The Great Passage



This second part of the Book of the Goddesses presents verses 38 to 71.
Already translated: 39 verses out of a total of 375.

In the mists of time, the Eloha, goddesses from Alcor in the Great Bear, chose this planet to design it. The Earth was wild, the Eloha terraformed it. Here everything comes from Them, everything is to Them. Our grandmothers have been their slaves, here we are their tenants.



For everyone, the mysteries taught in ancient cults have become obvious right out of movies or comics. Some more generations and everything I reveal in this site will be taught from kindergarten. Quantum physics will have radically changed lifestyles and our religions will belong to the obscurantist and superstitious past.

Everyone, even the most backward scientists, will have understood that the world we live in is virtual. A prison of matter enkysted like a purulent bubon in the midst of an infinite astral purely spiritual. Space and time are the walls of our prison. In the astral, pure spirits know neither. They live a moment without beginning or end.

It is written that our world of hard matter must come to an end. It is coming soon. For eons, our present is referred to as the time of the Great Passage.


The Passant Masters

Book of the Goddesses, verses 40 to 44


40 The end of the dark age will see the Great Passage
41 There will be many Passant Masters
42 They are the envoys of the Great Goddess
43 They were long gone on Terra
 44 For the new dawn did not light this world


The end of the dark age, we are here. We are currently going through the last soubresses of the kali yuga, the dark age for the Hindus. Now the Great Passage opens. Already the Passing Masters are at work. Their priesthood began in the Spring of Cathedrals, with the fellow builders who made sacred arches as good as they are beautiful.

Initiates were numerous in those times, from the 11th century to the end of the 13th century. The Companions of Duty recognized each other, walking around all over Europe, from site to site, without leaving the Wonderland. They did not work for Jesus invented, but for the Energy.

They began the reign of the subtle over the thick, they resurrected the Old Religion of awakening ancient cults to mysteries. But when Philip the Fair ended the Order of the Temple, a long winter fell on France. It lasted one hundred years of war against the Anglois.


Read or reread the best book on this occult era, Les Étoiles de Compostelle by Henri Vincenot.


The subtle and the thick

Book of the Goddesses, verses 45 to 49


45 The matter will become more and more fluid
46 The subtle will take precedence over the thick
47 What is solid will become liquid
48 What is liquid will become etheric
49 The Energy Light will remain visible only


Matter does not exist. Do not see it as the delirium of a lit man: it is Einstein who said it.


Only energy contains information: every transmission of energy is accompanied by information. This is a principle of thermodynamics. In the language of nagual, it becomes: There is no god. There is only Energy and its double, the Intention. Both are deaf and blind as are all physical principles.

So all prayer is useless and shows great self-sufficiency. When you pray, two things can happen. Either our prayer is intercepted by an invisible creature, and there it is even or double. The best or the worst. Either our prayer is received by our dual astral, which will become the inner god of the awakened.

He can do something to help. But he never knows what to do until we are awake, as long as the desires overlap and contradict each other. So, not to pray with respect, but to give him orders. Then he will know what to do.

The gods of before are not gods in the modern sense, since they are mortal. They live for many thousands of years, but the day comes when their material body disintegrates and dies. Goddesses themselves are mortal, although their lives can be counted in billions of years.



The Awakening of the Eloha

Book of the Goddesses, verses 50 to 54


48 Eloha will come out of the great sleep vital
49 Their triumphant reign will bring back the first joy
50 They will hunt the sower of death
51 They will disappear in a flash of light
52 The providers of misfortune will suffer the same fate




The end of slavery

Book of the Goddesses, verses 55 to 59

55 Eloha all powerful will act and heal
56 They will drive the evil gods from below
57 Terra will disappear because it had never been
58 The Goddesses will announce the end of slavery
59 The end of domination of one over another

Reptilian goddesses are skilled healers. No need for potions or any remedy, they heal by intention alone. The gestures of their hands are not important, they are only there to fix the third attention. The emotion that holds them is the love of humans, the love of everyone, a primordial, absolute love, without condition. This love you see my honey does not die. This life you see my honey does not die.

Their return marks the end of the evil gods from below. The Archons have been our masters since the beginning, but if they are skilled creators with thick matter, they have no gift for subtlety.



The end of evolution

Book of the Goddesses, verses 60 to 64


60 Toward the end of the Great Passage, Eloha will speak
61 With a soft and strong voice, she will say the Truth
62 Her Truth that humans have long dreamed of
63 We must leave this world of discord and horror
64 Join the non-place where time no longer counts


The pre-existing or PEX

Each one will prepare for the final stage of our evolution: the abandonment of this material planet and the renunciation of all matter. At the end of the Great Passage, the living and the dead will find themselves in the Plerôme, the Pre-existing. This non-place out of time, out of the multiverse, out of space where souls rejoice forever. In the eternal moment.

The Preexistent is a non-place outside of space. Our universe and the multiverse that accompanies it occupy all infinite space. The multiverse continues to grow and beautify. Myriads of galaxies a hundred million times larger than ours are born every second.

Since you started reading this article, two hundred billion universes have been added to the multiverse whose volume has been doubled. Its exponential growth, however, fits into a single lepton. A lepton is an elementary fermion that is insensitive to strong interaction. There are six types of leptons: electron, muon, tau and neutrinos. The name lepton comes from the Greek and means “light”. (source) Any book on particle physics.

The authors of the Big Bang, the first explosion that created this universe from nothing, are the permanent residents of the pre-existing or Pex. Their size is so gigantic that it defies the imagination. The multiverse they created fits in a mini jar in the middle of one of their laboratory workbenches. We can evaluate its size at 10 32 MU. That is 10 power 32 Multivers.

