Wild And Free



We still get many traces of former civilizations. Ruined monuments,  engulfed cities, ancient traditions and legends around the world. To understand men’s way of thinking during these forgotten ages, we have better than traces: living groups of people.

In the rare bulldozer-spared jungles, primitive people enjoy their last moments of freedom, waiting for the mutants on their machines. Yanomanis in Amazonia, Bushmen in Africa, Evenks or Toungouses in Siberia, Papoos in New- Guinea, Inuits in Arctic zone, Aborigens in Australia and a few others. 

They’re on borrowed time. No one can tell for how long. Aren’t they much more precious than any protected animal species? Their way of life doesn’t change for milleniums, it will only take a few decades to disappear.

Now we spoilt their rules and countries, isn’it hard time to appreciate them as they are, for what they are, the very last free men. The word “primitive” has a bad image those days, we find it is not politically correct. Imagine the opposite.

Three centuries ago,  J.J. Rousseau asserted that man is naturally good by birth, but society corrupts him step by step. This thesis remained famous under the name of myth of good wild men.

Without society and development, men would stay good. “Ab origines”  means, in latin, from the origin. Aborigens are the people from the beginning. Because the first white men found them there when debarking. But also because they really come from our forgotten origins. Australian’s aborigens represent one of the oldest human lineage, that remained unchanged for 10,000 years, or even more. Before the Flood, or so. Lane ramblers, they practice a powerful shamanism and the cult of unity with earth and cosmos. Throughout their lives, they respect Mother Earth, our sacred mother.




To meet real aborigens in a real traveller’s notebook, you’ll read Marlo Morgan and her initiation among these exceptionnal beings. Even better, you’ll read great litterature with Songlines by Bruce Chatwin, a magical journey through the wild in and outside. One of the more beautiful books you ever read. Drunk shamans singing their way through the outback, sea-sick sailors inventing a rainbow to reach the Time of Dream … 

Kalahari desert in South Africa is so arid you have to dig out  roots and press them to get water.

Until recently, an authentique primitive people lived there, called Bushmen.  “Bushmen adopted neither agriculture nor breeding; they live on hunting and picking, like before Neolithic age. For this reason, they are disappearing as a group, under the pressure of technically more advanced men around them.” (source)Encyclopedia universalis   

A few years ago, they were popularized by a Jamie Uys’ movie: The Gods Must Be Crazy. Who are crazy indeed? Gods? Or tourists?

“Tourism means to deplace fool’s paradise”, as Pierre Daninos wrote a century ago. By now, it get worse. He was a sighted writer, take my word.

At that times tourists were parked on the french Côte d’Azur and the spanish Costa-Brava beaches. Gilbert Trigano had not yet develop his Club Med and Jacques Maillot his Nouvelles Frontières.





Before them, far-away traveling was a job for missionnaries. Or explorers.

It was then persuaded -many are again- that wild people were the old timers, primitive populations that ever stayed away from civilization. The same mistake is often made about the so-called primary forests.

Don’t imagine they came in straight line from Cretaceous or Jurassic. Prior to these forests, there were deserts at the same place, then seas, then mountains, sometimes three together, over eons.

Today’s primitive men did not always run bare ass in the warren. Formerly, they were well shaven, neatly combed, neck stuck in prehistoric ties as they were pointing in air-conditioned office of the Anunnaki’s Mining Company. And especially at the bottom of gold mines, not at all air conditioned.

Africans especially – that many whites still consider wild – belong to the oldest civilized people of the world. 200,000 years ago, a megalopolis has been erected on the plains of Maputo province, Moçambique, Africa.

One day soon, the whole world will recognize the countless wrongs committed against the African people. It is high time.

The Negroid features of giant Olmec heads, in Central America, raise the nagging question facing the unknown past of Africa. I treated in several articles that provide a rare insight into the subject. Non-Negroid black populations of India, the Indian Ocean and Oceania also are rich of a civilized past, highly developed in rigid societies, organized as anthills, where the work was necessary condition of survival. But not sufficient …




All these peoples, our current primitive, returned to the state of nature which seemed to them preferable to work in the mines.

Hunter-gatherers are perhaps all former prehistoric transgenic soybean farmers. The phenomenon of return to nature, into the wild, the use of nature we will probably need in the near future.

Mad Max, here we are. We will not have the choice, by the way …


 Primary Mother Earth, see what they did to your children. 


The memory of the external events of my life has mostly faded in my mind or disappeared. But the encounters with the other reality, the collision with the unconscious, impregnated indelibly in my memory. There was always abundance and wealth. Everything else goes into the background.
Carl Gustav Jung