The Law Of Change
According to the Hopis we are entering the Fifth World. The Ancient Greeks and Asians said the same
According to the Hopis we are entering the Fifth World. The Ancient Greeks and Asians said the same
It takes a little time to turn a civilized guy into a wild one. It happened so many times already.
Progressing is an illusion. We are neither the first, nor the more advanced.
Eden Saga does not want to expose a coherent doctrine
Advertising has disappeared from this site, and it is definitive
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Can we hear the silence? Yes, if it is deafening. This is the case.
“I would like to react to your article “aging or not?” Why aging? Why die? Nobody knows.”
Here the user manual of the site for those who can read the images and click the links.
While our official history stops at the nearest flood, the enormous Saga of Eden unfolds its scroll over millions of years.
Thanks to you, the Saga will live. Your gifts bring a new life that makes its heart beat.
The whole universe library is wide open, we often visit it