Our Creators
Several billion years ago, the first extraterrestrial expedition came to Earth.
Several billion years ago, the first extraterrestrial expedition came to Earth.
Angel or giant? It’s up to you: these are two labels for the same bottle …
Atlantis is an island spaceship, while Hyperborea is a mother spaceship
Located above the North Pole, this flying island was “a temple in the sky” Plato said.
For Hindus, it is the paradise of Brahma, the immense being.
Ramayana means : the long race of Rama, who travelled from Hyperborea to India and beyond
Aorn the Human revisits our past with the Ancient Reptilians
Our creators came to Earth where they made a short-lived race, we Ephemera.
Or the fall of a gigantic island-spaceship that Plato called Atlantis
Try to bottle lightning for the second time. The first time was under Rama’s rule.
Hyperborea was a space island in the North pole sky. Bigger than the Moon.
“The ancients thought the earth was flat,” they say? Not at all! This lie is too widespread.