The Former Gods
The celestial androgynes created the human race
The celestial androgynes created the human race
Long ago, there were the Watchers, powerful and magic giants.
“Through arduous paths to the stars” … NASA keeps tightly closed secrets.
The ancient astronauts had full knnowledge and wisdom thus they have been taken for gods
The gods are old, odious, vicious. They weigh us down, they fuck us and they’re gone.
How this planet was developed and colonized by visitors
A modified planet is a wild planet made habitable to humanlike species
Several teams of “gods” are responsible for intervening on the planets of their sector.
Imagine a mould to make humans. We know the shape of this mould.
Several terraforming angels have found humans to their liking
A gigantic ossuary of prehistoric animals shows that the ice age came instantly.
13.000 years ago, circumpolar area turned into express freezer