. I drowned there, I saw my basic engram, memories came back to me in endless cascade, healing followed its path.

There are circumstances where sensitivity can be fatal. So only the relentlessness allows to cross the bad pass avoiding the pitfalls.


Attracting Luck

Strictly speaking, there is no god or morality for sorcerers, but a blind, inexhaustible, universal power, which is the Energy, and a reactive impersonal principle, the Intention. With his own intention, the warrior attracts the impersonal Intention, which rains down upon him streams of Energy.

Intent attracts energy as a lightning conductor attracts the lightning. When he receives the cosmic energy, the warrior is connected: he is united with the Whole. Then it accumulates pot shots and synchronicities. Each of us can learn to attract luck. The only way is impeccability. Not holiness.

Implacability, impeccability are alike. The flawless warrior does not take gloves with himself. He doesn’t beg any entity to give him this or that, he demands it. No entity grants him what he asks. His unconscious bends to his requirement and leaves him the way.


The Double Warrior

Going to the bottom of oneself is the first task that the warrior of light must perform. The first time is difficult, that’s why Flornoy made me plunge by force. Once complete, I in turn was able to pass the arcanum XIII to many candidates for completeness. Today I no longer practice this ritual that has become superfluous. The new generations succeed in this emotional cleansing without external help. A great chance.

And the guarantee of success in the following trials. Like the arcanum XVI House God, stage of awakening. It is here that the problem hurts now. To take this decisive step, the warriors seem to lack energy. I receive in initiatory internship many people of both sexes around the forties. They are already awake, but they do not assume their status. They linger in adolescence. They still have a foot in the carefree and cultivate their irresponsibility.

So I became a passing master, after having spent nearly twenty years companions passing from Le Devoir. He deserves this capital D, this duty to help the warriors open in two. When this opening takes place, the astral double that has guided them every night is embodied in them. His voice is there, always present, to suggest the path to follow.



Kill Buddha

So? This path that has heart, where is it hiding? Finally, I do not know. Is it a coquetry of language? Does Don Juan Matus want to attenuate a little the repulsive image that gives impeccability, and especially implacability? These notions are acts, they do not admit margin of error.

An implacable sorcerer does not give a gift. He knows what he wants even if he does not know what he is looking for. His goal is his life. Reaching it is an absolute. All his actions are centered on his goal, even if he knows that they have no influence on the result, he acts as if his life or death depended on it.

Buddhism has the same priority: all action must be effective, and directed towards a single goal, awakening. Philosophers say that Buddhism is a religion without god. That joke! In Buddhism, the god is you. Follow your path, practice your spiritual exercises, you will awaken the god in you.

Like nagualism, Buddhism is a self-centered discipline. The others do not matter, charity is not on the program, nor is love of neighbor. Witness this fierce Buddhist adage: “If you meet Buddha on your way, kill him.” 

Get lost, you low cost!


Kill the mind

What do I think? In confidence, nothing, I’ve been empty-headed for years. Empty. As I say. When I write, only my fingers know where to land on the keyboard. I find out after the fact by reading the screen. I do not judge what I receive. I don’t think anymore.

After 60 years of effort, I cut my head. Finally! The absence of thought opens the doors of perception and the windows of contemplation.


Having an empty head allows you to stay on the left side, that is to say to maintain a clear and total consciousness, on the middle way. That is my law. Far from the castrating reason, so far from the schizophrenic madness that once hunted me, I advance unmasked. The king is naked. Don’t think it over …

Let’s not think about anything. Beyond thinking, there is action. Beyond the mind is the nagual. It is a rule, a force, an essence out of the world, a permanent intention, an achievement. Is not nagual who wants. It depends on what you mean by wanting. The will comes from the mind. It is weak, even timid. The intention comes from the body. From the belly. Nothing can resist it. Still, it must be put in place.

When you are awake, this is done naturally. Awakening is a overused word. For the warrior of light, it means the reunion with his deep nature. With his original status. With the state of power and certainty that is ours as humans. This is how the creators of our physical body made us. Then the creator of our supra-consciousness gave us the means to achieve and maintain it.






Men are a thousand times more bitter to acquire wealth than culture, although it is perfectly certain that an individual’s happiness depends much more on what he is than on what he has.
Arthur Schopenhauer