Elohim is the plural of the Hebrew word Eloah, or Elijah, which is one of the names of God. That’s what’s wrong. Why the plural for a single god? And also, why this strange plural in the Hebrew language, plural exception that resembles a barbarism?

No doubt the writers of Genesis had excellent reasons to use this plural … very strange indeed! Sometimes translated as powerful or strong, the word Elohim literally means those who come from the sky. In Hebrew, the word Elohim appears in fact as a plural of both male and female, which is a notable exception. It must be concluded that these gods creators had with them their goddesses, to which they were faithful or not, as we watch Zeus in Greek mythology. Between Elohim and the Olympians, the resemblance is great. A little further language, history to go with curious things. What is el? This Semitic word refers to the name of a deity, especially as a suffix or prefix, as Isra-el, Beth-el, Dani-el, El-Ijah. El and its plural, Elohim, are the Hebrew words translated “God” in the Bible.

Hebrew word Elohim comes from Ellu, meaning “the shining ones”. “The Shining” is an ambiguous term used for both the Nephilim and their firstborn. “The Shining” are often depicted with horns on his head. It was a symbol of wisdom, but also of domination. That’s why shamans, priests and kings have adopted the convention of wearing horns, especially in the form of the crown” (source)Barbara G. Walker 

Now it’s time for you to gulp. This suffix / prefix el, all linguists take for Semitic, is also characteristic of another language, although forgotten because it is an oral language. Those who know me have recognized the Breton, who was the first language of Goslings. In Breton, many proper names ending in el as Gael, Armel, Joel, Poërmel, Jacmel, Frehel, Plougastel, triskel … Apart from these suffixes, the Breton preposition el means in, inside of. Take the word Gael, which mean friend. Ga or ha is hello in Vannes. Gaël literally means “in hello”, the one who said hello, ie the friend. In the logic of Breton, EL-OHIM would translate those from inside. Those who live in the big mother ship hovering above the earth: the Hyperboreans.

Now we can return to the biblical account. These Elohim, who are they? The tradition brought them down from the sky in flying trolleys that once fascinated Erich von Daniken. Flying or not, the Elohim are several. In Hebrew this word elohim is literally a plural both feminine and masculine, which constitues a remarkable exception. In the Kabala and esoteric tradition, the seven Elohim are accompanied by their shakti or consort: their wife in good English. We should say therefore the fourteen Elohim, but no, we say the seven. It seems than feminism is not an Elohim tradition. This is especially unfair as the Elohim women gave a feminine form to the plural of their name. Are we really sure of the relevance of this interpretation?

We can not exclude the androginy of the “former gods” who have made us.  The myth of Pandora, the Greek equivalent of Eve, clearly shows -as the biblical Genesis does- that woman appeared after man. Sexual reproduction came later. Believing without believing! It turns out that these data have been altered for political reasons, when men finally managed to get rid of the yoke of women, and overthrow the original matriarchy. For in truth, this is not the man who came first, it is the woman. But this is another story …



According to the kabbalistic scenario, the Seven Mighty Elohim are the Builders of the Form. Five of them, the cosmic forces, govern the five elements. Indeed, to the four known elements, water, earth, fire and air, we have to add a fifth one, the quintessence or aether. These five Elohim live in the white lightThe third circle, or Gwenwed, the white light for the ancient Celts where they command the five elementals: gnomes, salamanders, sprites, elves and mermaids. 

Wait? Is it still the cabala talking, or is it an old Breton storyteller by the fire? Elves, goblins, leprechauns, morrigans and korrigans, this is Brittany, this is the Celtic Land! Little People are an integral part of Celtic culture, to the point that many authors confuse both. Do not they say that the Tuatha of ancient Ireland were in truth the Elves? And white light !! White light is a more than familiar concept for the Britons. In the Old Religion of the ancient Celts, there are three circles – or three worlds – which are accessible to humans. The upper world, or Third Circle, is called Gwenwed, White Light. These two white lights are but one, this is artificial light that reigned on the mother ship Hyperborea, whose circular shape justifies the appellation circle. All the worlds are circles, and for our ancestors, Hyperborea aka Nibiru was a wandering planet.

The countless descriptions of Paradise, of Eden, of Heaven where the gods live, were all inspired by this first reality – appalling, unimaginable, surreal realit frustrated for our naive ancestors: a supermen’s planet bubble was floating in the sky above their heads and these supermen were allmighty. The last two Elohim are Yahveh, our direct contact on the planet Earth, and another one that could be his alter ego, Lucifer, the light carrier. Thus, the rivalry between the two Elohim in charge of this planet, ie Yahveh and Lucifer, would be a Hebrew resumption of the rivalry between Osiris and his brother Seth, among the Egyptians, or between Enki and his brother Enlil, among the Babylonians, two peoples who would have imprisoned the Hebrews. 



The names may change, the story remains the same. Anyway, there are seven Elohim in seven heavens, ie in seven motherships. I counted four already, from planetary legends: Atlantis, Mu, Punt aka Lemuria and Hyperborea. Where are the other three? Far from us, I hope. As far as the Moon


Xavier Séguin

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