The Book of the Goddesses — Part 6


She called herself She-Human. She lived in the southern hemisphere. For years, mail and astral waves united us. Her life story was a tale of destruction. Before crossing the seas to come and see me, she wrote these verses. They make a beautiful ending for this Book — since She-Human was a Goddess. Who remembers from afar.


I Created You

Verses 190 to 195


190 I created you Man,
191 I was one of the banished and proscribed
192 in charge of populating the land.
193 While my brothers were fighting
194 to know how to overcome what Father had given them,
195 I was longing for Him.


She-Human wrote me these texts, not as quotations, but as events lived in a previous life, or during an astral journey to backtime. Everything happens as if my interlocutor had been our creator Sophia, Hathor or whatever name we give her. She-Human has created us by duty, not by her initiative. She obeyed orders from above. By duty, but also by punishment. The following verse clarifies this. The gods who came to terraform this planet and create human beings are banished, outcasts.

There were two teams, she said. The first team was She-Human’s team, in charge of repopulating the Earth. The second, which she calls her brothers, had to do better than the gifts of the Father. Who is this Father? He is in command, but I do not think that it is the almighty of the Bible, the Koran and the Torah. He is at the orders of the Goddess, which should not be confused with She-Human. The latter claims to be our creator, kind of Ninhursag/ Inanna of Sumer, even Ea/ Enki, our father, the brilliant geneticist who created us.



Daughter of Him

Verses 196 to 201

196  I communicated with the great whole,so was my life
197  I also communicated with «She».
198  I used to dive and descend
199  Watch your species evolve
200  But I was forbidden to speak and to meet you
201  Because I was the daughter of Him.


She-Human is the daughter of Him, the Father. Is it Zeus? I have shown that Zeus is not the boss. What does he do besides organizing battles of human troops against his daughter Athena? He plays at war and flirts as long as he can. Each time, his sister and wife Hera firmly lifts his braces. He becomes very small, the god of lightning. He becomes the pale god of a rocket.

As we can see, establishing correspondences between the various mythological traditions proves to be a delicate and risky task. She-Human is linked to the Great All, which she distinguishes from Him the Father. This latter is also doubled by Her.

In summary, the supreme level is two-headed: the Great Everything and the Great Goddess. The Great Everything could designate the great gods of the galactic center, those giga giants who remain close to the central Black Hole and who, to resist its devouring attraction, have developed an hallucinating size of several kilometers, even several tens of kilometers.

In her young days, the Great Goddess went to Grand Central to see these gods. They are in charge of our galaxy the Milky Way. In this way, they wished to meet the empress of the thousand stars, our Great Goddess who reigns over this entire sector of the galaxy, the solar system, the Great Bear, Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades, to name only the most famous.



Human Slave

Verses 202 to 206

202  Yet I was not insensitive to your condition, slave men.
203  So were you. And I’m still here, Man.
204  I love your kind, because even if it is difficult for you
205  To carry heaviness, to bear lightning, you remain my creation
206  And for that, in memory of that, I must succeed


Yes, the former gods created us for one purpose, being slave. Our ancestors had to work for them and make war in their place. Has it changed? Pacifists and sloths are heroes who claim their indignation in the face of our former masters. We see that She-Human is not insensitive to our condition. She loves us enough not to bear the state of servitude and submission where the gods before us have kept us.

Which makes me say that it belongs to the Goddesses of the Plerome. It intervened after the Archontes shaped our physical body. It was a real success, by the way. That was her opinion. So she wished to give us an eternal soul. Access to divinity. A way of liberation to lift us beyond our miserable condition.

Indeed, we cannot bear the lightning, she said. Now the lightning is liberating. It gives awakening, my benefactor Flornoy was able to benefit from it. To regain our divine condition, it is necessary to be awakened. Lightning is automatic awakening, hence the gigantic machines of stones that the ancients built to attract lightning.

We also have much less strength than the previous humanity, the giants of 4m. Or the Cyclopes of 50m. builders of megaliths and pyramids with gigantic blocks. These powerful beings could carry heaviness.



Wake Up

Verses 207 to 212


207  I must also be able to free myself from matter
208  and give back what my Father left me.
209  Man, I’m heavy, I hurt, I know your pangs
210  but I also know your tenderness,
211  so I’ll fight for you again,
212  But in His Name, please wake up.


The Human develops what she has outlined in the previous verses. She is ready to face the Archons to help us free ourselves. But why does she say “in his name” instead of “in her name”? That’s one thing I would like to ask…

Like Isis, She the Human has the gift of awakening. It is enough for him to touch a human to his vibratory rate to reach the level of white clarity that he has come to call awakening. She does it as much as she can, for there is a divine future in the human being that she knows how to see. Her immense task must overwhelm her. So much work remains to be done to awaken the billions of humans who are piling up on the green planet — which is turning grey…

If I saw in an indefinite future that we will all have to free ourselves from matter, Elle the Human already knew it. I suspect that when I read these words twelve years ago, I didn’t understand half of them. But I liked it. I printed this email, which allows me to find it now that my old computer is dead and with it all its data… Beware of computers and any cloud-based media!

When we are dematerialized, will we have lost all our memories? What do you want me to know? I am still a very material man. And if it happens to me that I visit the future, it is always by a divine gift. The gods hide many things from us and the goddesses do not tell us everything… for fear of spoiling our future.




Dark Misery

Verses 213 to 217

Many of us have come down
to impose our law and thus diminish your potential.
I had to take over a large city,
so I was manipulated: in my eyes was hidden
the misery that held you.


At the time when the Human wrote me these mails, I was unaware of the great Goddess and the primordial role she could have played in our origin. It is a pity, because I did not have the opportunity to ask him for clarification that would be welcome today. I can’t do it anymore, unfortunately. The Human came to see me here in Erquy in the Côtes d’Armor. Erquy, the ancient Rekinea.

Her visit was not just friendly. She wanted an exorcism. I have already told this episode, I do not return. This meeting, I confess, left an indelible mark on me. I am not a fan of exorcisms, I have done them very rarely, and I am too tired to accept to do more.

Yet, imagine my surprise when sorting old mail I came across this email that comes at the right time. Everything she says today makes sense to me. And what synchronicity! Find this precious testimony when I write and publish this Book of the Goddesses! No doubt, the friend Yesaëlle was a goddess. I am happy and honoured to have met her and been able to help.

Except that my help, by exorcising him, took away most of his memories from previous lives. It may be that since then — that was ten or twelve years ago — the Human has regained her former spirits? But I have no trace of her. If she reads me, I would have a great pleasure to get in touch so that I can exchange some words with She-Human …



Rereading this poem today, its clarity dazzles me. Prophecy, initiation, nothing is missing. She confesses everything, my nice witch of the Southern Seas. She knows who she is and who she has been. The good and bad goddess shared her body from birth. The poor little girl was swallowed by an archon to the bone marrow.




Our Virgin Mother


The Book of the Goddesses


Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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