Acting Magic
I’m not doing anything. I’m waiting for it to happen. And it happens every time.
I’m not doing anything. I’m waiting for it to happen. And it happens every time.
Once and for all I do not heal. Do not write to me for that!
How to be healed and heal others by way of waves
The Angel has great power, which is only natural for her
Weed found in Chinese shaman’s tomb dating 2,700 years
Ormus or m-state seems to be a new state of matter and could cure many energetic diseases
Effective cures at a great distance by the way of the waves, it works.
What you need to know to avoid wasting your subtle energy on avoidable traps.
Telekinesy, ubiquity, teleportation, healing, telepathy, levitation, 3rd eye, 3rd ear, all are yours.