10³² MU

Despite these unthinkable dimensions, they would easily fit into a billionth of an electron. These notions exceed thought, logic and reason. No computer, however powerful, could ever take them and put them into equation.


I saw, I believed. Now I no longer see, I no longer believe.



The end of religions

Book of the Goddesses, verses 65 to 69

65 You followed bad advice
66 Given by false gods, evil gods
67 Long you have followed the ways of vice
68 Ready to anything not to understand
69 Deluded with illusions and pretenses



The brilliant Socrates was so ugly and so deformed that it was said to be similar to the silenae. A silene is a monster represented in the form of a young old man but of great ugliness, with a stuffy nose, heavy features, a fat belly. Socrates was compared to a silene by Alcibiades in The Banquet of Plato; it is under these traits that he is represented on the ancient busts. (wipikadié)

This comparison is not offensive. The precious jewellery boxes had silenlike appearance, so that the ugliness of the packaging would bring out the preciousness of the contents. Usually gold effigies of Athena or Apollo.

Socrates was so great that he could not be sublimately beautiful. So much splendor, together with such a genius, would have made him a kind of Christ, an elect, a savior. It is him and not Jesus that the devotees would go to pray in the churches.


Too is too

Am I as ugly as Socrates? Like the silenians, I have a big nose and a fat belly. If I had been sublimately beautiful, I would not have received this avalanche of gifts that overwhelm me every day more. My clairvoyance was only a gift of double vision, here is the reading of the future. It is so clear that I believe to be living moments before the present time. My healing power has multiplied in equal proportion.

More and more donations are being sent to me by John Seky. Too much is too much. Why me? What do I have to do with all this? This abundance forces me to work like a madman, write, draw, compose, heal, raise the vibratory rate, how could I stop? If anyone has an idea, let me know, I’m a go.

John Secky, the stranger in the two-way mirror, has chosen me as a receiver or as a sufferer? I wonder strongly.

If I had received sublime beauty in addition to my talents, a majority of people looking for a master desperately would have taken me for the founder of a new religion. This perspective is awful terrible. My contrary. The exact opposite of my project.

All religions are going to disappear. I can’t see the exact date, a visionary gives no time. I know it’s coming. No one needs to believe totally. No one should deny any belief.



Read and UnreadFrench délire = delirious

On the time scale I’m in, soon can mean ten or ten thousand years. I lean for four centuries. This is not the result of a vision, but the fruit of my mythological research. I must believe in it to keep my powers. At the same time, I must not believe it, or else I will go mad. I mean more mad than I already am. Which seems impossible.

Socrates was not crazy, just a pedophile. It was done at the time. Nevertheless, the Athenian Pentarcas condemned him to drink ciguete mixed with formalin. It does not forgive. This recipe inspired La Fontaine who put it in a fable under the title The Cigale and the Ant. He thus reveals, in a pleasant form, the secret formula of the most terrible poison that is. It not only kills the physical body, but also prevents the soul from reincarnating. It dissolves in formalin. After which, in turn, it becomes very soft.


I sound like I’m talking shit, it’s true. I do say some nonsense, but all this nonsense is true, by virtue of the Fifth Fundamental Principle: There is no concrete difference between the true and the false. Between the tares and the false. Between life and death. Between the being and his clothes.



The Resisters

Book of the Goddesses, verses 70 to 74

70 There are some of you who refuse the Passage
71 Some are pasted in the line thickness
72 The others are riveted to their perishable bodies
 73 In truth none can continue
74 The world they cherish is coming to an end



You’d think all humans would be happy about the Great Passage. There’s eternity at stake, it’s not nothing. Such a blessing only happens once in 64,000 years. We think that everyone will want to take advantage of it.

Yet the secret resistance has arisen from two opposing camps. From opposite forces are born constraints that degenerate into masochistic vice. The submission of the disobedient is the worst abomination. Thus slavery arises, thus the domination of the less righteous on the most vicious.

Resistance will hide in the depths of the earth, among the Archons who encourage it. It will be organized according to two extreme axes: those who refuse to abandon matter, and those who refuse to believe in disembodied eternal life. It is a powerful ferment of discord that can only rejoice the Archons, friends of evil, agents of misfortune, authors of unease, army of the Evil.




One might think that the two sides are alike and want them to come together. So all religions thrive. But the brothers who are disunited are the worst enemies. Neither of them wants to surrender, both are ready to vomit rather than admit their fault. Thus all hatreds take root. In the vomit.

But the world will disappear and its bowels will close first. The two factions of resistance will not see the Day rise. Those who have chosen darkness will not know the Dawn.

All the other humans, the great number, will be added to the ranks of PEX. They will be happy as pharaohs in the Loire, those who once laughed and supplied like larrons at fair.

The pre-existing does not care about remorse, it does not care about regrets. The potion of oblivion will do its work and the eternal trap will close on the new archangels.


For all that lives, all that comes, all that goes, all that wills is to Eloha. Her property is full and whole.



Our Virgin Mother


The Ultimate Dawn

Since everything comes from the Eloha, since all belongs to them, the night of times must give way to the Day. Eloha have given us many gifts, and their future gifts are even more lovely. Wake up, it’s time. No more fears. Dry your tears. Take your flight in the soft light before the right of night is falling tight.


The Matriarchs


Forthcoming: The Last Dawn, Book of Goddesses, Part 3


When from the Two you have made the One, and from the top down, then you will go into the Kingdom.