The Logos Of Plato



Ancient Greeks are held to be the inventors of our civilization: in fact, only the immense wealth of their sources that have now disappeared has masked the weakness of their own discernment.

A mass of information and knowledge comes from the Greeks, but they are not the authors. The Greeks transmitted, that’s all. And again the transmission was often imperfect, even erroneous. At least they collected the very ancient and precious testimonies of the burned or destroyed libraries, that of Alexandria and many others.

Pythagoras has collected ancient theorems and maxims, coming from Celtic, Persian and Egyptian -probably of Atlantean origin- and embedded them in a mix of his own, now completely illegible.

Homer did not transmit anything at all, he contented himself with laying a pastiche, quite a buffoon in truth: he was aed, that is to say a kind of Celtic bard or medieval troubadour. The real odyssey is not that of Ulysses -a character invented by Homer- but of Rama. Heraclitus of Ephesus threw him a blame – well-deserved, it seems. But Latinists like Hellenists can not read, especially not between lines.

Nevertheless, question of nonsense, the very serious Plato wins the palm. His interpretation of the myth of the cave is a delightful illustration of this. One of his Celtic or Egyptian teachers described a mechanism to him, and our Greek student understood that it was a metaphor on the human condition. Too bad, because if he had not made this mistake, our technological development would have been much faster …




If Plato did not understand the myth of the cave, he did not understand the Logos either. This is the other key notion of his teaching, an inescapable basis of Platonism; and this is the outcome of an absolute incomprehension. Let us observe step by step the mechanism of this millennial blunder.

From the dictionary: “Logos, n.” – One of the names of the supreme divinity among the Stoics, being intermediate between God and the world among the Neoplatonists.

Logos in the teaching he received designated these pseudo-gods who made us, and who live in a sky of light, indeed, the violent light of their apparitions, light due to their appearance and to the flames of their reactors. To confirm, it is enough to evoke the burning bush or the Sinai with Moses. In the Bible and other ancient mythological texts, gods always manifest themselves in fire and cloud and their faces are dazzling.

It is true that the great awakened ones illuminate the night and the day with their resplendent face. Antiquity designated them under the generic name Son of the Sun. This peculiarity was the prerogative of the former gods, the astronauts who terraformed the Earth: Enki, Apollo, Lugh, Belenos, Atlas, Orpheus, but not only. There are also emperors like Rama, Mithras, Akhenaten, Arjuna, Heliogabalus, Constantine, Charlemagne, or heroes like Gilgamesh, Jason, Hercules.



Logos, this heaven above the noth pole, this superior world, Hyperborea, where everything is purer, brighter, more beautiful. Logos, sometimes murderous technology where lightning, fire and bright light are omnipresent. Logos, these perfect beings, of whom we see only a deceptive appearance, of which we are only reflections-these beings, more perfect than we, in any case, really exist.

Regardless of Plato, we are far from the domain of pure ideas, far away. We are in the description of an extraterrestrial reality. Only the message is veiled. Either Plato did not understand what he was taught, or the incomprehension was more ancient, and his Egyptian, Celtic or Chaldean master abused him in good faith.

In any case, the disciples and successors of Plato, who are called the Neoplatonists, fell blithely in the panel, discussing and building theories on a blunder as far as the eye could see. The rabbis did not do anything else in the interpretation of Torah and Kabbalah.

Here is what the Logos became in the neo-Platonist Maine de Biran: “Divine reason, fate, organizing reason, explicator of the universe.” Logos, a term that Pythagoras, Plato and early Chinese philosophers also used to express the manifestation of the Being or supreme reason “. (source)Maine de Biran, Journal, 1823, p. 381

We are far, very far from Hyperborea and the “intermediate sky” described by Plato. For if Plato did not understand everything to the teachings he received, his successors further increased his errors, and the little truth that remained in his Dialogues was diluted in a tide of reasoning reason and castrating logic. Then Descartes put another stress on reasoning, and we still pay for it.




Plato, Plato, what did you not listen to without commenting? What spectacle have you given for eternity? Plato, Plato, what have you not told of evenings, summers, endless nights, fruity balls, joyful life and gaiety?

Everybody knew it was impossible, until some fool who didn’t know came along and did it.
Albert Einstein