Infinite are the powers of Mind. Mind is not mental, this primal degree of conscience. Mind/mental recently became so intrusive that we forget mind/spirit. To tackle these questions, an open mind is needed. But to understand, it is necessary to exceed this mind, so open it can be.


Is the brain mental?

The basic mind, or better to say the mind, seems to make thoughts without interruption, like an assembly line makes cars. Philosophers and scholars of the past believed in this. For them, the brain was the seat of the mind, period. A materialist will go so far as to say: «The brain secretes thought like the liver secretes bile» (source)Pierre-Jean-Georges Cabanis, 1802. It was two centuries ago. This guy was called Canabis, oops! Cabanis, damn dyslexia! And he should have smoked a stick before he uttered such nonsense.

Look at this brave old Descartes: it was four centuries ago and he did not hesitate! Happily smoking Indian hemp in Amsterdam, did he write Three men in a boat? Not at all! He based the least sensual and most rigid thought of all philosophy — Kant except. But without Descartes, would there have been a Kant? I doubt so. Just a quantum amount to decant under the tocanteold clock of Kant.

Since Pierre-Jean-Georges Cabanis, our knowledge of the brain has progressed a little (very little). No longer would any researcher dare argue that the brain secretes thought. But this organ and its relationship with thought, memory or creativity remain a deep mystery. Although very few have the courage to assume that the brain is not the seat of thought. So I would have in their place this courage — or this madness. Far from being the origin of thought, the brain is only the relay. This complex organ manages many functions of our wonderful physical machine. But it does not decide. 


A Brain That Does Not Think

“This is not the brain that thinks. It constantly refers to a higher sphere. It generates a constant stream of thoughts, ideas and images that cross the aura. The cerebral cortex is a parabolic antenna whose role is to capture these cosmic emanations which are reflected in our aura.” (source)Lao Surlam on facebook

That’s exactly right. Apart from a detail that escaped my dear Lao. The emanations he speaks of are not always cosmic. The aura also reflects very terrestrial influences, and even infra-terrestrial. As for the minimal role that the brain plays in the thought process, Master Surlam’s analysis is mine.

The human brain does not create the thoughts, it captures them. It assembles and modifies what is given. This complex organ manages a lot of functions of our marvellous physical machine. As any computer, it runs a program which it didn’t made. 

As for thought, the brain is just the witness and the translator. The cerebrum, finally, makes nothing else than picking up thoughts, modeling, transforming them into words and into syntax according to the model of one acquired and memorized language, and finally to express them with the aid of talking, of writing, or of any other way. The making of thoughts takes place elsewhere. In our external brightness, the aura. Or elsewhere



Brain programs

The brain is nothing but a computer, certainly more advanced than our best products, but it will not last. We are already able to exceed its strict IT performance. But if the brain is just a computer, as complex as it is, it needs programs to function. The question is, where do they come from?

Who made the multiple programs that turn our brain? We all depend very largely on these programs, identical regardless of the person, his state, his origin, his IQ, etc. Even the deep moron, the poor patient who had to undergo a pre-frontal lobotomy keeps track of these programs, damaged perhaps, but still working, otherwise the person would have died.

The answer we give when we ignore this kind of thing is always the same, which we say as an evidence: But it is nature, of course!


Mother nature

Of course, how stupid I can be! Nature! Si creative, so divine, so perfect nature! Scientists themselves resort to it without the slightest scruple as soon as the question no longer concerns only how? but tackles the thorny riddle of why?

How gifted this nature is! How brilliant it is! Without it, one wonders what would have become of us? That is not nature’s fault. The wonderful spectacle it offers is the result of human labour. Our ancestors slaves of the former gods completed the terraforming by planting flowers directly from the genetic banks of our divine educators. I recently showed that if we owe them a lot of good things, they also inflicted us a lot of less pleasant bugs.

If someone has been able to design the programs that govern the functioning of our brains, it can only be one of them. When they arrived on Terra, the planet was wild. The indescribable chaos that reigned in the early days clearly expressed the work of Mother Nature as soon as it ceased to be directed. A work that is more of a slow or violent destruction than a painting of the Quattrocento.



Power of the Spirit

The Spirit is not reduced to the mind alone, which is only its pale copy, well degenerated, well amputated from the supra consciousness and other rejoicing powers to adapt to the laws of physics and electronics. The Spirit does not bend to the laws: when they hinder HIM, HE changes them. Easy, HE does them. But most of us are only mental. The Spirit is out of their reach. In this respect, they hardly differ from the Archons, also deprived of supraconsciousness, who are also subject to the death of the body for lack of an immortal soul.

The universal Spirit is uncreated, omnipresent, timeless, eternal. It is incarnated in all things. It makes rain and good weather, it controls the growth of plants and the growth of all living. In the mental sphere, the modulations of the Spirit translate into thoughts. Everything goes so fast, we are already there. The speed of thought drives very far beyond that of light. Thought moves instantaneously. In the world of the Spirit, time and space are abolished.


The assembly point

Coming from everywhere, in real time, our thoughts are displayed in our brightness or aura, which is a microcosm of the universe.  Everything that exists outside also exists in our brightness. Here and now is a bright spot in our aura, which Castaneda calls the assembly point.

