

In many legends, the first ancestor is Mani, Manu: the one who handles everything in the Amerindians. At his side there is a woman, our grandmother to all, who was called, according to the time and place: Pachamama, Mariana, Maria, Mary, Diana, Diane, Danaann, Freya, Sac Quib or Kwan-Lin.

We find the notion of seniority in the name itself with the sound an, ahn, which means the ancestor. The ancestry of humanity is often attributed to the fairies, the good ones, but also the bad ones … If one questions the Celtic myths, the fairies are the ancient people, come from the Sky, descendant of the old gods (the first man was a woman) and are called Mannanon; they are therefore the ancestors of men, Mannanon or Man-Annon, in German Ahnen der Mannen.

In Scandinavia, it’s the Alfar, the elves. Al-Far for all fahren, those who come and go in the cosmos: All, the “all”. In this proto-language, people are called teuneh. With the double t, it has diversified into tribe, tribe into English, but also into tuatha among Irish and … in Teutonic elsewhere. Thus, the sounds teut, deut, tiot, diot mean people. But not just any people: the Great Old Ones, the Titans.

People of the god El, Allah or Eli, the Titans terraformed this planet. The Egyptian god Toth echoes it. We find the same sense of great people first and trainer in the words all, total, head … but also tease, nipple, pacifier. The gods before us gave everything, learned everything. The Titans. That is to say also Tiaten, Tiuten, Teutons, Deutsch.

But do not worry! It is, we repeat, a designation, not an ethnic or geographical origin. Invert the paradigm of supporters of racial supremacy. This teutéh became deutsch certainly does not mean that the Germans are at the origin, it is simply that their old language has better preserved the notion of people, in the sense of people of the god Eli.

Another example: the Eskimos, an exquisite people, call themselves Inuit. And name their language Inuktitut. Inuktitut is (l) inku (a) tiut, linkua tiut, the German language! Unheard. Note that the Inuit language does not look like German, though!



Even further south, let us visit the Basques and their language that passes for one of the oldest. The Basques, fantastic people, are called Euskadi and their language, Euskara. Euskadi is (d) euska di (oi), which if pronounced while forgetting the brackets becomes deuska diol, a form to say “people deutsch” again perfectly omitting the German side of the word.

And you will have noticed that this “euska” is a form of the root “iskaz” one who gave the “ish” of English for example. Euskara is (d) iuska (sp) ra (ha), diuska spraha, ie “deutsch” language.

Now let’s cross the Atlantic blithely to a destination that is mentioned in the Saga: Teotihuacan. I saw you smile! Clever as you are, you have decrypted that it is not so simple …

Still rusty? Teotihuacan is reading Teoti-huacan or Teoti-wagen or Teoti-bewegung. In any case, the root “teoti” is that relating to the “people” and meaning, we can try to where the people lived (meaning the original colony) or to suggest on a place like a spaceport (what we invite the idea conveyed by the term ‘wagen “).

And Sacatlan, Mexico? Would it not Sachsenland, a place that speaks of a colony of Atlantean Saxons? Those who loved the adventures of Cuchulainn become Kukulkan will find it gorgeous.



Thus, surreptitiously, just drop the idea that there may have been collusion between peoples which had claimed that they were not able to mingle before the Colombian conquests. The noose tightens gently around the existence of a reality in huge breath. Place names, people names, heroes name are constantly support what is proposed here.

Back again to Greece, civilization which we do not go down really, but which provided many legends. These are the Pelasgians, people of the sea to whom we owe the Cyclopean walls that speak to us through their creation myth, Eurynome.

According to Euripides, the Pelasgians take the name of Dana People when Danaos and fifty daughters came straight to Argos. The “Dana-something” related to a female origin, that is familiar to us: we know the Tuatha Dé Danaan, the people of Goddess Dana Ahn, the ancestor. Then came the successors of the Pelasgians called Aegeans who deified ergot carriers animals, such as rooster.

And here we are again immersed in the music of words, in the evocative and revealing its phonemes. That tells us the Aegean term? The “people of the sea”, took power in the eponymous archipelago after the fall of Troy, about at the end of the Cretan dominance due to a cataclysm. Another familiar story. Aegeans are also called Achaeans.

In English, this egg is the egg, ei in German, aeg eje and Danish. The phoneme eg, Danish, means oak. Egentilik speaks of essential, primordial, close to the German eigen, which refers to itself as well. From eigen to eiche, there is only one step, and suddenly see that eich (Eichbaum) also means oak. Again the oak.

Let us summarize. The man of the sea, gigantic, is somehow the egg from which the Achaeans, people going back to “the men of the oak.” One of their deity was a lumberjack, obviously axeman. Achaeans ache, ax, oak. By the way, how is told in Greek ax? Pelekos!! – we talked about Pelasgi  three paragraphs before, is there a connexion?



And the oak tree among the trees, that of strength and fidelity, that of Zeus-Jupiter, also god of thunder. The Celts are not mistaken, who better than the oak could symbolize the world axis, link abysses of the sky, representing the four elements, water, air, earth and fire?

In fact, more than a vise tightens, rather it is a liberating breathing that suddenly invades us. The original language was amputated, mutilated, wanton, relocated to the extreme, but, lighthouses in the storm, frail phonemes have consistently convey the primordial sense, which brings us back to basics.

Now back to our original interjection by Thor and Odin! Scandinavian gods? Yes, no, maybe. Thor is an abstraction ; it is Th-Or, the Golden People (Or is Ur, remember) our creative people, which we took for gods, for a divine entity, anyway. And Odin? Odin is Wotan, is Bot (you know the “lame”) or Buddha, is the one that prevails in the galaxy Od (or Ot, odd, oti, oth).

Eli, where is it found? In what part of the sky? It is one that everyone we learn to recognize, in part, from a very young age, there must be a good reason for it. You inevitably think of the Big Dipper. In the texts, it is said boreal, imperfectly translated by Nordic. Borealis is Bor Ea Lis, where ea (the galaxy) and Li (Eli, E or Li, remember) confirm that it is “the high galaxy of God Eli.”



This would mean that “we” have just also there, descendants of the people of Eli we are? Yes, indeed our man’s name attests. In Hungary for example, man says “ember”, which in German gives “im Bären” or literally “in the Bear.” Hombre in Spanish does not tell us anything (im home bären), the “home in the Bear”, the French word for man is a kind of contraction in both directions.

Eli, creator, is to be considered as a whole, why not, but also as a founding principle. In doing so, it represents the “good” in its simplest form, away from Manichaeism or contrary to the pure origin of the concept. This well is the “gut” German, gut, got, god, as opposed to “Teufel” devilish. Teufel, the people of El (Teu for Teutéh), that is to say the opposition between good (God) and bad (his imperfect creatures).

The founder, creator, in a word the boss, is the acting authority. A phoneme, in all languages, represents him: it is “ar”Mythical king Arthur in old Breton is said Arzur, which means the bear, and in this word we find the phonemes ar, zu and ur. Arthur the Bear is the patron who acts on behalf of Ur, who acts on earth in the name of the original gods.” (Source)Xavier Séguin

The authority of God Eli, his overriding message subsisted in all languages, because without doubt, it was a divine message, in any case more inspired than our shitty flags quarrels.

The message slipped through all the sounds of all languages, so we can always and everywhere find it alive and well. In English too, of course. The authority of God. Ar-Got.means Slang in French.

Alain Aillet

Published by
Alain Aillet

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