Akasha, quintessence, ether
There are not four elements, but five. The first is called ether. But we forgot it.
There are not four elements, but five. The first is called ether. But we forgot it.
According to physics, time is a dimension like space. Time traveling is possible, learn how
It is difficult to know how things went 13.7 billion years ago. Besides, are we sure of the dating?
Myths are the magical chronicles of a past definitely too great for history
Ancient myths and legends are not the work of humans.
Rational mind and wild mind, right side and left side, tonal and nagual.
Everyone can talk with trees if patient enough
The stone has many secrets to share with us. This is subtle, intimate knowledge.
Giants are carved in rocks and mountains worldwide. Do you know others?
Every myth is a Rosette’s Stone waiting for Champollion.
It was a time of innocence, of justice, of abundance and happiness
The nostalgia of an ancient past, brighter and magic is a recurrent myth in many traditions