Thirteen years ago, one of my first articles, The Empire of Rama, was devoted to the civilization of the Indus Valley, so refined for its great antiquity that many authors see it as the mythical empire. I take issue with it. Rama’s real empire was much larger. India is only part of it. Giam-Shyd has been the ruler of this world.
The work of the researcher is made of long fruitless hunts. Sometimes, all too rarely, he comes across a nugget. Then the researcher becomes a finder, in the words of Charles de Gaulle. With Rama, I am disappointed for the better. The moment is propitious. Here I am promoted finder, discoverer, inventor of the deposit. I don’t believe in chance, but I believe in luck. Better than a gold mine, his history is a true vein of gold and gems. Here is a new episode.
Rama the Great conquered all the lands of Europe, a good half of Africa and all of Asia. He also carved out a beautiful empire in America, both in the north and in the center and on the Andes mountain range. Such a miracle in such a remote time may seem impossible. Wait and see. Rama did not always travel on horseback or on camelback. Son of Hyperborea, he possessed the tech of the terraforming gods. Several billion years of technological and scientific development at his entire disposal.
Ram was using a terrifying arsenal. It also had world-class maritime, air and space fleets. Thanks to the speed of his flying machines, he was moving from one end of his vast empire to the other in the space of a few moments. He had no difficulty in administering such expanses, for he had men of his own there, all awakened fifth stage, great initiates, and of course children of Hyperborea, having received the precious teaching of the former gods.
I guess he also controlled teleportation, since some biblical passages describe miracles that may well be based on this science. The development of the former gods remains well above our level. I have already spoken at length about terraformers, their methods, their mothership, their magnificent achievement which is very unfairly attributed to nature alone – just let nature take care of a planet, you will quickly understand that this will never become the sweet harmony we enjoy here, with its extreme variety of flora and fauna – despite our reckless damage and our sometimes definitive samples.
In countries which were not under his direct control, the demigod maintained emissaries and correspondents. Nothing was left to Osiris, god of Chance. What does not come from the hand of Osiris is only negligence, said Rama the impeccable warrior who took responsibility for his actions, his thoughts, his loved ones, his people, all humans, the earth whole. Let’s say that his divinatory and visionary powers were not the only ones involved. Its observation satellites and drones constantly flew over the six continents. They also watched over the space, the sky, the seas, the deserts, the craggy mountains and the lost valleys, so that no one escaped his divine vigilance. So he made order and peace reign over his empire.
His reign lasted two thousand years, from -7000 to -5000.
This incredible period of peace and prosperity
would have given birth to the myth of the golden age.
At its height his empire covered the entire earth.
A temporal parenthesis is necessary. I dated the reign of Rama earlier between -7000 and -5000. The Indus Valley civilization has its roots 8,000 years ago in Mehrgarh. So in -6000. Which falls right at the height of the Rama Empire, which had vanished in the later period of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa.
For this dating, I rely on several sources. The first comes from Fabre d’Olivet. “I have already shown that, by means of astronomical calculations, we can go back to the time of Ram to almost 5000 years before our era,” he wrote. But it is undoubtedly more. “Arrian, who had written according to original traditions, reports that from this Latin Theocrates to Sandrocottus, who was defeated by Alexander, there were 6,402 years. Pliny agrees perfectly with Arien, although it does not appear not to have copied it. However, everyone knows that the expedition of Alexander to India took place 326 years before our era. From which it follows that one can establish from Rama until the present year 1821, a duration of 8,550 years old.” (source)Fabre d’Olivet, Philosophical History of the Human Race Duration to which it is necessary to add 200 years to arrive in 2021, which dates the reign of Rama of 8,750 years.
My second dating source has nothing to do with it, it perfectly corroborates the first. Official archeology dates the appearance of agriculture 8000 years ago. According to tradition, it is Rama the Aries who gave rise to agriculture and animal husbandry, from his time nascent activities. He has been nicknamed the Father of the Herds. He was first a shepherd before being a healing druid, warlord, emperor of the world and spiritual master of the planet.
Other sources confirm these periods. Rama or rather Ha Ra Ma would have appeared around -8000 with the era of the Lion. The Giza Sphinx dates from this era. It is possible that he represents Rama with the body of a Lion. Gilgamesh, who calls himself the first King of Men, appears to date from the previous astrological era. Failing to date his reign with precision, we have a fairly accurate idea of when Ram brought peace and harmony among the peoples.
Before you embark on the wing of my daydream, towards the timeline and its mysteries unveiled, I ask you to take a look at this precious memory owed to Mortimer Wheeler, worthy Scotsman down to the mustache and the pipe. He had played an acceptable Sherlock.
Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler, is a Scottish archaeologist (Glasgow 10 Sep 1890 – London 22 Jul 1976), inventor of the excavation method known as the “Wheeler’s method” or of “Excavations in squares”, which predates the method open area excavation. (source)Wikipedia
So this gentleman of noble lineage invented a method of excavation which Wikipedia tells us has already been replaced by another. We are few things. All the more reason to taste this incunabula:
“The contacts of the cities of the Indus with the ancient proto-historical or historical civilizations of Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Egypt and the Aegean Sea, are important … There is evidence of contact with Sargon Akkad (circa 2370 – 2284 BCE) then with King Urnammu (circa 2100 BCE) but Mohenjo-Daro existed long before. Objects from Mohenjo-Daro have been found in Tel Asmar and Troy (circa 2300 BCE) as well. than in a royal tomb of Ur. Bronzes from Louristan and Mesopotamian weapons meet at Mohenjo Daro … Identical glazed soapstone necklaces are found at Harappa and Knossos … Seals from the Indus meet in Ur in the lower Euphrates and in Kish, Susa, Lagash, Umma and Tell Asmar … A large number of soapstone seals bearing inscriptions in Indus characters are found in Bahrain (Dilmun) but also in Ur (c. 2350 BCE) and Lagash (Larsa period)” (source)Mortimer Wheeler, The Indus Civilizations, p p 111-115
Mortimer Wheeler, without caring, brings water to my twelve mills in his smart talk. See, he tells us, admire how small the world was then! Yet he did not mention the new world. Sir Wheeler’s discretion about trade with the Americas is certainly laudable, especially since he was not yet known when he wrote these lines. Since then, Egyptologists have found traces of cocaine on the nostrils of a Second Empire mummy. And the cocaine comes from America. Sir Robert Eric Mortimer W. – Robbie for the emulators – does not insist either on the exchanges between Mohenjo Daro & Harappa with black Africa.
It’s a shame, he could have found this information in the prodigious work of the same Fabre d’Olivet. “It is Rama that the first ancestors of the Persians named Giam-Shyd, because he was the first monarch of the world, or the first ruler of the Black People because this people was called the People of Gian, or of Gian- ben-Gian, as the Arabs say.” (source)Fabre d’Olivet, Philosophical History of the Human Race
In the sound of giam, we can hear giant. It should be remembered that Rama, from his height of 4 meters, was a true giant. Would he have dominated the tropical world with his milky skin and freckles? Or was he black too? Which would explain the mystery of black Buddhas with frizzy hair …
“Giam-Shyd can mean the Monarch of the World or the Universal Sun, which is the same.” (source) Fabre d’Olivet, Philosophical History of the Human Kind Unless it is the Greater Sun, Hyperborea, which shone brighter than a thousand suns. “It can also mean the Master of the Black People, because this people at the time of their power bore the name of universal.” (source)Fabre d’Olivet, Philosophical History of the Human Race
The black people, at the time of their greatness, were masters of the entire Earth, Fabre d’Olivet tells us, citing Anquetil du Perron in support. This implies that in the 18th century, when slavery was not yet abolished, some scholars still remembered the first domination of blacks over all other peoples. I note that on this point, as on many others, European thought has seriously regressed since then.
In short, Mortimer Wheeler and Fabre d’Olivet teach us the same truth. The density of trade between the Indus Valley and the rest of the world attests to the power of these two cities in northern India. As well as that of India in general. Let us say rather: India at the time when Rama made it his headquarters. But in view of the astonishing conditions of his reign, other parts of the world during the same period felt that they too were the nerve and emotional heart of Rama’s activities. And He alone knows that they were as numerous as the stars in the sky. It must be said that His extraordinary longevity has something to do with it. Two thousand years is a very long life, even for a giant of 4 meters.
Yes, the scope of this incunabula goes far beyond the taste of excursions and travel souvenirs. Very vast and very lasting was the Empire of Rama. This conqueror was a demigod. He belonged to the race of heroes of ancient Greece. Ramos was originally from the Northern Four Islands, a mysterious flying continent that the Greeks call Hyperborea and the Sumerians Nibiru. His odyssey inspired Homer to that of Ulysses. Hence its close resemblance to the Ramayana.
All of Europe, the Mediterranean basin and Asia constituted his vast empire at the height of his reign – or that of his successors, who bore his name like a title, like Caesar or Augustus in Rome, or like kings Louis in France. With his brothers Enlil, Enki and Cuchulainn, Rama managed to unify the whole planet, which spoke only one language, and practiced only one religion, or better to say one single wisdom, that of enlightenment.
Feed my lambs, feed my sheep. You are my shepherd O Rama. Nothing could be missing from the panorama. You are the Son of God, the Lamb of Aries, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. You heal your people, you remove this terrible disease from them, you are the good shepherd, the just druid who protects us from the savage druidesses and their cruel sexual magic. Bless me, Lord Rama, because I have sinned. Save me, O my good Lama, meek and humble of heart. Bless you, the child Lama, pure heart, prince charming. I am not worthy to receive you, first heal my heart of stone and on this stone I will build your church.
Rama banned slavery 9,000 years ago. In France, the slave trade will be banned in 1815, slavery finally abolished on March 4, 1848. But it still exists. Progress is an unfounded myth.
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