Marianne Is France
Revolutionary symbol, her Phrygian cap was once that of Mithras
Revolutionary symbol, her Phrygian cap was once that of Mithras
You are at peace with yourself. Your body, your heart and your spirit are united.
There is the golden tongue, language of origin, and another more mysterious…
He who has conquered a thousand men is not worth the one who has conquered himself
Conspiracy against oneself, self-nourished by every repetition of the dominant thought
Words describe other words, although awakening is… er… What shall I say?
Wonderful and amazing, it has reigned for centuries over the surrounding fields.
Living one’s death, why not? But first how to do? Silence. And what is the purpose? Mystery.
In a climate of spells, Goddess Danae is the victim of a cruel injustice.
Devil then god, Krishna is a blackskin god and his people is called Krishna.
The kundalini blockages are located on one or the other chakra
Our senses don’t fool us, but our brain and its damn programs.