Book of the goddesses, 5th part


The previous excerpt was quite negative. Like the white dot in the black comma of the Tao, clarity shines in the heart of darkness. Some readers have found this white dot too discreet. They took it badly. A dear friend sent this letter, the best illustration of these terrible verses.



Hello Xavier

Nothing? All this for nothing? Taught from all eternity by most philosophies, religions, cultures, in most continents, work on oneself, kindness, even love of one’s neighbor would be useless! Since we are nothing and everything at once in a place that does not exist and where nothing happens.

Unify body, mind and soul for nothing??? My higher self would guide me to arrive at nothingness? The matrix can be simplified, it is only necessary to deactivate the materialization program! Come of nothing, we remain nothing?  If that is the ultimate goal, what is it for? Are there gods, archons, great goddesses, who would have created worlds, planets, universes for nothing? We really need to get fucked.

In fact the matter is perhaps their distraction because there is nothing and they are tired of this nothingness, of this empty eternity to cry.

Do I want to join them and be forced to create or modify the matrix to keep me busy? As much to shit in the physical life and reincarnate millions of times, there is at least intensity! Perhaps with age we prefer serenity and tranquility to intensity.

Tranquility: it’s not a word I like. My friends at work said “You’re good at your job, you don’t care, you’re quiet!
I ran away, I could not be quiet, I wanted intensity!

If there is nothing, I stop everything! Work on me, meditation, yoga, kindness, your reki, Eden Saga… Everything!Well no! Even if there is nothing, I continue, it’s too good to realize that life is even more beautiful than we thought up until now!
And then if there is anything else or nothing, I will see in due time. Thank you for that other door you’re opening.


Tireless, I open doors. Opening them wide is everyone’s choice. Entering or not remains a free choice. What is behind responds to the look that you put on it. What you will do there is not up to me.

It depends on the one who passes whether I am a tomb or treasure.
Whether I speak or keep silent, it is up to you.
Friend does not enter without desire. (Paul Valéry)


Oh yes my friend, the matrix can be simplified. You’re absolutely right, it is only necessary to deactivate the materialization program!

This is exactly what we are about to get. With the help of trees and winds, whatever has to pass will pass. What must shine will remain forever in the infinite sphere of the Spirit. With it, the multiverse is a mouse’s dung. Medals, honours, diplomas, praise and rewards are but affronts. All this junk of vain glory seems so derisory, ants that we are!

I look at this anthill and wonder if men are still capable of love.

Frances Farmer


But when only one of us wakes up, the trumpets sound behind the doors of the Great Beyond.




Be forgotten

Book of the Goddesses, verses 156 to 161


156 Solitude surrounded by billions of strangers
157 You are one with them, without them you are nothing
158 You have nothing to gain here, all to lose
159 Forget jealousy, envy, money, rank
160 Memory material under severe stress
161 All that perishes shall be forsaken


No paradox. When you are nothing, you are everything. When you think you are great, you are not real. If you team up with the human race, one for all, all for one, if you disappear before it, you become the Whole, the Must, the Immense. Where we come from, we will return. What also reads like this: who comes from nowhere, ends up in the uncreated.

We are not asked to forget love, those we love, those who love us — if there is any. Love gives, it does not take. This movement of you towards the outside is to be encouraged now, if it is not already the case at home.

It is not about striving for perfection: it is not of this world. Nobody asks us to be perfect, just forget everything that is not perfect. Including us. To overcome the ego, the little master, to reach the fullness of the Self.

We spend the first half of our life forging a strong ego, and the second half to get rid of it.

Carl Gustav Jung




All or nothing

Book of the Goddesses, verses 162 to 167


162 The flesh will die, the matter will follow
163 Spirit thou art, spirit thou shalt remain
164 Use the Intention to create
165 Create your path to light
166 Creating with superhuman strength
167 That the Energy pours on people


The misfortunes, the false happiness that misfortunes replace, the sorrows, the fatigue, the failures… All we will lose was not great. We got used to it, but it’s easy to get used to better, believe me, I’ve spent my life doing that.

Dreaming of another world is not fleeing, but growing. Finally opening your eyes. There’s a voice that cries in your sleep. Whether distant or very close, it has been ringing for a while. In your head or in real life, you can’t know.
-Wake up sir! it’s over!
No desire to open eyes.
-Wake up! You’re dead, sir! It’s over.

If the voice was right? If you were really dead? If it was as she said? Really finished?
-Wake up! You’re in hell.

It’s better to sleep. Keep pretending to sleep. But what you don’t want to see will still exist. As long as you sleep, the decline will continue. Do wake up and act.

I woke up and I saw that everyone was still asleep. So I went back to sleep.

Leonardo Da Vinci




Sad humans

Book of the Goddesses, verses 168 to 173


168 Icy wind from the bottom of nowhere
169 The day comes too late
170 What seemed immutable is out of order
171 Those who denied life have rejected the Rule
172 Sad humans swallowed by the Eagle
173 For not starting over


Again the Castanedian metaphor of the Eagle that devours our spirit after the death of the body. In the text that was dictated to me there was this same notion. I have not found a better word to say it. Why will the Eagle be frustrated? Because he will have to settle for the soulless humans. All those unfortunate people who naively believed that there was nothing but this virtual world.

