There was a time when our planet was populated by giants. This is the teaching of tradition and science could confirm this hypothesis. In the early 20th century, engineer Hörbiger issued a bold hypothesis: our planet would have had several moons that crashed on earth one after the other.
This theory elucidates many enigmas of the past of our planet and yet is neglected because no geological evidence was found to support it … Was it even searched for? In other areas, eg biology, evidences are plenty. Hans Hörbiger was curious about everything: engineer, inventor, essayist, theorist, this tough Austrian speculated on everything. Perhaps he was too original for his time. Certainly he was not part of the seraglio, thus scientists never paid him any attention. However he has found strong evidence that astronomical satellites are captured by planets as planets are captured by the sun.
Thus, he said, the moon was once diverted from its spacial path and trapped by the earth’s gravity. Since then, the moon is revolving around the earth. But its orbit does not describe – not quite – a regular ellipse, because gravity is always exercised on it. Revolution after revolution, the radius of its orbit is reducing, following what is called a spiral … Until the moon crashes down the earth. Keep cool, since the moon is 370,000 km away, there is no hurry. But it may happen.
Perhaps it will not be the end of mankind, but it will certainly be the end of the Quaternary era, the current geological era.
Hörbiger has shown that each geological era had a different satellite, and its fall meant the end of this era. In each final phase, the moon is so close to the earth that its powerful attraction affects tides which become tsunamis.
Not to mention earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Same consequence on living organisms which size increases. The nearer the moon, the smaller the gravity, and the bigger they grow.
When they are not destroyed by the final explosion, they are finished anyway: the sudden return of gravity exterminates them. Let us compare this with geological facts: the precambrian era has seen giants plant, fern trees, gigantic trees, which abruptly disappeared.
The mesozoic era has seen dinosaurs – and Cyclops I might add – who disappeared just as suddenly. Finally the tertiary era has seen giant mammals – and Titans I might add – who also had a rapid extinction. The Quaternary moon came, which still shines over our heads. And for a long time, hopefully.
Our moon has not made giants of us … not yet. In two generations though, we are already much taller, and it does not come only from diet and medical progress.
Of course Hörbigger’s hypothesis is original enough to rise critics and objections.
You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.
Did our planet know successive moons? This is the interesting hypothesis of Prof. Hörbigger. The beginning of the process is described here.
Let us get back to the final crashing process. Hörbigger was objected that such enormous celestial bodies as the moon couldn’t crash on our planet without destroying it.
Keep cool, said Hörbigger, planets are not bumper cars. Various magnetic and atmospheric layers, increasingly dense, prevent front shocks.
Before any satellite or asteroid strikes the earth, it will explode against the Van Allen belt.See below Its debris and dust will be orbiting in a circle forming a ring like Saturn’s.
Yes, most of the time no doubt. But our so-called protection is not nearly as strong as one might believe at the time. Despite the Van Allen belt.
The radiation belt of Van Allen, or simply Van Allen belt, is a toroidal zone of the magnetosphere surrounding the Earth’s magnetic equator and containing a high density of energy particles. The meeting of these particles with the molecules of Earth’s upper atmosphere causes the polar aurora. One may wonder if the Van Allen belt is not the last stage of evolution of a ring of solid particles that would have existed before.
The ring was inexorably approaching while more and more debris were falling on people. The Gauls and their ancestors have already experienced it, that’s why “they didn’t fear anything but the sky falling down on their heads.” No fun, it happened to the dinosaurs: a good crescent of moon crashed onto the Yucatan: farewell dinos. And farewell Mesozoic era. Some dinos have survived somehow. But it’s always the same old story, the survivors of the previous era are decimated by the increased gravity.
Of course, when the moon disappears, its attraction disappears right away as our planet restores a gravity that nothing tempers … until a new wandering asteroid is captured by the earth gravity and becomes the moon of the new era. And it goes again and again endlessly. Until the Earth crashes into the sun and the sun crashes into a black hole, which is bound to happen too. But there is enough time left not to worry about it. Neither for our grand grand grand children. I hope.
This universal spiral has always been known. The ancient Watchmen never stopped watching the sky for signs of lunar approach. They knew this lunar movement, without a doubt they had calculated the frequency of falls according to extremely long lunar cycles, such as shown in the Mayan calendar The inexorable spiral of agony was etched on many megaliths. Tintagel labyrinths are a lesson in astrophysics to remind us of what happened and what is coming ahead.
As the world sinks into the throes of a planned recession and the unpredictable jolts of moribund tyrannies, it is helpful to remember what is hidden behind the moon’s face. One day its face will be so close that the remnants of the U.S. moon landing will be spread out in the skies, as a cruel reminder of the goddess Pollution who is killing us. Then the full moon will be less romantic. Relax: before it falls on our head, at any moment the whole thing can blow up under our feet …
Finally, it will not happen: the ellipse of our moon moves away from the Earth 3 inches per year. It’s not much, but one day the Moon will reach the point to escape from the Earth’s gravity and run towards the Sun.
On that day, we will have an enormous gravity!
The past – i.e. the real one as you may discover in this so nice and glamourous website – will explain what is coming in the near future. For a better understanding, keep in mind this strange process, the capture of moons and their downward spiral. Tradition teaches us that man has been here since the Mesozoic era. But modern science denies that fact. However the discoveries refused by archeology attest it as well.
If man has already gone through three geological eras, he has been living at least two distinct phases of gigantism, which may well be the cause of all these tales about Giants of the Golden age.
Sometimes you don’t make the proper analysis of an event for you get stuck to the only point of view that seems evident.
Do not confuse ally and spiritual protector. These two notions are opposite.
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