Bosnia: Visoko Pyramids



Pay attention! This is archaeological bomb!!! After the discovery of a huge complex under Neolithic Stonehenge, European Pyramids of Bosnia are back again. A statement from September 11, 2014 reports on the findings.

Bosnian Pyramid
Press Release, 11th September, 2014
Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids
Pyramid Tunnel New Radio Carbon Dating Analysis

The Worlds most active Archaeological project prepares to close the 2014 season on 21st September. A total 375 people have participated from 29 countries over a four month investigation season.

Investigation this year has concentrated in three prime areas:
• Accumulation of cultural materials in support to Human activity and occupation in the distant past
• Materials characterisation and analysis
• Preservation of archaeological features

The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids complex covers some 40km2 in area, encompassing 6 main structures and the subterranean Ravne Tunnel complex. It is situated 30 km North of the capital city Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, in the town of Visoko.




Investigation in the Ravne tunnel complex has concentrated on identifying Cultural activity in support of human construction and occupation theory.

“We have very clear evidence of construction materials concentrated on and around an area known as K5 Megalith, buried 200m into the land form”, commented Timothy Moon- Archaeological Manager.

The K5 megalith is constructed from a ceramic material on the exterior, is positioned in the floor of the tunnel complex just centre meters above the water table. The Megalith is in fact a Mega Ceramic, is buried under hundreds of thousands of tons of conglomerate deposited at some point in the distant past. It is estimated to have a mass in excess of a million tons.

“Foundation stones and large cut blocks have been located on top of the archaeological feature establishing its use by early man as an occupational or ceremonial site. In close proximity we have recorded 8 culturally modified stone blocks and art objects” says Moon.

Carbon 14 dating in 2013 has provided a time reference of 20,100 BP.

These discoveries confirm human activity at the site prior to deposition of millions of tons of conglomerate.




Further investigations are underway within the labyrinth. A 70m section of ancient tunnels is being excavated with a three fold focus, first-1 preservation of the original architecture, design and engineering, – 2nd dating profiles to the tunnel system, thirdly- exploring a link to the pyramids main access tunnels.

In July a team of divers lead by Dr Semir Osmanagich discoverer and principal investigator and Timothy Moon archaeological manager, entered a 200m water section deep within the underground labyrinth to investigate its parameters. Stalactite material was retrieved in the process and submitted for dating profile in the USA. The material is important as it establishes a minimum time stamp prior to which the tunnel system existed- that is stalactites can only form after the tunnel is constructed. Results of the Carbon 14 analysis certify a calibrated date of 7,400BP. To expand on this date consideration must be provided to the growth rate and mass of the total stalactite. A 30mm sample was retrieved from the exposed and distal end of a ceiling crystal of 125 mm in length. This provides a further indication to the antiquity of the tunnel system now estimated to exceed 22,000BP.

The Bosnian Pyramid Foundation has established construction phases for the pyramidal features at circa 30,000BP and a complementary serries of dates for the companion pyramid tunnel labyrinth stretching back 20,100BP.

The Bosnian Pyramids represent ancient civilisation from a period before the last Ice Age, a time when Homo sapiens sapiens were suppose to be nomadic Hunter Gatherers living in loose Bands deficient in organised society and not possessing sills or knowledge required to construct megalithic architecture.

“Yet again, this archaeological project is presenting scientific evidence in support of truly great civilisation existing in pre-diluvian time. The accumulation of scientific data, cultural artefacts and archaeological features simply can not be ignored any longer by mainstream academia- to do so is to deny the people of the World a truth. We are committed to pursuing scientific evaluation in support of the ancient structures presenting and announce these findings as evidence of truly ancient, advanced and forgotten civilization” states Moon.




The mystery of the sky rings

Wait a minute! Is Bosnia a super-Egypt with more ancient secrets yet? Maybe. Researchers have found in the mountains and antique metal ring sealed to the rock. A ring very similar to mooring rings found on all docks in the world. Except this one sits on top of a mountain. That’s not all. It has been dated to 30 million years. This is something. Wait, wait! The best is yet to come. The ring in question is truly gigantic. A man can not lift it. It was forged and sealed by beings endowed with superhuman strength.
Other rings of the same type were found on top of other mountains across the planet. According to locals, the rings back to the era when Pannonia was a sea. They were used by giants who inhabited the area in the distant past.
Yeah. I do not hide my skepticism. The Pannonian Sea should have reach too high a level if this ring has been used to moor the ancient naves. I will look instead for ancient aircrafts.
Numerous discoveries refer to a time when giants roamed the earth. Nothing serves to veil the face; the evidence is there, and millions of tourists photograph them every second. We can not hide anything.

These giant rings found on mountaintops suggest that giants had a flying machine to attach securely to the ground.

These huge rings remind the Machu Picchu sacred stone called Inti Watani, the Stone of the Sun, which according to legend was used to moor a huge spacecraft, as bright as the sun.


The world is wide but inside it is as deep as the sea.
Rainer Maria Rilke