Those will be given another chance to live in spirit. Their memory will be preserved, distributed among all beings destined to be reborn. Perhaps they will be reborn elsewhere? Or here, in another time? ¿Quién sabe?

They will have as many chances as they need them. Hyperborea’s clarity shines for everyone. Even the blind see it, as much as it illuminates. Infinity is eternal, the Intention descends on everyone, the Energy is inexhaustible.

Will we be so sad to have lost our chains? Haven’t we danced in them long enough?

You have to dance in chains.

Friedrich Nietzsche


Escaping the Eagle is neither a reward for our efforts nor recognition of our merits. Too many religions promise us paradise in exchange for good. Behave well, honor the powerful, submit to aberrations, tolerate injustices, do not lie…

Do not lie, all religions ask for it, none ever does. If religions were true, why would they be so numerous? Why would they fight each other? Why would they amass perishable treasures?

Few people like to investigate and seek knowledge. It is easier to believe.

Humbatz Men




Gift of Abandonment

Book of the Goddesses, verses 174 to 179


174 Leave all that weighs, we cannot take it
175 Scorn the whole: it is of no use in the Elsewhere
176 Refuse what holds you prisoners
177 Total Freedom is luxury without equal
178 Out of the body, the Spirit becomes Light again
179 What is it from all eternity


What that old gospel I sang so often when I was a scout said. It is better to listen to it with music, but these words sound more accurate.

I’m just a poor wayfaring stranger
A-trav’ling through this land of woe.
And there’s no sickness, toil or danger
In that bright world to which I go.
I’m going home to see my mother
I’m going there no more to roam;
I’m just a-going over Jordan
I’m just a-going over home.



The place of the Perfect

Book of the Goddesses, verses 179 to 183

179 Farewell human, your reign is over
180 Farewell the first step to the place of the Perfect
181 Other steps will be needed
182 You will make them out of your flesh body
183 To the land of eternal spring


Is the place of the Perfect one this paradise promised by the old tales? Or the perfection that we can feel as soon as we have left the physical body? Those who have experienced the beginnings of death in the body understand what I’m talking about. All gravity is gone at once. We know everything, we understand everything. We understand that this physical world is a huge comedy. There is better to do than repeat, tireless return, lives one after the other, always the same, walking on the street of long walls without windows, without horizon, without anything that resembles Life.

She is elsewhere, I know, I had the chance to see her at a very young age. I floated in the sky above my body, unpleasant image of a flesh robot on the ground, I took my flight to the azure, freer than a bird, in a great sky without a breath of wind, under an enormous sun whose sweet clarity resembled what I was experiencing. Perfection exists, it can be achieved.

If suddenly we are given it, will we protest? In the still time, in the easy space, the child I was was jubilating. Dew drop, soap bubble, down, my being filled the visible. Innocent, insignificant, I wanted nothing but this time out of time. Out of the world.

How can we forget the certainty of the other world when we take a few steps on its threshold? I have never found this sensation beyond the senses, this understanding beyond the mind, this jubilation beyond happiness.

On earth, on the dirty earth, spoiled by pollution that we are, too many humans, on this land of misery there is nothing like that feeling. We can believe, hope, even pray. We can gather to invoke the eternal or the storm. The storm and the eternal are in us. When this force is released, the oppressors are ignored. Adieu the vicious ones.

The petty bourgeois drowns in the icy waters of selfish calculation

Karl Marx – Friedrich Engel


The petty bourgeois have almost disappeared. They are either new poor or new rich. And unhappy in either case.
Those who take hold are more naked than a worm. Those who think they are powerful are swept away like sawdust in the storm.

Should we cry? Laugh should we ? / Do they make envy or pity? / I do not have the heart to say. / We don’t see time passing away.

Jean Ferrat


However insignificant I am, my place is infinitely more enviable than theirs. We will remain among ourselves, people of good faith and goodwill. In all humility. 

The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of a spectator and calls it self-confidence. The warrior seeks to be impeccable in his own eyes and calls it humility.

Carlos Castaneda



Law of the Living

Book of the Goddesses, verses 184 to 189


184 Eat, be eaten, law of the jungle
185 Misery or desire without respite, law of life
186 The true law that awaits you is the law of the living
187 Without the weight of misfortune, without gravity
188 Tasty and light is the law of pure joy
189  In the infinity of the eternal moment


No need to see to be seen. No desire over absolute pleasure. All that lives will die. All that dies runs away. In this world there is nothing that lasts. No bliss that must not be paid for with the price of blood, agony, death. I wish for this place of perfection where no one ever dies. I am not perfect, by no mean. In the purity of the Spirit, under the law of the Living, there will be no first or last. Nothing and no one can be more perfect than perfection.

On this land of misery and torment, Justice is blindfolded. Ignorance too. All true knowledge is banished. He who teaches it is the object of contempt. He is obstinate, he is scorned. He insists, he is rolled. He bows, he is praised.

Is justice more powerful than the eternity of the moment? Is righteousness more noble and enviable than the perfection of crystal? The brilliance of the blemish-free diamond is your deep nature. Cleansed of the impurities born from the flesh, your Spirit is intact. It shines infinitely.


Themis the Justice keeps her eyes blindfolded. What can we expect from a blind justice?



The Book of the Goddesses


The Astral



Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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