Under the overwhelming responsibility of René Descartes, Here and Now, for today’s humanity, is a dull and grey place that rests on logic, hyper-rationalism and a materialistic vision of the world and of life. We can change the position of our assembly point. We all do it every night while we sleep.

Sorcerers do it consciously, at will. More precisely, it is their bodies that do it. Some artists and poets do the same. Thus sorcerers reach different worlds, or different positions in the same world, for example animal or ghostly manifestations.


Almighty Reason

But for contemporary man, all that is thought comes from the brain. Out of reason, no salvation, such is the current Bible. Without reason, we would only be poor fools, one laughs while forgetting the great awakened, the prophets and other giants of spirituality who have an empty head, but a void, resolutely and definitively empty.

And who are not crazy, far from it! So? What do philosophers say? Descartes had well noticed that our reason is not quite alone in directing us.

“Descartes separates the body and the mind (that he identifies with soul) in a dualism: the body is a sprawling substance and releases from the mechanics (thus the Descartes’ theory of the animals-machines), while soul is a thinking substance. As debit, mind is mind; as assets, it is will. Unit of two remains a prickly problem, and Descartes sees in the pineal body the place of communication between two.” (source)Wikipedia

But it was not until Nietzsche that a philosopher finally understood that to know the nonsense of world and life, one must not think it, but live it. And that the best instrument for it is certainly not reason, but madness. He preaches a convert. Not as great, but as crazy as he is.



Mechanical Organ

We see that Descartes assimilates soul and thought. The body, according to him, is mechanical. The brain, as an organ of the body, is therefore also mechanical. How could a mechanical organ produce thought, which is in the domain of the soul? Animals are machines, according to him, because they do not think. “Man is a thinking reed“, Pascal will echo.


Descartes saw two of the principles that guide us: thought and will. But he did not see the third, from the precedents: the Love that comes from the Heart. So he gropes between thought and will, he can not articulate them too much together.

As a good rationalist, Descartes insists on making the brain the seat of the will. That’s true, but what will are we talking about?   The will of the brain is only our conscious will, which has almost no power, except to allow us to stop smoking… and still must resort to external help!

The conscious will is of the same nature as thought. But it is more a desire than a will. Our etheric body uses an infinitely more powerful will. And few are conscious of it. And no one speaks of it. The will that comes from the belly. The intention of Castaneda. In addition to this article, be sure to read the second part: Will and Intention.


Spirit seeks Matter in view of marriage

The mysterious link between Spirit and matter deserves a long debate. When I was studying philosophy, Descartes made me laugh out loud with his nut theory of animal machines. To me it was just bad science fiction. I do not know if the illustrious philosopher would feel flattered to see his thought described as bad science fiction. That’s the bad word. Science fiction is fine, as long as it’s good.

And then, coming back after all these years, I tell myself that the devil of man may have seen right. That the smoke of hemp in the sweet heat of his stove may have brought him the truth. That of Gnosis. Again? You will say. Because I have just opened a new chapter, full of abundant possibilities, here I reinterpret everything according to this discovery! Incurable I am, for my happiness. Controlled madness is for me the only way to live. The only life worthy of this beautiful name.

For Gnostic truth sheds new light on this impossible marriage: how can the immaterial Spirit marry a material body?



Machine Animal

The animal-machine is a metaphysical thesis according to which the behavior of animals is similar to the mechanisms of machines. Like machines, animals would be assemblies of parts and cogs, devoid of consciousness or thought.

This mechanistic conception to understand the living body was born with René Descartes in the 17th century, and is integrated into a mechanistic vision of reality. Descartes nevertheless recognizes differences between machine and animal: the animal is alive and it has feelings. Its ethical and religious implications make it a controversial theory.

From its publication, it was fought by thinkers like Pierre Gassendi and later by empiricists like Étienne Bonnot de Condillac in his Treatise on Animals. However, it is largely influential in other currents. In the 18th century, La Mettrie proposed a radicalised version, L’Homme Machine, in which man himself became a mechanism. Today looks like a robot.


Gnostic Truth

In the conception of the Gnostics of the early centuries of our era, we had two creators of very diverse nature and origin — some would say opposite. The Archons created our body. Their name means Authorities. This planet has been theirs for a very long time. I come to think that they were the ones who set it up for us. The Archons are reptilians from the dinosaur kingdom, which dominated this planet for millions of years.

On this point, we are dwarves. And these dwarves are riding on the shoulders of these giants, 20-meter-high dinos, even bigger dragons, and flying, and spitting fire, and roasting us to devour us. Reptilian Archons are properly animal-machines. They belong only to the material kingdom. The Spirit is beyond their reach. On this point, we crush them thanks to our supra-consciousness.

But where does it come from, since they don’t? Here comes our second creator: a creator. The great goddess, our mother, leaned over our cradle. And this fairy found us so successful, so cute, so well made (thank you Archons!) that she gave us an immortal soul (thank you the great goddess!)

This does not solve the how, but provides a why. How can our Spirit marry with the matter of the body? I have a little idea that I will tell you soon. Why do we have a perishable body of matter when we are immortal spirits? The answer is given by Gnosis. We had two creators: animal machines made us a mechanical body. A goddess blessed this body by associating it with a Spirit. (thank you Gnosis!)



Xavier Séguin

Published by
Xavier Séguin

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