Prometheus, Zeus, Herakles
Hold-ups, frauds and betrayals: this is how Prometheus created man.
Hold-ups, frauds and betrayals: this is how Prometheus created man.
We believe we are the first ones on Earth, but we forgot our past, like our descendants will forget us
Before they succeeded to shape human species, our fathers geneticists have made many tests and a lot of mistakes.
I will create an Adam who serve the gods, Marduk decided. And Enki created Man.
Humans have a special connection with animals, why? How did domestication started?
Just a little longer, you won’t see me any more. A lovely word attributed to Jesus.
Some imagine that the ancestor of man could be the pig … rewarding idea.
According to Genetics, there are only seven different type of women
Our father Prometheus kneaded the first man in clay. Like Elohim did in the Bible.